
Animeverse Slayer!

A new life. A new world. A destined path. Someone once asked, what's a demon? Leo replied, "They are the incarnation of evil." Then what about Humans, Pirates, Hollows, Ninjas...? Are they demons as well? Through his life Leo found his answer. In every world there will always be evil. I won't look away when evil reigns supreme in front me. Why? Because, I AM A DEMON SLAYER!

DreAm_b0At · Others
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357 Chs

290. Invasion

Soul Society.

Under the cover of night several figures appeared inside the Seritei. All of them had their spiritual energy converged.

"Ha! This place still reeks of hypocrisy."

A thin man with a scar on his face snickered.

"Rikou, I don't want you making trouble. If your arrogance cause a shift in our operation, I'll kill you."

Another man with a strong body spoke coldly.

The man named Rikou stared at the strong man with a cold look in his eyes, "Meiji, don't be so high up in the clouds. We'll see who'll kill who."

Both of them glared at each other.

Suddenly a woman wearing a kimono stepped between the two of them, "Enough. You guys can kill each all you want when we get back. Right now focus on the mission."


Rikou humphed and looked away. Meiji also took back his gaze. He looked at the woman and asked.

"When do we attack?"

The woman didn't reply. She just waited silently for a second.


Suddenly all three of them heard rumbling sound from the distance. Several buildings were destroyed and caught on fire.

"Let's go."

The woman said.


The three of them flashed and disappeared.


At the highest building inside the Seritei.

Yamamoto looked at the chaos down below with a calm look on his face.


He sensed something and turned around. The air distorted behind him. It opened up a portal. From it an old man walked out.

Yamamoto's eyes flickered for a second when he saw the old man.

"It's been a while, Yama."

Yamamoto looked at the old man for a second and said, "Yoshi, you shouldn't have come back."

The old man named Yoshi grinned, "Ever so confident, Yama."

Without saying a word the old man drew out his zanpakuto.

"Bankai, Thousand Snow Fall."

Spiritual energy blasted out. The room they were in was destroyed in an instant.

Yamamoto rose to the sky and looked down coldly. The air started to chill as snow flakes started to fall down from the sky.

In an instant a large part of the Seritei was covered in snow that chilled one to the bones.

Yamamoto raised his wooden cane.

The next moment the cane broke apart, revealing an old zanpakuto.

"Everything in the world turn to ashes, Ryujjin Jakka."

Flame pillars rose from the ground as his words echoed through the air.

The cold air clashed with the flaming pillars. The shockwaves spread out creating chaos.

"So arrogant, Yama. To not even release your Bankai."

Yoshi spoke coldly.

Yamamoto faintly looked at the old man and said, "It's enough."

The old man named Yoshi grounded his teeth. The temperature surrounding them started to get low. Even the flaming pillars were affected.

"You'll soon regret not releasing your Bankai."


Different parts of the Seritei was filled explosions.

Byakuya was confronting a man wielding a zanpakuto similar to his own.

Cherry petals clashed with rose petals.

Byakuya gestured with his fingers. The cherry petals swarmed towards the man who controlled the sea of rose petals.

"Haha, the current patriarch of Kuchiki clan only amounts to this much?"

The man laughed lightly. He crossed his fingers.

The sea of rose petals flooded towards the cherry petals. In an instant the speed of the rose petals rose to another level.


Before Byakuya could react the rose tide pierced through his own cherry tide. He crossed his arms hastily.

A wall of cherry petals blocked the rose tide.


Byakuya was thrown through the air while coughing out blood. There was several wounds on his body.

The cherry tide swarmed and caught Byakuya.

Standing on his feet Byakuya looked coldly at the man surrounded by rose petals.


At another part was Toshiro Hitsugaya who was confronting a woman wielding twin daggers.

Toshiro had already used his Bankai. He had a pair of ice wings on his back. The hand holding his zanpakuto was covered in ice shaped like a dragon.

The woman was beautiful. She smiled charmingly at Toshiro and disappeared.


Toshiro immediately created a wall of ice surrounding him.


A black dagger slashed at the ice. In an instant another slash fell on the ice.

The ice wall cracked. A second later it burst out and Toshiro's figure became visible.


An invisible slash fell on Toshiro. He reacted quickly and raised his sword.

The slash fell on him and pushed him back.

A moment later another slash appeared behind him.

Toshiro quickly reacted and raised a wall of ice to block it.

The slash tore through the ice wall. However that slight delay gave Toshiro time to retreat.

He raised his sword and slammed it to the ground. Ice spread out from his sword and created a massive land of ice.

Icy mist rose from the ground. It quickly lowered the temperature around them.

Toshiro focused.


He sensed something and slashed his sword behind him. A powerful force struck his sword and made him take a step back.

"Oh? You reacted quite quickly. Is it because of this ice mist?"

A charming voice came from his surroundings. Toshiro couldn't pinpoint the origin of that voice.

"But it's useless."

Just as he thought he could finally take on the offensive, he felt pain on his lower abdomen. He looked down and found a trace of blood there.

How could she reach me?

"Hehe, little boy when I was bathing in my enemy's blood, you weren't even born. Do you think it's easy to block me?"

Toshiro gritted his teeth and clenched his sword.


A hidden location somewhere inside the Soul Society.

A glossy bead levitated in mid air. Several spiritual lights flashed around the bead.

At that moment a person appeared beside the glossy bead. When the man appeared, the spiritual lights surrounding the glossy bead pulsed.

The man reached out his hand. The spiritual lights surrounding the bead fluctuated before breaking down into countless specks of light.

After breaking through the seals the man finally held the glossy bead in his hand.

He smiled as he looked at the glossy bead. A bit of spiritual light coming from the bead reflected the man's face.

Sosuke Aizen!

To chap 320 is on www.patr...eon.com/sonuameer. Please support me by donating 1$. Cheers and enjoy.

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