
Animeverse Prime

After his death, our Mc drifts into the void for an unknown amount of times and finally when he gets out of the void he finds himself in a library full of books in rows with no ends. After strolling around he discovers a man in glasses taking notes very attractively but after waiting for a long time he finally couldn't wait because the man is not taking notice of him. So with his own initiative, he calls... “Excuse me??? ” Mc “…”Glasses [Silent ] “Excuse me??? ” Mc “…” Glasses[Silent ] “Excuse me??? ” Mc “… ” Glasses [Silent ] After calling in a low voice for twice our Mc thought the man might also have a problem with his ears with his eyes so he shouted “EXCUSE ME~~~??? ” After hearing this shout the glasses man almost broke his pen and angrily looks at our Mc “I heard you the first time you called, so no need to shout. ” “…. ” Mc [Silent ]

Shaikh_Tohaa · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Urahara's Suggestions...

Karakura Town…

Central Park…

It has been 3 days since the time Neo and his family came to this town to enjoy their vacation and currently he came to the park to play with the kids of Kurosaki family.

"Big brother Neo you are so strong even after carrying me on your back for so long you aren't complaining like Ichigo. " Yuzu said with a smile looking at Ichigo who is complaining while carrying Karin on his back.

"Karin why don't you get down from Ichigo's back now, we have already arrived in the park. " Neo with a smile looking at the shot black-haired girl who is dressed like a boy on Ichigo's back.

"Yes, Karin he is right. " Ichigo, who is already tired after bringing his sister on his back for so long way agreed with a nod.

"Don't want to look Yuzu is not getting down as well. " Karin said with a pout while pointing at Yuzu who is on Neo's back.

"Yuzu-chan can you please get down from my back? " Hearing Karin's complaining Neo asked while shaking his head as he understands if he wants to help Ichigo this is the only way for him.

Looking at his smiling face Yuzu didn't know how she should refuse and agreed with a nod "Ok I will get down, after all, we are already in the park. "

Lowering his back enough to let Yuzu down from his back Neo said with a smile "Good, I knew little Yuzu is a good girl and she will listen to big brother Neo. "

"Not fare… "


Urahara Shop…

Inside the shops Guest room, everyone's familiar shopkeeper Kisuke Urahara is drinking a glass of green tea with a bright smile on his face while looking at his Purple-haired female friend with a teasing smile.

"Why are you smiling at me like that you idiot? " Yoruichi who has changed back to her human form after such a long time asked angrily looking at her childhood friend with an annoyed face and almost punched him on the face.

"Wow~ easy there I didn't do anything for you to get this excited. " Kisuke said with a wry smile while avoiding the strong punch as he raised his hands in surrender.

"Then why are you smiling? " Yoruichi didn't take his truthful as an excuse and quickly using a flash step she punched started giving him a quick beating ruthlessly.

While Yoruichi is beating Kisuke the Nohara family together with Kurosaki family continued drinking tea without interrupting them.

Masaki who was watching from the side all along couldn't suppress her worry and asked looking at Misty by her side "Is it fine letting her beat Mr. Urahara like that? "

"Don't worry dear he is very used to this. " Isshin who heard his wife's worried tone explained with a serious face.

"Then it's fine. " Misaki said with a serious determined face as if she will not interpret Yoruichi no matter what happens.

"Don't you think she should stop already? " When Misty said Kisuke losing his hat she also felt pity for him and asked looking at Hiroshi by her side.

"Nah~ it's fine he had gone through even awful situations than this. "Hiroshi replied with a carefree attitude as if this is very normal.

"Really? " Misty asked in a not believing tone.

"Yes, you can rest assured of that face. " Hiroshi said with a positive smile.

"Then I should definitely take a look at how long he can take the beating from Yoruichi. " Misty said with a smile looking at Yoruichi.

"Damn you all you guys are so heartless… " Kisuke shouted from hearing their conversation.

"Shut up Kisuke. " Yoruichi said while punching Kisuke on his head.

"Alright, that is enough. " Misty said with a helpless face looking at them fighting like kids and reminded with a serious face "We need to return back quickly the kids are playing alone, remember? "

"You are lucky as I have to return back to Neo-Kun and protect him, so I will let you off go without suffering more. " Yoruichi said with a designated face but thunking of Neo she decided to let Kisuke with the beating that he received till now as a warning.

"Neo-kun huh~ " while fixing his clothes and wearing a new hat from nowhere Kisuke said in a teasing tone acting like the earlier beating didn't happen at all.

"Do you want to have a second round? " Hearing Kisuke's teasing tone while asking about Neo she reacted as if Kisuke had stepped on her tail and with a fierce face she asked him.

 "I was wrong, I was wrong. Please, someone, stop her before she starts beating me again. " Although he didn't feel fear but acted as if he got scared but still inside he thought 'How the hell did she beat me in a state that even though there is no visible defect with my Gigai but my soul got hurt??? I need to research on that after they leave my shop… '

"Alright don't start for a second time. We need to discuss some important issues. " Hiroshi this time interjected them as he is also worried about his son.

"Masaki-san if you would please start explaining? " Misty asked her with a serious face as she was the only one among them who was present and got saved by Neo.

"Yes, I will then start from the beginning then. " Masaki said with a nod and started explaining "It was the day when Hiroshi-San and Misty-San came in the town with their son Neo-chan the incident of the Hollow occurred. 

That day it was raining when we returned home from the station and Ichigo was also at school. So I wanted to receive him when Neo-chan also asked to join us and as no one had any problem we went out of the house together… "

After Masaki finished her story Kisuke asked with a confused face "So what you are saying he arrived in front of you with a very fast speed then he slapped the Hollow and it exploded like a balloon? "

"Yes, and he even asked me if it was some kind of balloon animal? " Masaki replied with a sincere and serious face indicating it was a true incident.

"If what you said is true that would mean he might be even stronger than we can imagen and if that is the case then… " After coming to this point he looked at Hiroshi and Misty as if he wanted then to make a decision.

"Then? " Misty asked with a confused face.

"What? " Hiroshi asked with a serious face.

"Then you need to make a decision if you want him to know about the supernatural world or not? " 


Back in the Park…

After arriving in the park Neo found the park is filled with a lot of people and just continued to observe the people on the park who is occupied with their own life when he heard  Yuzu and Karin are proposing that they want to play with the sand and create a castle so they decided to go to the small sand desert.

When they arrived near the small desert they saw two girls already playing there one with orange hair while the other with black hair.

When the girls discovered them the black-haired girl shouted with an excited face  "What are you doing here Kurosaki? "

"You know them Ichigo?  " hearing the black hair girl shouting at Ichigo as if she has met her enemy and itching to start fighting any time Neo asked with a confused face.

Do you think the Hiro and Misty will agree with Kisuke's suggestions or

Shaikh_Tohaacreators' thoughts