

let me all give you a quick summary what's this book about? well it's anime fanfics that i found on the internet that i really enjoy. none of these are my creation i just put it here to use the webnovel text to speech feature as i like to listen to stories while doing school work or etc. i'm only writing this summary for the people who found this book by accident and say "OHH! have you have no SHAME!! stealing others people's hard work you despicable SHIT!!" well maybe i'm over exaggerating it but still tho that could happen i'm also writing this to just clear the misunderstanding that may come in the future who know's. So yeah that's pretty much it.

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A Mob's way out of polygamy 9.5 omakes

Chapter: 9.5 omakes

In the Hikari estate, two years before Amelia's arrival in the capital:

Amelia POV:

It has been some days since Claire and I have been kidnapped. While I was left to die by Claire Kagenou herself, a mysterious person named Shadow showed me the way outside and the direction to my family estate. Even though we were technically hurt by Grease down in that disgusting cell, Claire healed herself while my parents got me a doctor straight from the capital just for him to put some bandages on me.

That really was a waste of money when I thought about it. But whatever, Claire resumed her journey to the capital to study there as a Dark Knight. Normally, it would mean that my only rival around is gone for two years before Cid and I also study at the Midgar Academy for Dark Knights.

This thought alone would have brought me joy beyond end as that would be the perfect chance to flirt with Cid during these three years. But the keyword of my last thought is "would". 

After my kidnapping I realized something crucial. I'm still far too weak to handle myself and Cid on one boat. Even though magical energy exists which has the potential to put a child on the same level as an adult, I neglected my training with the sword and magic. 

I thought that my current level was enough and if it wasn't then I also could try to charm the person I lost to. Though, my thoughts were proven to be wrong just a few days ago when I was helpless against Grease. I know that he had a massive advantage over me because I was chained with magical restraints but that didn't stop the girl next to me during that time.

Claire didn't waste a single second to attack Grease by ripping off her own flesh. On the other hand, I could only sneakily attack him without doing too much damage. 

Basically, I want to get stronger. My worldview was clouded by the people in my environment. My father and brother always let me win if we sparred when I was young but are losing lately even if they're going serious. Of course, they don't go for the killing blow but there are still way too many holes in their stances.

My mother is the only one I still can't beat and I don't see myself defeating her any time soon. She's even toying with me during our spar and still wins. She's truly a monster. 

Claire was my other spar partner. She originally should have been Adam's training partner but she scared him off with just one spar so I took his place instead. If I had to describe Claire with one word, it would be "Talentful". Claire Kagenou has so much talent that it's no wonder why everyone around her holds her in high regard.

She will bring the Kagenou's a lot of fame as she has the potential to win the Bushin Festival, based on the fighters I have seen in the capital before. Claire is the second person I still haven't beat as she's always a step ahead of me. Whether it be strategy, magical power, raw power, speed, battle knowledge and so on. 

Still, it's fun clashing swords with Claire as she doesn't play with me like my mother or just gets defeated by me in two strokes like my father and Adam. 

And there's also Cid. He's the number one sparring partner in terms of losing matches against me and also the most sparring in my life. I have sparred enough times with Cid to actually know that he's the most average Dark Knight in production the world has ever seen.

At least, that's what I would have thought if I didn't take an interest in Cid the last few years. Some months before, I decided that I would observe Cid during our spar. I didn't actually look at his form and technique like I always did but rather instead focused on his eyes.

I enhanced my eyes with magic so that it would be easier for me to spot anything suspicous and I was actually found what I was looking for. Enhancing my eyes with magic lets me percieve the world around me slower than the normal person. So because of that, it let me see that Cid was looking incrediblely bored before making contact with his sword against mine.

What I want to say is that Cid has enormous potential which I think even suprasses my talent. But of course, he's overshadowed by Claire so he never had the chance to demonstrate his power to others. Also, Cid is really lazy so that's also a factor.

It'll only be a matter of time before Cid overtakes me in the race of swordsmanship which could be fatal for our family pride but it's no problem for me at all. I mean, if my husband and I'm strong, there's nothing to worry about?

All of that in mind, I'm currently eating with my family at the dinner table which is the size of Cid's entrance hall if I remember correctly. My father was sitting at the short side of the table with my mother to his right. Adam and I were on his left side eating our meals in silence. 

I was looking for the perfect timing to speak up before I felt two arms wrapping around me.

"Ohh, Amelia! Do you know how worried I was about you when you were gone?"

My brother was hugging me while crying on my shoulder. He himself went missing just a few days ago trying to find me without a clue where I could have been. When asked why he would do such a  dangerous move, he would say:

"I don't need a lead. My instinct always leads me to my sister!"

We found him in the woods, passed out from lack of food and water in another barony. Because of that, he delayed his departure to the capital for some days. He could have let himself get healed like me but wanted to spend some time with me before not seeing me for two years.

Sometimes, Adam is very intense about his love for me. Even my parents are looking concerned about his state sometimes when I say that I'm going to the Kagenou Barony.

"Yes, yes. Everyone was worried but I'm fine. Nothing bad happened to me."

I try to free myself from his grasp to continue eating but he refuses to let go of me. Rather, his hug only tightens and hurts my sides a little. 

"I swear on my name as an Hikari that I won't ever let you get out of my sight! Anyone who tries to approach you needs to get through me first-"



"How many times do I have to say this, Adam? Don't disturb the people while they're eating, especially when you're eating in our household."

Fortunately, my mother came in and seperated us. While my our father is the legitimate lord, my mother still has the duchess status in her. She was also disciplined to be the very best and then scored high with my father. If she wanted to, she wouldn't need to marry anyone and could have just established her own territory somewhere in the Kingdom.

Wait a minute...That's it!

"Mother, Father, I have something to say."

Both of my parents look at me. My father stops his eating while my mother stops her lecturing with my brother and turns to me. I stand up with my hand on my chest and proudly declare.

"My kidnapping has showed that I'm still too weak. I would only bring shame on the Hikari name if I continue to be like this."

"That's not true! You'll always be the most treasured person in our family!"

My brother was the first one to raise his voice to say something against my opinion. While I appreciate the sentiment, my speech is more directed at our parents.

"That's why, I decided to concentrate myself more on my education and my training for the next two years until I attend the Midgar Academy. That also includes my visits at the Kagenou's."

"That's wonderful! I agree, you should be at a higher level to defend yourself from any kidnappers and bad people coming your way."

A shining response from my mother next to me.

"I also agree. Once you depart to the capital, we'll have no direct way to protect you from any danger."

A calm and calculated response from my father to my right.

Mother and father agree with the idea I had in mind. That's good as the next idea will be something that could be very controversial if I brought it in a wrong way. 

"That's a relief to hear. But I have a proposal."

Everyone looks at me with a curious expression. 

"When I complete my training, I want to choose my own partner in marriage."

The eyes of Adam and my father widened like saucers and they dropped their jaws so much that I'm confident that I could put huge rock in there. Meanwhile, my mother is silently giggling to herself while covering her face by turning away from me.

"What? Why would you say that? Don't you want to be engaged with a powerful man? I already have some prospects and connections! Dear! Stop laughing and help me with this!"

My father was the one who snapped out of his trance first and asked me that question. He also looked for help in my mother but she was too busy trying to calm herself down. 

"No, not really. Doesn't it make sense if I'm qualified enough to be able to choose my partner? If they don't really drag me down, is it really a problem of who I marry?"

Hearing that, my mother couldn't hold herself back and fully exploded in laughter. Adam who was frozen like a statue fell over to the ground as my mother was the only support he had. Literally and figuratively.

Finally, my mother decided to speak up.

"You know, dear, I support you in your decision. I also had the same thought process when I was your age."

My father abruptly stood up and slammed his hands on the table. He was frowning very deeply and looked unamused at the situation.

"How could you say this?! Do you want our daughter to marry someone who brings shame to our family? Who could potentially ruin her life?!"

Suddenly, an aura formed around mother. My father cowered back as he was standing before my mother in this state. Everyone knew, even the royal family and every noble in the kingdom, that my mother isn't someone you should anger at any cost.

"What, would you rather that our daughter marries someone who's 20 years older than her in a loveless marriage? That an old man defiles her while you're looking satisfied with yourself as you got more power through her?"

"B-but, what if the one she chooses is also someone who would defile her? Then our daughter would suffer while we as a family won't gain anything!"

"At least it's something she chooses on her own. It would be meaningless if you betrothe her with someone she doesn't like. And if things go south, we can still interfere before it's too late."

Father desperately attempts to refute my mother with a counterargument but he knows that he'll be loser in this war. My father has never won against my mother in anything. Wether it'd be games, status, fame or arguments. 

My mother was known to be a heartbreaker in her youth, rejecting countless boys and proposals coming her way in the most cold way possible. How my father managed to get engaged to her is something I'll never know.

"Who do you have in mind if you specifically make such a request?"

Adam suddenly spoke after standing on his own again. I didn't even notice him resurrecting because he really looked like someone who you could mistake as dead. But I was hoping that nobody would pose that question as it could complicate the whole process.

Luckily, I already prepared an excuse beforehand.

"Didn't you listen? It doesn't matter who I marry if I'm capable enough to provide for both-"

"Now that you mention it, Adam, that's a very good question. I'm also very interested to hear who will be my son in law."

My father made an alliance with my brother in a heartbeat. There are now two people pressuring me for an answer and my mother can't really help me in this situation as she's also mildly interested. She doesn't say though, to seem like she's still on my side.

But I'm not embarrassed to reveal the person who's on my radar. 

"Cid. Cid Kagenou is the one who I want to marry in the future. That's why I want to train and polish all of my skills."

"Cid? The younger Kagenou sibling of that demon? Are you crazy? Out of all people in the kingdom who would be overjoyed to be the one you chose, you want us to connect with the Kagenou family?! Also, he's a pervert who's after your body and our money!"

He's slightly correct about the money part. But pervert? Really?

I can understand that Adam doesn't want to have Claire as his sister in law because it would mean that he would have to see her on family gathering and stuff. Especially, after she had traumatised him and he'll see her in the capital when they go to the academy.

My parents and Cid's parents have tried to make them a couple but that went horribly wrong with Adam being unconscious and Cid being pulled apart by Claire and me.

"You mean the boy who you brought home one time and his sister who broke your window in your room to bring him back home?"

"Yes, father, the Kagenou's."

"That's good then. They're good people, have a good head on their shoulders and produce first grade Dark Knights for a long time."

"Father?!" Adam couldn't believe that his only supporter betrayed him in such a short time. I was also suprised alongside him as I didn't expect him to agree with Cid being my partner in the future. Just like my brother, father is very overprotective of me so it was weird for him to aprove of Cid specifically.

"Cid Kagenou is a good boy. He wouldn't even think about hurting my daughter. I have tested his resolve of Amelia already when he visited us the first time. We won't have to worry about Amelia if he's in her hands." 

Adam just stared at father like he was a being with multiple eyes and six wings of feathers. Mother was nodding alongside him. I don't even know when he got such a good impression of Cid in the first place but I'll take it.

After all, that just makes my life easier if most of my family members approve of my decision, right? 

Oh yeah, there's also one more thing I have against Adam...

"Now that I think about it, Adam, where's your fiancee? You're the older sibling but you still have no one in mind? And please don't start with the 'Oh, Amelia, I have only you in my mind!' because our family doesn't support incestual relationships. Especially between brother and sister."

I stare blankly at my brother while I ask him that. I know that he has the looks and intellect to charm almost any woman in the kingdom but after Claire traumatised him, he got slightly scared of girls his age. 

I don't blame him. I also wouldn't want to be under Claire's wrath if she's angry.

"I-um- I'm just waiting for the right one to appear! And for the time being, you're the one who's closest to my ideal woman, Amelia!"


Adam seems very proud of himself admitting that infront of everyone in this room. Butlers, maids, father, mother and I look at him with a slight frown on our faces because we can't believe he's serious about this. 

I know that I'm very beautiful and perfect in every way but that isn't reason enough for my own brother to see me as a romantic interest. Though not for my brother, Cid is already due to falling in love with me because of these facts presented right in front of him. 

"*cough**cough* Your sister is right, Adam. It's already time for you to think about your partner in the future. We know you have the qualities but you just don't use them in your own favor. Adam, I know it's hard for you but can't always expect to have your sister by your side."

"Yes, there will be a time where she'll have a husband to build a family with. And just like how we wish for Amelia the best life, you're not an exception."

While our parents give Adam these tearing words that make him go quiet for a bit, I'm more busy thinking about the stuff my mother said at the end. 

Yes, if I marry Cid, I would have to think about our future together. Like for example, our jobs, our house, how many kids we'll have, expenses and so on. Well, I want at least four kids. Or maybe six? Let's just go with 11. I'm sure Cid will have nothing against that plan.

Ehehehehe. Imagining Cid as a husband, coming home from work while I greet him at the entrance with our kids...

An imaginary scenario of Amelia:

"I'm home!"

Cid Kagenou, 25 years old, takes off his hat and shoes at the entrance after his performance of "Moonlight Sonata" in the Oriana Kingdom. He made his debut some years ago after he failed to become a plastic surgeon and was well received by the people around him. 

After seeing this much positive feedback about his perfomances, he told his wife and family his plans and suggested moving over to Oriana.

Amelia Kagenou, his wife for over seven years, immediately approved to it while his children were overjoyed going to the Kingdom of arts. They have always liked the sounds the piano made when their father decided to play on it. 

They were the primary reason why Cid chose to become a pianist.

"Welcome back! Dinner is ready and the kids are already asleep. I also have prepared the bath for you. So now you can decide between eating dinner first, taking a bath first or maybe... taking me?"

While Cid is a pianist, Amelia has stripped herself from her duchess title to follow him to Oriana. Now, she works at a bar, serving customers their drinks and snacks daily. It's not really a booming business but enough to be quite wealthy for Oriana standards.

She would come home every night, eagerly awaiting her husbands return from work so that they can spend some time together.

"Oh, you!"

Amelia Kagenou was being jumped by her husband who couldn't hold himself back after hearing those seducing words of his wife. 

Both of them are very happy and would continue to be happy for a very long time.

Amelia Kagenou.... Ehehehehehe....

A small tear ran down my face as I snapped back to reality. It was just too good of a fantasy that I'm sad that it's not in my very hands right now. But it's not impossible to achive that happiness! I just have to work hard and make some sacrifices along the way.

"Yes, mother. I understand, father. I'll do my best finding someone worthy of the Hikari family. But I have a question."

"Do ask, my son."

Adam has a very serious expression on his face like the time when he attended the Bushin Festival for the first time. Taking a deep breath, he looks up to mother and father and asks:

"If I don't find a suitable partner for me, would the burden fall on Amelia to find a someone worthy?"

This guy....!

Now, it's our parents turn to look suprised by this sudden turn of events. Out of all times, Adam decides to use his brain to say something technically right but completely against me. He's right, if he doesn't find a spouse then I'll be the one who going to inherit the Hikari title. 

That means, someone high ranking or of equal rank like ours has to be my future partner. 

Why did he have to mention it now?!

"Well, yes. That's right, if you don't find someone, then Amelia will be the one who's going to sacrifice herself for you."

Mother deliberately says it like that because she knows how much Adam hates the thought of me holding my head for him in anything. He always talks about how he's the older brother and how he's supposed to take care of me.

"I see."

But Adam doesn't look fazed at all. He turns around and leaves the dinner room with a stoic expression on his face. 

I hope everything will turn out alright.

"I hope everything will turn out alright."

Mother and I share the same thought when we see him going away without saying a word. His usual loud personality was nowhere to be seen and that was my main worry about the whole conclusion of the day.

So, these two years were used like Amelia has said. She trained day and night, only resting when it was really necessary. Everyone around her was concerned about her health during her training arc as they believed that continuing like this would rather harm her more than improve anything.

But even then, Amelia didn't stop. She fully devoted herself to her studies and her swordtraining while receiving a class about the act of a noble lady. Balancing all of that wasn't easy at first but Amelia wouldn't ever forgive herself if she can't overcome this hurdle this early in her life. 

Days passed, weeks passed, months passed until she reached the level where she was confident that she will be able to defeat Claire in any type of matchup. 

One additional goal was beating Claire in anything as that would give her the recognition of the overprotective sister to protect her brother in the future. Of course, Amelia hasn't asked the person in question if they even agree to it but was sure that such logic would apply on a person like Claire. 

Now that she thinks about it, Cid hasn't visited her in a while now. Hell, he hasn't shown his face since that time when she was kidnapped alongside Claire. Amelia knows that she had told Cid about her plans about training before but would have expected him to show his face at least once.

The only thing she got was a card from his family on her birthday. His signature was on it, meaning that he knew that her birthday was on that day but didn't bother to visit.

"Grrr! That Cid, when I get my hands on him....!"

Because of that, Amelia's resolve to be better than anyone was freshened anew. It would only be a matter of time before Cid will realize what kind of bombshell he has before his eyes and she'll be the one who will make it click in his brain. 


Two years later, at the Hikari estate:

Amelia POV:

The time has finally arrived. My time to depart to the capital so that I can attend Midgar Academy for Dark Knights. It was the perfect time as I finished my training just yesterday. I was able to pummel my mother one time. 

If you heard that without context, it wouldn't mean much but my mother is a beast of a person. I'm pretty sure there aren't a lot of people who hold a candle to her. Yes, I say that even though I have watched Princess Iris win the Bushin Festival and I still believe my mother to be superior.

But who knows? Princess Iris definetely has improved over these past few years because I don't really see her as someone who would be content with staying on power level. 

I'm currently standing before the carriage which leads me to the station with newly invented trains. 

"Oh, Amelia! Please don't leave! How about you just stay here and we can find you-"



"Don't pressure our daughter too much! She's finally matured enough to make her own decisions. Also, Adam is in the capital if trouble ever arises."

My parents banter just like always. After I expressed my resolve to train more, mother convinced father to go more serious in our spars than before. It was truly terrifying at first to see him not holding back on me and how much damage he could cause. 

During that time when I was getting used to my father's rhythm, I could finally see how he got married to mother. Such a power couple is totally unfair to the rest of the kingdom. But if you compare mother and father, then it would ovbvious that mother would win.

Father is more of the time on forcing his own rhythm on you which makes him hard to read sometimes as he gets new ideas during battle. But mother is more of the passive type who observes your own rhythm and counters you in the worst way possible.

It was truly a miracle that I threw her off balance once without her going easy on me.

"Well, it's time for me to go. I'll write a letter to you once a month or every two weeks so that you two don't feel too lonely here."

"Do you hear that, dear! Look how precious our daughter is! I could never let go outside and live with these wolves around her-"



"Just let her be. She'll be fine. We have trained her after all."

Mother looks at me with a confident smile that fills me with determination. Father just silently cries to himself to me go. Before I step into the carriage, I run towards my parents and give them a big hug.

"Don't worry about me. If someone even tries to harm me, then I'll give the fist of justice just like you two taught me."

My hug is returned by four arms from mother and father. But they let me go after a while so that I can go. Though, just before the carriage door, I turn back and shout at them:

"Be ready to see me bring back Cid not as a friend but as your son in law!"

Before I close the door and depart to the railroad station with a smug smile on my face.

In the capital:

The train ride didn't take too long like expected. It was way more comfortable than back then when you had to ride to the capital with a carriage. It also lowered the risk of some bandits attacking you if they've heard that you're in possession of some treasure.

During the ride, I was thinking about how my first conversation with Cid will go after two years of silence from him. 

One time during my training, I thought that Cid hated me for something and didn't visit me because of that. But everytime such a thought creeped into my mind, I quickly shook my head and trusted Cid. He had no reason to hate me, if I thought about it. 

I just wanted the best for him everytime we met. That just means that marrying me is just the best option available. 

"Young lady, Mr. Kagenou has already arrived in the suite and is awaiting you arrival."

My maid next to me delivers me the news that I'm already way too late to our meeting. That's right, Cid's parents and my parents were making some deals behind our backs and came to the conclusion that we should get engaged.

We were the one who suggested it first after I told father and mother about my plans in the future, and the Kagenou's didn't see any drawback. Rather, they were overjoyed to see that someone like us took an interest in their son. 

So today was the day of the first marriage interview between Cid and me. I was obviously looking forward to it as I can't imagine the face Cid will make when he'll see me standing before him after two years. 

Not wanting to brag but I got more beautiful over the years alongside the training which made me lose some unnecessary fat on my body. Just by stepping out of the train, I could feel the stares of men on my body, even some while having girlfriends clinging on their arms.

But they don't interest me at all. 

"Then, what are we waiting for? Let's go meet Cid!"

Once again, I stepped into another carriage, leading me to the place where the marriage interview is planned. I was already late but didn't forget to check my appearance beforehand. 

I walk up the stairs and go to the door at the end of the corridor. It was finally time. All of my training, all of my emotions, all of my... you get the point. Everything until now, just for this moment. 

I'll come into this room single and will go out with a fiance in my hands! 

Opening the door slowly, I'm greeted with the sight of Cid Kagenou sitting before me. I can see his eyes widening and his mouth dropping.

How about that? Are you finally struck by my perfect and beautiful appearance? Have you finally fallen in love with me?!

"Long time no see, Cid Kagenou. I have waited for this day since the second time we met."