
Anime World Conquer

Rei travels across anime worlds whit his friend Takeo, catering more and more friends and power as the story goes. My mane language is not english

MKSS · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

1 Reunion

"A/N: I don't have time correct my mistakes but I hope you can understand my story. "

My name is Rei my mother is Japanese, and my father is American I was born in America and lived there 2 years before my father died. Then me and my mother moved in japan because my father had no relatives and my mother parents lives in japan. When I was 3 and have years, I was diagnosed to have new uncurable disease in my brain, but it wasn't censer it was something else. Every time I tried to study my head would hurt and I would get nothing done, but of course I didn't tell about it to not get them worried. Now I'm 17, walking home from prep school whit my best friend Takeo.

Takeo: Rei are you doing anything interesting tomorrow?

Rei: Nothing, I will just stay in the bed tomorrow, my head is about to explode from all the information from todays lesson.

Takeo: Oo So boring man. You are always staying in bed. I will come tomorrow to play some games I just bought the new game Sky Rim so why don't we play it tomorrow?

Rei: … … … Okay you can come. But that's only because you have Sky Rim, I want to play it.

Takeo: Yea yea see you tomorrow I will be there in the morning.

Rei: But you are newer woke before mid-day.

Takeo: W-What are you talking about, I will be there in 7am

Rei: See you at 1pm hehe

Takeo: SHUT UP!!!

Rei: hehehe!!

Takeo: hehehe!!

Rei: See you.

Takeo: Bye


At Rei:s home midnight



At Rei:s home morning

Rei: Where am I … NOW I REMEMBER. I remember everything. I'm already dead but how, or why can I remember my past live ARGH why can't I remember how I died but that aside, WHERE IS THE NEWSPAPER COME HERE, there now were exactly am I now. Karakura Town? Why does it sound so familiar, hmm aaaa it's from bleach but dose that mean I'm in bleach world, but how and why?

Takeo: Rei open the door!!!

Rei:" WAAA … that scared me."

Rei: Is it mid-day already?

Takeo: Yes, how did you know, you have been sleeping all morning.

Rei: Why did I know in deed.

Takeo: What did you say something?

Rei: No didn't say anything. By the way did you bring the game?

Takeo: Yes, here it is still in its wraps.

Rei: Oo aren't you carful still keeping it in wraps.

Takeo: Not any more… (opens the wraps) now let's go play it

Rei: What are you talking about I will play, and you will go home. (Whit sarcastic smile)

Takeo: WHAT are you throwing your best friend just from one louse game?

Rei: You can't understand sarcasm even when you have known me for how many years. Of course, WE are going to play it together.


Rei:s home

Rei: by to say what was your last name again I forgot?

Takeo: HOW can you forget my last name?

Rei: I had huge heading last night.


Rei: Of course, I didn't forget your first name, just can't remember your last name.

Takeo: AA Then what is my name then?

Rei: Takeo of course.

Takeo: Good, my last name is Sato from my mothers side, why you ask?

Rei: Just confirming something but what is your father's name?

Takeo: I have never known my father he left before I was even born but my mother said it was something uraura kisike or something I don't rely remember.


Takeo: yes, that was it how did you know do you know him?

Rei: I don't really know him, but I know were to find him maybe? Do you want to see him?

Takeo: (few teardrops) NOW WHY WOULD I WANTO SEE THAT SCUM!!

Rei: Don't lose yourself I don't even know if it's the same person.

Takeo: Yea sorry it got better of me. We can go there tomorrow to confirm if he is my father.

Rei: ok. Come here EARLY morning tomorrow.

Takeo: Yes yes bye

Rei: Bye


Next day

Takeo: Rei open the door!!

Rei: oo you are early how so. Are you so excited to meet you father?

Takeo:(blushing) Of course not.

Rei: (Scary smile) I can see it all in your face.

Takeo: W-What no you can't!!

Rei: enough of that lets go meet your father maybe.

Takeo: So where are we going?

Rei: I heard there is small convenience store whose owner is named Urahara Kisuke.

Takeo: aa ok is it how far is it?

Rei: It isn't far only few minutes walking.


At Kisuke Uraharas shop

Rei: Any one home!?


Takeo M-My name is Takeo, and this is my friend Rei, we are here looking for Kisuke Urahara

???: (Whit huge stick in hand) What are you doing Jinta, scaring our customers away?

Jinta: AAAAHH Stop stop hitting me whit that huge stick.

???: Do we have customers Ururu

Ururu: Don't know Tessai but they are looking for Urahara.

Tessai: He should be here in minute. My name is Tessai those two are Jinta and Ururu. Nice to meet you two. (whit scary smile but doesn't know of it).

Takeo: N-Nice to meet you too.

???: Oo we have new faces here

Tessai: Aa Urahara those boys are looking for you.

???: Urahara you here I have something to speak whit you?

Rei: What

???: Aa you have some company already but mine is urgent.

Urahara: Ai ai isn't it Ichigo, let as all go inside and have some tee.


Inside Uraras shop

Urarahara: So, Takeo and Rei I presume. Why are you seeking my aide?

Takeo: I just want to confirm something… do you know any one named Aiko

Urahara: Hmmm… yes now that you reminded me ones 17 or so year ago, she was my wife, but something unexpected happened and she died.

Takeo: Hmm… Do you remember her mother's name?

Urahara: Why are you asking those questions? Either way if I remember correctly Aiko:s mothers name is … Yumako Sato.

It’s long when I last watched anime. I don’t remember much from the plots. If you recognize some of the mangos and animus or novels I use, hope you don’t mind couple of changes in the plot. Disclaimer: I don’t own any animu, mango or novel used in this series, only thing I own is my character. Oo and I like broken walls 4 (^///^). PS. English is not my main language. Now before i publish this i WILL make major changes in the original series... if you didn't nodes, Urahara don't how son or human wife, but now he has.

Sorry this chap got bit short but next will be longer. I am writing this story just because i hate harem and noways finding a story whit out is just pain so every one who like no harem stores this is for you!

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