
Anime verse: Multi-verse travel

A guy reincarnated as Yuu Izumi's Brother in Shikimori San is not just Cute. Let's follow Itsuki Yuu on his travel to the multiveres and beyond.

Meowske_kun · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 7:

" I see.... then allow me to introduce myself to you, master, Hailing from the Land of the Shadows! Scàthach!"

" Scàthach? Do you mean the Immortal Witch, The teacher of many heroes from Celtic and the God Slayer?! That scàthach!!!" Shiro exclaimed, He didn't think he could summon her since, He only watched Fate until the heavens fell.

And in his past life, Shiro was quite interested in stories about the past, especially stories of Heroes from many countries.

He had read about Scàthach, It is said that she is the great teacher of many heroes from Celtic like Cù chullain, Setanta, Mebd, and many more, There's also a legend that says she was a God slayer, and by bathing the blood of many gods she became immortal.

" Indeed, I am that Scàthach you are talking about, you seem to know a lot about me, Master?"

" Since I was a kid I loved reading books, especially about the heroes, so naturally I know some things about you," Shiro said.

" I see..." Scàthach said and lowered her spear.

Shiro sighed and slowly lowered his weapon also, he could feel his arm is still numb so he tried not moving it too much.

" Are you okay Hajime, Yue?" Shiro asked looking at the two.

" Yeah, If you didn't arrive there on time, we would've been skewered by that woman," Hajime said spitefully.

" Well, it's partially your fault, attacking her without giving her time to speak," Shiro said then looked at Yue. " Also Yue-san isn't your job to stoHajimeme? Why did you join and attack her?"

" Tsk, I just deed what my instinct told me to do, and it's her fault for t flaunting that Dangerous aura around her. " Hajime said shrugging.

" *Sigh* you're really selfish aren't you?" Somehow Shiro feels like t crying, This guy is unreasonable he thought.

" Well, for me, I hesitated first because she had this same aura as you, and I just fired because I sensed a very strong killing intent coming from her," Yue said.

" Same Aura as me?" Shiro raised his brow.

" Yes, Same aura as you, The two of you had a very cold aura of death, But the difference is yours is good even though it smells death, while that woman had a very dense death aura... And the only way to achieve that kind of aura is to kill many.." Yue said making Hajiem nod.

Death Aura? Shiro raised his brow and then realized why, He is a Shinigami meaning he who governs the dead, and in Japanese folklore, Shinigami is the God of Death, While Scàthach on the other hand, She had killed many beings throughout her life and bathed the Blood of many creatures including Gods, That's why Yue said that Scàthach reeks death.

( Note: This is just my nonsense please Ignore it!)

" I see... I understand now, but you don't need to worry about her, She won't do anything to you two unless you do something to her." Shiro had a major knowledge about the crest mark on the back of his palm.

A command seal, they are the tools of a Master to help guarantee authority over their servant, By invoking the command seal, A master can compel their servant's obedience a total of three times, By using the command seal the master can order their servant to do just everything they want even if the servant didn't want to.

Hajime and Yue looked at each other and nodded.

" Alright, But we still didn't trust her... But for now, We will her to you and you can just explain the Magic circle later, Yue and I still gave unfinished business to do." Hajime turned back and walked away.

" We're sorry for attacking you earlier." Yue said before following Hajime.

Seeing their disappearing backs, Shiro sighed, Well at least Yue Apologized, He thought.

" Sorry about them, They mean no harm, It's just they have 'trust' Issues." Shiro said scratching his head, however in that exact moment, Shiro felt danger coming towards him, He instinctive dodged and leaped 5 meters away.

" Ho~ So you could dodge that." Scàthach's amused voice reached Shiro's ears.

" What was that for!!" Shiro asked, If he were to be late a few millisecond then he would be skewered by that spear.

" Nothing just testing you if you are worthy.... Or not," Shiro raised his brow hearing her.

" What do you mean?" He asked.

" Young, too young but you have a potential.. I'm just testing you if you are Qualified to be my Master." She said making Shiro gremiced.

That's to be expected, Scàthach is the teacher of many heroes and a God slayer, Not many known heroes have defeated a God and most of them are only recognized because they held a Sacred weapon or defeated a Monster Creatures, Scàthach is a very proud individual, She is the Queen of the land of Shadows, Heck Shiro wouldn't be surprised if he heard Scàthach had already killed the Self-proclaimed god,

" To be honest, I already had the gist of the problems of this world, and about your mission to accomplish, and I want to see if you have strength to do so..."

So she already knew my mission in this world? If so who told her? The Grail? Impossible there's no grail in this world, Shiro thought.

" I see... Then I accept, If I proved myself worthy be my servant and if you deemed myself as not worthy then kill me!"

Shiro might be seen lazy and not serious all the time, but if he is set into something he will do it wholeheartedly, he would never do it half heartedly, Shiro is already dead set of completing the missions the system had set for him, Idiotic may some other people may say about him after saying such condition to Scàthach but it's better to die early in her hands than dying in hands of others.

Scàthach eyes gleamed, Not only strong but also brave, It might not be seen by Shiro but Scàthach had already deemed Shiro as a strong individual, Only a few people could dodge her spear much less blocking it.

She only said those words to see, what kind of person he is, after being summoned by Shiro Scàthach gained knowledge about his mission and about the system, She didn't know who made this but she was interguid by this.

She wants to see if Shiro can back his actions to save this world from it's enemy and after hearing his answer, She smiled.

" You pas!!"

" Eh?"


If I have mistakes please point it out!