
Chapter 17 : Great War Shifts

"Okay you can go."Ninja

Ray entered the hokage's office.

"So Ray what brings you here?"3rd

"Hokage sir there are some sand ninjas preparing a ambush near the leaf ;Ray

"You are sure about it."3rd

"Yes sir I seen some strong ninjas near the by chance."Ray

"How many were they?"3rd

"I have not seen clearly but there were atleast 4 ninjas."Ray

"How do you know that they were not from our ;3rd

"They were wearing different headbands and there was not a leaf marking on it but something different. I wasn't able to see it clearly though."Ray

"Did they notice you?"3rd

"I don't think they noticed me."Ray

"You can go now."3rd

Ray left.

"Send a team of Anbu to see whether there are enemy ninjas near the and send a anbu to spy on Ray, I think we should be on our gaurds now and call all our elite ninjas back from any I think a war is likely going to happen so increase the training of the genins and prepare them for the war they will be useful during the war."3rd

"Yes sir"Anbu

After Ray got out of the Hokage office he went to his van and opened his pizza business.

After opening the shop for 4 hrs , he closed the business and was had hone for rest.

Next day.

"An Anbu is tailing me ,looks like it is going to be tough to go out of now."Ray

"System will I get any points if some ninjas were killed due to my ;Ray

(You can get maximum 50% of the points for the killing of ninja to your involvement)

"So how much will I get for those sand ninjas?"Ray

(I think about 35% of the points.)

"Only 35% points only."Ray

(It is only 35% because the hokage had to confirm the news. If the hokage had directly and believed you than you had got around 40%. To get 50% you have to get directly involved in the or atleast during the )

you have caused the shifting of the 3rd Great War.It will happen after 1 month

please prepare for the war.

Reward - 500k points.

"WTH system I can even get points due to shift of events ,why didn't you told me earlier.I have missed a jackpot from my hand."Ray cursed the system

(You should not be too much happy as you have less time to prepare for the war , so start thinking of how to get this anbu off your tail.)

"System how much time can a clone maintain to be in my if I use a lot of chakra on it ?"Ray

(Stop this bullshit and buy the perfect clone justu , it can be in your for 3-4 weeks to the amount of chakra you use.)

You have bought perfect clone jutsu for 200k points.

"Perfect clone jutsu."Ray

"Ray 2 you will take my and manage my pizza business . You can contact me using system satellite phone and give me any important you get."Ray

"I will do it."Ray clone

"Perfect jutsu""Ray transformed into a sparrow and flew out of the vans window.

While flying.

"System if I buy a tailed beast what will happen to the actual tailed beast?"Ray

(Good can only get the chakra of the tailed beast meaning you will have a of chakra but not the actual tailed beast ,so you will have to catch the tailed beast and then seal it

to get yourself your exclusive tailed beast.)

"So it means that the tailed beasts in the shops are just the fake tailed beasts which will only generate the chakra which a tailed beast has .Not bad , by buying the tailed beast from the shop

I will not effect the main story of the anime."



"System can you find a peaceful where I can practice my jutsus as there will be a lot of conflicts and I don't want to get effected by it."Ray

(You can go from here about 10 km towards the west where you can find a forest where no one goes as it is away from the most of the and there is no one there.)