
Anime system- Naruto edition

Arata begins his journey in his ninja world... with a system

kiingshet12 · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 35 New Clan Member

Late at night, Arata was resting above a tree branch while looking up at the stars in the land between the land of lightning and fire. Arata was contemplating on what he should do or where he should go. He thought how he found Karin near the leaf village and was sad that he couldn't make it in time to save her mother. He asked Karin a while back about any other clues of the Uzumaki clan members that she might've come across from and was told she had no clue. He thought about Tsunade the fifth Hokage. She was also like him, born of both the Uzumaki and Senju clan. She was also born generations earlier than him and thought about asking her about some clues.

He began questioning his path and thought why haven't Tsunade looked for other members? Is the Uzumaki clan so few now that she simply lost hope? Does she have so little attachment? From the books that he got from Orochimaru, the Uzumaki clan was originally on a small island called Uzushiogakure( Land of the Eddy) , then because of various conflicts, they moved to the hidden leaf village. During the third great ninja war, they were ambushed by several clans and very few survived. Arata thought of how far they could flee to while being attacked. The first Hokage's wife was an Uzumaki. Naruto's mom was an Uzumaki. Where was the rest. Were they really all destroyed?

Arata's fist clenched as he thought about it even more. Luckily some techniques were saved and one of the most powerful techniques were savaged by Orochimaru. It was a sealing technique capable of confining a tailed beast. Although he still needed time on perfecting it, he had another arsenal in his pocket and it would be helpful if he encounters anything that is too strong for the current him. Arata decided to venture into a new land the next day and continue his search. If he gives up now, what will happen to the ones that still wish to reunite with their family but is still afraid of being exposed? Pushing these thoughts to the back on his mind, Arata began to sleep and get up early for the next day.

The next morning, Arata got up when the sun just started to rise. His next destination was the hidden rain village. Just as he prepared to set off, he noticed a hawk flying high into the air circling above him. Whistling, the hawk soon dived down and landed on his shoulder. Arata saw that there was a message from his father, telling him to come home immediately.

Seeing the urgent message, Arata quickly gathered his things and prepared to go home immediately. Just as he was about to set out, he noticed several presence approaching his locations, and it doesn't look like they came with peaceful intentions. A few seconds later, several ninjas appeared and he immediately recognized one person, it was Yugito, the blonde girl with the two tails sealed in her body.

Arata: " You guys had come a long way from home."

Yugito furrowed her brows and said, " We can't just let you leave. You witnessed a secret of our village and can't let it out."

Arata decided to play dumb and said, " what secrets?"

Yugito hearing Arata grew even angrier when she heard Arata trying to play it off.

Arata continued, " I only saw you kill people, that's all. Can we just leave it at that please? I have an urgent matter to attend to."

Yugito yelled out, " Nonsense! Our villages can go to war over such secrets."

Arata furrowed his eyebrows when she mentioned war. " War? Is that a threat? You plan to involve innocent people over such a thing?"

Hearing no response he continued, " Since the elder said it was the last trial for you, that is only what I saw and witnessed. I didn't witness anything of how you learned how to control your tailed beast or anything like that."

Hearing what Arata said, several of the ninjas immediately took out their Kunai's and prepared for combat.

Arata sighed as he knew this wouldn't end with just talking and scattered it all around him within a few meters. " You and your fellow comrades have only one chance. Drop this matter and leave. Who ever comes within my range will be met with no mercy."

Yugito knew that she couldn't underestimate the person in front of her. Even though Arata was only just a kid, he had great skills and strength from just the description on their bingo books and from their previous encounter. He had sent her flying without even giving her a chance to retaliate. She looked at her comrades and nodded.

They other ninjas gained a bit of distance and started to use rapid hand seals. Arata saw that they wanted to use long distance attacks in which he smirked and held out his hand. In the next second, several long distance jutsu's began flying towards him. However, just as it was about to hit him, the jutsu disappeared and was sucked into his palm.

Yugito couldn't believe her eyes. She couldn't believe that several jutsu's would disappear just like that. She took a closer look at Arata and saw that there was a change in his eyes. His eyes appeared to be a colored purple with several rings inside it. When she made eye contact, her body began pulsing and felt deep fear and she was being enveloped in it.

Yugito stuttered, " What... what are you? What are those eyes?"

Arata looked at her and the rest of the ninjas, " Last warning, leave now or I'll give your village a reason for war."

Arata had no choice but to scare them off. He had to go home for an urgent matter and these people are getting in his way. He was furious. However, he knew that if he killed such a valued member of the village then there may be a war between the two countries. The hidden leaf village has just settled down and if things don't turn out right, he may be captured by either villages and killed. The leaf village may not protect him if the other choice is war and the other side will spare no expenses to get back the tailed beast and take revenge.

With their jutsu's not working, the ninjas accompanying Yugito were frightened by the power that Arata shown. They were looking at Yugito for the next orders of what to do but saw her frightened expression.

Arata continued to glare at them coldly, " Looks like I will have to make you leave."

With his hand still held out, he manipulated his chakra and created a pulling force which pulled the closest ninja to him. The ninja being pulled tried to struggle from the attraction but the attraction force was too strong for him to get away and soon his face landed on Arata's palm. As the face landed on Arata's palm, Arata immediately used the lighting released and electrocuted the ninja with powerful electricity which caused the ninja to scream loudly, terrifying everyone who heard it. Smoke began to rise out of the body as the scream finally stopped and the ninja also stopped moving. It was simple for the reason why, he was already dead.

Arata didn't even spare the ninja a glance and continue to look at Yugito and the others and dropped the body at his a side. " 3... 2..."

Yugito quickly intervened, " Wait... We will leave you alone. However, if we ever find out you leaked this to your village, we will come for you in full force."

Arata didn't say anything but continue his cold look. He was tired of this if he was honest. If he had the strength he would kill everyone here regardless of the consequences but he knew the consequences was more than he could handle at the moment. But soon, in a few years, he didn't need to be worry about the consequences. Once he completes maybe two more seals, he would possess the power to flatten their whole village if he wanted to.

Yugito saw that Arata wasn't going to answer her as she clenched her teeth and signaled the others to retreat.

Once Yugito and the others left, Arata quickly double check the area and found that they were no longer there and had really left and began on his way home quickly.

About half a day later, he saw Karin walking towards his house with a bucket of food humming in a good and relaxed mood.

Seeing this, Arata was slightly confused, wasn't there an emergency at home? He quickly appeared beside Karin and said, " Karin, I got my father's message, what seems to be the problem?"

Karin noticed Arata's question and smiled and said, " Arata you're back. Come quickly you have to see it for yourself."

Arata nodded and followed her inside the house. He quickly scanned the area and his eyes widened in surprise and smiled. He saw his father sitting on the table while reading some books while his mother was getting ready to prepare dinner. What the biggest change about his mother though was that her belly was big. He immediately knew what the message was about, his mother was pregnant.