
Ch-5 I did nothing!

James looks at Komi before asking her. "My name is James. Miss, can I ask your name? I haven't asked yet silly of me" James said with a small smile on his face while the people who heard him gave him a shocked expression.

"My god that man doesn't even know the lady and he made her pay for the food"

"Really? Wow-what a love-struck woman"

They started to gossip while James became more embarrassed on the inside but he didn't show it on his face while Komi opened his mouth for the first time but she didn't speak and closed her mouth again.


James sigh on the inside as he remembered that she isn't really talkative. "Then you don't have to tell me after all-"

He didn't finish his words before he heard a melodic voice entered his ears bringing shivers on his body from his fantastic sound was.

"My name is Komi," She said as she looks down on the ground as their order arrives on their table. The different dishes came out of the kitchen arriving on their table.

The man went towards James and spoke. "Hello, sir this is what you have orders the rest is still cooking hope you have a wonderful meal" The man said as he walks away along with the people who brought the food.


James laughed as he looks at Komi with a smile bringing his handsome appearance a few levels higher as the people around them stop talking and just look at James.

"Well then miss Komi pls dig in," James said as he took one of the dishes from the many rests. The first one looks to be Kare-Kare from his previous life it's a Filipino dish the best part of the dish was its sauce and meat.

Taking a knife and fork James took out the meat from the Kare-Kare before placing it on a plate as he cut it in perfect portions before using his fork to take one as James look at Komi.

"Why don't you take a bite first?" James said as he brought the fork towards Komi's mouth. She looks shy but still nodded her head before taking a bite of the meat. The people around them took pictures of the beautiful sign in front of them.

Manners and antiques were thrown away by their beautiful sight that would make any man or woman jealous to the core.

But it didn't last long at James brought the fork to the plate and took one meat before trying it for himself. "Hmm, that good does it?" James asks as he looks at the burning face of Komi who nodded her head.

" It's earthy, slightly sweet, rich, yet mild-tasting, and the meat just melts like butter really nice but there's a large difference from this dish" James muttered as he quickly finishes the Kare-Kare.

As the hours go further James and Komi finish what they were eating. As both of them look at each other the man before walks towards James and smiled.

"Good day, dear guest is that all you would like to eat?" The man said as James nodded his head as and brought the check before giving it to James.

James smiled and took it he looks at how much it was and became shocked but he didn't show it on his face. James smiled and brought out a black card.

"Here you go," James said as the man nodded his head before using the card as James count how many zeros it has. It has eight zeros meaning what they eat is equivalent to 10.1 million currency on this world.

James smiled and look at Komi gratefully but he doesn't know that in this world one thousand is equivalent to one dollar on his past life meaning what they eat is only 10k dollars on his past life.

"Thanks, Miss Komi for the food" James said as he smiled at her before the restaurant door was opened and some men in bodyguard outfits came and quickly came towards Komi.

"Madam! I mean young miss!" The man said making a slight mistake of calling her Madam because she looks just like her mother the only difference was her high and eyes.

They quickly surround them as they all look at Komi before staring their eyes at James. One man came towards him and shouted.

"Hey, you! What did you do to young miss?" The man said as he grabs James' collar before making him stand.

As he stands up James was a few inches taller than the man so the man needed to look up just to look at James who was looking at him calmly. "I didn't do anything to her"

He said as the man screamed on his fast. "Bullsh*t I can clearly tell that our miss was troubled! Look! her face is red and she is shaking crazily!!" The man said before taking a small dagger from his suit.

"I need answers now!" He shouted as the bodyguards took their weapons out there suits or bags they carry. All of them staring at James with killing intent.

The people around them already left not wanting to make trouble for themselves.

James shook his head again before looking at the man dead at the eyes with no emotion on his eyes. "I told you I didn't do anything to her. She took me around for sightseeing but I said we should go and eat"

James said as he looks at the man without even winking. They look at each other before the man brought his dagger straight towards James. Komi didn't react fast enough as she tried to stop the man.


Time seems to stop as all they saw was the bright blue glowing eyes of James before the man fell to the ground unconscious as James look around him. The people were shocked specially Komi, after all, she didn't saw how James made a move it's like an invisible force struck the man to the ground.

"Is there anyone who wanted to ask me again?" James said as he looks at all the people here with a threatening gaze except for Komi as he walks towards her before placing her behind him.

The people he stared at felt suffocating as all of them fell down one by one. Golden experience was besides James as it releases an aura that suffocates anything and anyone who got close.

James looks back at Komi with a smile and apologies. "I'm sorry for the trouble then see you later miss komi," James said as he took one of her hand and kissing it before he took off.

Komi just stared at his leaving figure before he completely vanishes. Komi smiled and look from afar. "I'll see you soon"

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