

What if the God gave you a second chance because you traded your life in exchange for covid to disappear. Warning:My grammar is not good

Baya_baya · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs


"Well this is an opportunity for you Sabo to make your own marital art known to everyone in the world, Doffy and Andre go with Sabo when he will deal with the paper works on officially joining the UFC help him" Zet said as hre clearly giving his 100% full support in Sabo.

As they ate together, they suddenly heard some footsteps "Arara~ looks like you guys really have ate without me"

"Meh you shut your sleephead" Sabo rebuke when he heard Kuzan. When Kuzan heard this he just ignore Sabo and went straight to his sit. When Grayfia saw this she immediately stood to get some plate and utensils for Kuzan to use.

When Sebas saw Kuzan he spoke in a flat and plain voice "What's your plan for now Kuzan?"

"Ehhh? my plan? uhmm I don't really know well maybe I'm continue my travel around the world" Kuzan answered Sebas with a playful voice.

"Since you still don't have a clear goal in your mind Kuzan, how about joining in the military here?" Zet spoke when Kuzan finished answering Sebas.

"Ehh military again? let me think about it young master" When Zet heard this he just smiled at Kuzan and continued eating their breakfast.

After almost 20 more minutes of eating together, they finally finished. Zet quickly stood up and look at Sebas and spoke "Sebas come follow me"

When Sebas heard this he immediately follow Zet who is walking towards some kind of room. After they arrive in the room, you will notice that room are full of chairs and long table, like a meeting room.

After arriving in the room, Zet quickly sit and spoke while looking at Sebas "Sebas how's the transaction yesterday about our private jet?"

"Well young master I may say that it's quite a successful transaction, the price is within our budget but the problem is young master" Sebas said and continued "The problem the parking fees in the airport for our private jet, like I think it's around 1000 to 2000 dollar per hours, well I know that we have an enormous amount of money but its quite a waste spending 1000 to 2000 dollar per hour in a parking fees alone"

When Zet heard this his face immediately shows some kind of sign being frustrated the fact that they are wasting their money because of parking fees but this mood quickly replaced by an happy and satisfied mood.

Zet's eye glittered with respect and adore because of Sebas skills at handling the paper works that he doesn't want to do, Zet stood and started walking towards Sebsas and finally spoke "Thank you for your hardwork, Sebas I appreciate it" after saying this he patted Sebas shoulder.

When Sebas heard this he also stood up and spoke "No problem young master, if its for your sake I will do everything within my powers"

At the sametime in Allstar Mansion.

Doffy looked at Sabo and spoke "Sabo when you will officially join the UFC, I need to leave next week to do some business at Las Vegas"

After hearing this Andre also spoke "Yeah Uo also need to leave next week, I just got a call from my underlings that they are receiving some threats and warings from the government there"

"Oh looks like you two are really busy huh? imma call Mr. White now" Sabo said when he heard Dodfy and Andre leaving nextweek.