

What if the God gave you a second chance because you traded your life in exchange for covid to disappear. Warning:My grammar is not good

Baya_baya · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs


"Oi, the food is ready, let's eat now" Andre said as he drooling while looking at the food in front of him.

Hearing this they begin to sit aroung the table.

"So this beef is well done, then this one is medium rare, rare, medium well and lastly medium" Sanii said as he pointing at the beef in the table.

After hearing this, Ari immediately grabbed one slice of medium rare.

"Hey are you sure about that Ari?" Zet asked Ari when he sees Ari getting a medium rare beef.

"Sure about what?"

"That beef"

"Yeah why?"

"Shit that beef is still alive, look at it, it still breathing"

"Nope this one is cooked"

"No its not, the real cooked beef is this one" Zet said as he pointed at well done beef.

"Nahh I don't wanna"


"Young master, I wanted to remind you that tomorrow we have an interview" Sebas said.

"Oh really?" Well it's quite obvious that Zet completely forgot about their interview at The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

"That's right, Actually today is really our interview but you told me yesterday that you will pick up Ari on the airport today. So I called the manager of The Ellen DeGeneres Show and told him that you are busy today and they need to adjust our interview there"

"Ohh I completely forgot about that interview"

After finishing their lunch, Ari's family did not leave immediately but they stay and hang out with the rest.

"Ohh look at the news today, Zet" Joan said.

"Hmm that's me and Ari" Zet said when he look at the news today.

"Sir, sir do you know that girl?" The reporter said on a random stranger in the airport.

"Ohh I know her, she is from Victorious, I thin her name is Cat Valentine"

"Ohh Victorious from nickelodeon show" The reporter said.

After that the reporter kept asking some random stanger in the airport before his report came to an end.

"I think tomorrow's interview will be ask who is Ari, Young master" Sebas said when he see the news.

"Oh I don't really care on what their gonna ask to me, as long as they are not stepping on my boundaries"

"Ohh I'm famous now?" Ari said.

"You are, even before that news your famous but you are not aware of it" Zet said when he heard Ari's question.

Suddenly before Ari can reply on Zet, her phone rang.

"Looks like Phillips saw the news today" Ari said while looking at her phone.

"Of course, you idiot... That's news will be all over the American now" Frankie said.

"WellIneed to answer this" Ari said as he leave the living room to answer Philips call.

"Ohh hahaha looks like Phillips is quite jealous about that news" Frankie said.

"What quiete, he is completely jealous now" Edward said when he heard Frankie.

(Edward=Ari's father)

"Mr.Butera, want some beer?" Andre said as he walk inside the living room while carrying some beer.

"Ohh now that's what I like" Edward said as he grabbed some beer.

"What about you Frankie?" Andre said.

"Well if it just one bottle"

"Give me some too" Zet said whenhe saw Andre carrying some bottle of beer.


Sorry for the bad grammar