
Anime Online

The VR Helmet crackled and let out strange electric sparks. The black-haired man, wearing the helmet, was completely oblivious to the weird things he was experiencing. Unknowingly, his consciousness, which was supposed to enter his avatar’s consciousness in the newly released ‘’Fantasy Online’’ VR game, actually traveled countless worlds and landed on the mind of an aspiring Marine. The world he unknowingly entered hosted people with god-like strengths that would be worshiped in his world. But, that was the first world of many. Liam, in the future, learned about his incredible ability to travel through worlds that were unique in their own ways. His VR Helmet, which was supposed to be completely ordinary, was the most miraculous item in existence. With the help of the helmet, he would travel to mesmerizing worlds filled with beautiful scenery, strong creatures, and world-shaking battles. ______________ Disclaimer: The cover is mine but for my original novel, and I will change it once I have commissioned one for this. This fanfic is basically video game novel, but instead of entering video game, MC will enter different anime worlds, which are basically worlds in different universes. First World - One Piece

Alekzi · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs


The next day.


''Backyard in 5 seconds!''

''Eh?'' I jolted and turned around to see shadows moving underneath the door crack. There was an open book on the desk that I had been reading ever since I returned to the game.

This time, it was a different book because there wasn't book 3 for Marine Swordsmanship. At least I haven't found one.

The book wasn't a fighting manual; instead about the sea itself. It looked like there were six seas in the world.

The four seas were called East, West, North, and West Blue. Then, Grand Line, and finally where I was, New World.

The things I read made me think about many things. If everything was correct in the book, then New World should be some kind of endgame place.

It was unknown how I spawned all the way here, but maybe everyone else was spawned in one of the four seas, and there was more land than sea. That would also make sense because everyone talked about forests, etc.

''Maybe the game bugged…'' I shrugged my shoulders and slammed the book shut. Then, I left the room and saw wide-open doors again with messy rooms.

After I reached the garden, all the young men and women were lined up, and Garp looked at me with that equally scary grin.

My mind told me to run, but my body kept moving forward.

''You don't learn, do you?'' Garp said while warming up his fist by blowing at it. Then, he stepped forward and appeared behind Liam.

Liam managed to move his eyes to the side before a fist struck him and caused him to get buried in the ground.


''Doctor,'' Garp said, and again, the elderly woman came with a briefcase. She shook her head and again plunged the syringe into Liam's flesh and bones.

Liam's eyes fluttered, and he was brought out of the gates of death. He shakily stood up and gritted his teeth while his blood-red eyes gazed at Garp.

He shook his head and went to the line.

''Bags.'' Garp carried several heavy-looking bags and threw them to the young men and women.

In front of me was the rock-filled bag that gave me several nightmares. I gritted my teeth and picked it up, then wrapped it around my back.

After everyone was ready, we left the building and did our morning jog.

This time, I could see the far-away backs of Garp and the rest. However, I was still hundreds of meters behind them.

When I returned to the garden, my thighs were burning, and the bottom of my feet was hurting. My back was hunched, and I could feel the sharp rocks piercing through the leather bag and scratching my back.

I gritted my teeth and stepped inside the empty garden. However, then, Garp appeared behind me.

''Another lap, but this time, carry this.'' He gave me a plastic cup that was full of water. There were lines scribbled on the side, making circles around the cup.

''Don't spill the water. The more you spill, the bigger the punishment.'' Garp left with one final word of threat.

''Damn it…'' I closed my eyes and pushed out the negative thoughts. Then, I left the building and carefully ran while trying not to spill.

It was easier said than done. The road wasn't exactly super smooth, and there were a few uneven spots. The bouncing of my body also made the water restless.

Soon, I reached the halfway mark and turned around to run back toward the building.

However, then, a group of marines exited a nearby building with their cheeks flushed. They looked like they were under the influence of alcohol and could barely stay standing.

Then, Liam slowly ran past them. However, at that moment, a sole foot found its way in his path and tripped him over.

His eyes shook as the water spilled all over the pavement.

''Watch out!'' The drunken soldiers shouted and left while staggering from side to side.

''Fuck!'' I grabbed the plastic cup and crumbled it into pieces. I hatefully looked at the backs of the soldiers.

''Watch out? You fuckers tripped me over, not the opposite way…'' I bit my lip and stood up with dribblets of water moving around my wet hair. Then, I walked back to the building with a wrinkled cup in my fist.

There, Garp was already waiting for me with crossed arms. After seeing my state, he shook his head and said, ''Do another lap.''

''Fuck this!'' I threw the crumpled-up plastic cup at him and opened the interface. I smashed the log-out button, but nothing happened. My face quickly changed shades, and I tried to punch it, but nothing worked.

Garp's face turned serious as he said, ''Without commitment, you never will be great Marine.''

''Why would I want to be a Marine?'' I asked. Since the start, I never truly had any choice. I was spawned on a marine ship and forced to become a chore boy. Then, endless barrages of humiliation.

If there was a choice, I would rather be a pirate.

''Why are you here?'' Garp pointed around him and asked, ''Why have you come here if not to become Marine?''

''I don't know,'' I replied and looked down at my trembling hands. The palms were still a little bit red after yesterday's sword-swinging session.

''Then, let's find out.'' Garp said with a powerful tone, ''Go do another lap.''

There was a pain in every fiber and cell of my body. I couldn't even remember how would it feel without any pain; it was like, this pain was now what my body was made from.

I shakily turned around to look at the exit of the building. My mind told me not to run, but my body didn't listen. Slowly, I started walking out.

After my footsteps echoed in the streets, the sky was getting darker, and the only light came from nearby buildings and street lamps.

Slowly, I began running. There was an unspeakable amount of pain within my body, and I felt like screaming in pain.

''Ahh…'' Instantly, after the sound of pain spilled out of my mouth, I bit my tongue and muffled the sounds.

After an hour or ten hours, I don't know how long it took, but finally, I returned to the garden with my left foot's shoe missing.

I don't remember how it disappeared, but maybe it just broke apart, and my foot slipped out of it. I don't know, and honestly, I didn't care either.

''See you tomorrow.'' A voice came behind me. It belonged to Garp, who returned to his quarters.

My eyelids grew heavy, and I fell flat on the ground. Even though my mind kept telling me to log out, my body didn't listen.

Slowly, Liam fell into a deep slumber, and the garden became pitch dark.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Alekzicreators' thoughts