
Anime Multiverse: This is fun

MC is OP

Blank_Number · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Instant powerup

Kai walked around everywhere before he found Naruto waiting outside a door.

Kai walked slowly to him before tapping his shoulder, making him scream like a girl as he accidentally pushed the door open in his fright falling down hitting his head,

As he clutched his head Iruka caught eyes of both of us annoyed and pissed.

' Copy Kurama and his chakra amount'

( Also A/N Im giving Naruto Jonin level chakra, im not 100% sure how much Naruto had but the sole reason I'm giving him this is because he never trained his chakra amount nor control, but was still able to create multiple clones with only his chakra against Mizuki. Both Iruka and Mizuki were shocked at the moment so it's definitely higher than Chunin so I came to the conclusion of Kage level amount but for nerfing and no hate I gave him Jonin. He's gonna end up being Op asf so I should give him Kage but doesn't matter. And before you say " He UsEd KuRaMaS cHaKrA ", No. )

[ Copying completed. ]

" WHY ARE YOU LATE?! " Iruka shouted even after taking a second to calm down.

" I uh- " Naruto was too shocked to come up with an answer so Kai answered for him.

" Naruto bumped into the Hokage while he was running to school, since I was also there by coincidence we had small talk and he gave us advice on our future. " This calmed Iruka as he looked at Naruto.

" Is this true? " he asked as Naruto quickly nodded repeatedly.

" Fine, just take your seats you haven't missed anything important but if you'd like to catch up you can ask Hinata. And you Naruto just sit and be quiet. " Iruka said knowing how both kids were.

Kai in his eyes was someone talented but not in the Ninja way, Kai had thirst for knowledge and could potentially become a great scientist.

As for Naruto he's a pranker with nothing going for his life.

" Yes, Sensei. " we both said as we found seats.

Iruka continued with his lecture, as I was walking up a random npc sitting next to Hinata got up,

" Take my seat, I'll move. " he said yawning.

" Thanks. " The interaction confused him but as he looked up the other empty seat was at the very top in the far right corner, a good spot to sleep.

" Can i see your notes? " I asked Hinata as she nodded shyly passing me her notes.

As I grabbed her notes I made sure to smoothly touch her hand as I grabbed the notes. It was a normal thing to everybody else and also her, I'm not Naruto so she didn't pass out or care.

' Copy the byakugan and the Hyuga bloodline. '

After a few minutes of writing down the notes she had I gave them back to her as a notification popped up saying the copy was completed.

I looked at everybody else for any useful ability, most of their jutsus were useless, like Shikamarus shadow or Inos mind transfer but they had things that may be useful.

" Shikamaru wake up! " Iruka shouted but Shikamaru stayed asleep angering him more.

" Someone wake him up! " Iruka shouted angrily pointing at Him.

Since he was above me I just got up and flicked his forehead as it managed to do the trick.

" Huh? " Shikamaru was still sleepy as he looked at Kai confused.

Kai sat down and a board eraser was coming straight at his face waking him up immediately but too late to dodge.

A perfect connection as it left white dust planted on his face in a square like shape.

He annoyingly straightened up and cleaned his face.

Nothing special happened after that, but I copied Shikamarus Yin release, no idea if it would be useful but why not?

When the day ended Kai went home to look at the system,

[ All skills have finished downloading, would you like to start merging them to you? ]

" Will Kurama be a pain in the ass like with Naruto? "

[ Summons and tailed beasts copied will be changed to serve the user. While they have their original personalities they will treat you like a close family member or friend. They can also be customized to the users liking, but restricted to only their colors. ]

" Interesting, alright merge Kurama with me first. "

[ Understood. ]

Sitting in a cross legged position a burning sensation was felt in his stomach.

The burning sensation slowly started spreading around his body as Kuramas chakra was getting accustomed.

Red bubbles slowly emerged, after a few minutes it disappeared finishing the merging.

" Kurama? "

' Yes? ' a cold deep voice responded.

" Nice to meet you. " Kai said with a smirk appearing infront of him.

" Heh. " Kurama chuckled before going to sleep as Kai came back to the real world.

" Let's finish merging with the rest. "

When Kai finished it was still day so he washed up and decided to explore.

He was given money by the Hokage to support him similar to Naruto except he wasn't monitored 24/7.

After exploring he finally found the msot famous place in Naruto, Ichiraku ramen.

With hopes and dreams he walks in, the godliness that was described in the anime, he had to experience it for himself.

" Did something happen to Naruto? Why did I feel Kuramas chakra? " Hiruzen asked the 3 Anbu members infront of him.

" We don't know. We have been monitoring Naruto the whole day, all he did was play pranks and eat ramen before falling asleep, nothing triggered Kurama nor did any of his chakra leaked out. " the leader of the 3 answered.

" Could I have sensed it wrong? " Hiruzen asked to no one in pariticular.

" We'll watch from closer for better details and incase anything happens. " the leader said, Hiruzen nodded and they quickly vanished from their spot.

" Could my senses really be wrong? " Hiruzen sighed as he started smoking to relax.