
Tōō Academy

" alright guys, our plan is simple. It looks like their star isn't in yet, they are underestimating us so we'll show them that we are to be feared. Let's score fifty in this quarter. It should be possible aslong as we don't take forever and don't miss our shots. If you miss you'll automatically be subbed out. If you're tired sub yourself out by telling the coach, if he see any of you get tired he'll sub you out himself. Me and Sudo will play the whole game, me and him will be the main scores if you're open no matter what just shoot, don't try to go back for a three or anything just score. Got it? " Ken asked as they all nodded.

" Good, let's go kill them. " Ken said as his aura gave them a boost in morale.

" YEAH " they all shouted as they got in the court.

" That's some nice morale, but is it good enough to bring our star in? " Shoichi said.

" Are you strong enough to make me try without your star? " Ken said as his aura towered over Tōōs team.

" Ready ? " Ken asked as the other team was sweating.

The ball was thrown up as our team jumped for it as the other teams center was too scared to jump for it.

The ball came to Ken to start the play as he walked up slowly, once he took a step over the half court line the ball has already left his hands as it landed on Sudo who was free in the middle of jumping as he dunked it.

" When did he pass? " Shoichi asked out loud in a low voice.

" Try to catch up weakling. " Ken said as he walked back to his court.

Shoichi brought the ball up trying to start a play, but he noticed Sudo already running to the other side confusing him.

" Fool. " Shoichi quickly turned back and Ken was nowhere to be seen and he couldn't feel the ball either. Turning around he saw Ken throwing an alley off the backboard to Sudo as the ball went between his legs before dunking, showboating a bit.

" Let's keep it going guys " Ken said as they all got excited.

By half of the quarter we had 29 and they had 7 so they finally brought Aomine in as he was excited with his aura bursting out. * Fyi Sudo scored 20 *

' Show me what you got ' Ken said to himself excited.

* 5 minutes later *

" Is this all? " Ken said seeing him fade and his back going really low before shooting.

" So he's good at dunking, layups, hooks, dribbling and fades? " he's been going crazy but he still hasn't brought them that close 37-25

' Sudo is doing his best at offense, having 29 points while Aomine has 18, I wanna finish this game half half time, I'll start showing off a little. ' Ken thought.

" From now on, only focus on defense and on offense always pass the ball to me no matter what. Let's finish the game early. " Ken said as everybody else nodded.

" Hm? Wasn't he just a good playmaker? Why does it look like he's about to attack? " Shoichi asked as Aomine looked confused.

Shoichi waited for Ken, once Ken stepped over the half court line he blitzed and went passed by Shoichi leaving him a open lane as he did a self alley oop off the board and dunked it hard leaving cracks on the board.

As he dropped he looked at everybody as they were all shocked and scared, except Aomine he was pissed.

Aomine trying to get back he got the ball quickly as he dribbled forward leaving everybody behind as his Zone was starting to turn on this early in the game, once he went pass Sudo who was the last person on defense he quickly jumped back ready to throw the ball in, before he could put power into the swing it stopped as Kens hand was on it as he snatched it and started speeding away and dribbling copying Aomine. Aomine got pissed as he caught up leaving it to a 1v1 quickly feinting left then going right he lost Aomine but not entirely as he kept going ready to stop him but when he turned around he wasn't there and looked back And saw him, Ken had jumped back and threw the ball in doing the exact same play Aomine wanted to do but he actually scored.

" Is the little shining star mad? Maybe Akashi would be better competition? Or even Kuroko he'd atleast be able to pass to make a play. You're too weak. " Ken said as Aomines Zone was fully turned on now ready to make Ken regret saying those words.

Aomine got the ball again fully focused on scoring, no smile on his face, no emotion, only scoring on his mind.

" Heh, That face looks like you're about to have the most fun you've ever had. " Ken said as Aomine dribbled as if his life depended on it, left, right, feints, in between the legs, His aura slowly formed a laughing clown as his smirk appeared again, he was really having fun, against someone that is on his level. No holding back, all out, doesn't matter if he gets injured, he doesn't care, he just wants to score.

He's already past everybody, and he only has to get passed Ken. However he dribbled, it felt like it was real but he could easily make it a feint, waiting for a single mistake, any mistake, and he'll take it.

Aomine eyes shined blue, Ken closed his eyes for a sec.

' Let's join him '

Ken entered the Zone as Aomine took that chance to jump back and throw the ball in to score.

Aomine saw Kens eyes as he looked as if that annoyed him.

' Really took advantage of the second it took me to get in the Zone. I won't let you go now. ' Ken thought as he saw the basketball go in.

He got passed the ball and dribbled forward, everybody made sure to protect the paint as Aomine guarded him.

" Did you think that was the only thing I'm good at? " he asked shocking Aomine as he tried to get closer to make sure he doesn't shoot.

The thing is, he doesn't have a limited range, from the Logo he shot the ball, hitting the backboard and in.

Throwing up a 3 with his thumb in and his ring finger in * I'll show a image *

" Too easy " he said with a smirk.