
Anime mashup with two cheat systems?

A anime mashup world, a mysterious MC who hides his true self from himself. Two systems with different but intresting abilities, great story, and even R-18 scenes.  Who wouldn't like it? If you don't, then you are gay and your whole family dies. If you are girl, you get travelled to goblin slayer with no goblin slayer (jk.). : ) : )

Void_of_outer_box · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Back to Aletia.

Now that I am in this world, I am wondering whether I should first kill Ehit, or meet Aletia?

I want to immediately meet Aletia but killing Ehit is important too. He might kill Aletia if I am not careful enough.




Oh wait! I am omnipotent right now! 

I got lost in system narrations and forgot that I am actually omnipotent. Let's just meet Aletia now.

I just thought about meeting Aletia and immediately disappeared.

Scenery around me changed into a different room. A royal room.

If my room was considered beautiful, this room could still be considered pretty enough.

It was still midnight in Tortus. A beautiful blond girl was sleeping peacefully on the huge bed.

Seeing her sleeping face, I didn't wake her up. I quietly walked near her and watched her.

Even though her body is younger than when she was with me, she still looks so beautiful. It reminds me of the first time we met.

I slowly caressed her head with my hand.


She made a sound and held my hand on her face. 


She immediately pulled me into the bed with her.

I, who was stunned by hearing my name from her mouth, wasn't able to react at all and fell beside her on the bed.

"Seven! How is she able to remember me?!" I asked seven in panic.

[Uhm... I don't know. I didn't think she would already remember you.]

[Since your bond was deep in last simulation, it was possible for her to get a sense of Deja Vu on meeting you but I don't think it would be possible for her to remember you! That's also the reason why I personally gave you talent : Remember Me as the last reward.]

Then how does she remember?

[I really don't know about it but it might actually be your doing.]

"My...doing?" Hearing her reply made me remember some bad memories from my past lives.

[Yes. Your doing. If I am not wrong, you both might have loved each other too deeply in last simulation. Your affection might have broken through a limit and made it so she remembers you. Though it might only be possible because you both spend millions of years together.]

So it might really be that thing's effect...? But how? I was sure that power got destroyed when I died.

[What power? What thing?]

Ah, don't worry about it. It's just a trivial thing.


[...fine. Keep your secrets...]

After ending my conversation with seven, I felt a pain in my chest. This pain was not something harmful but it due to how stressed I was when I remembered about my past lives. It's something I want to definitely forget about.

Suddenly, bringing me out of my thoughts, I felt something on my lips.

Aletia suddenly initiated a kiss. It was a small kiss but it brought me out of all my worries.

"Good night..."

She wrapped her arms around my head and pulled me closer to her chest.

This was a habit of her when finally her chest started growing after all those years. She did it everyday for millions of years.

"Yes... good night."

I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her tightly in my arms.

Though it was not my plan, I am probably going to sleep right now.



I woke up next morning. 

Last night I changed my physiology to a demi-god. Previously I was a materialized soul that could interact with reality. It was just impossible to sleep as a soul so I changed it. 

Last night, I finally felt like I properly slept after a really long time. As shinomiya's hier, I can't sleep peacefully at all. Maybe last night was peaceful because I slept with her.

"Mmh... Yawn~ is it morning already?" 

Aletia also woke up besides me. 

"Yes. It's morning."

I also subconsciously replied as a habit.



We both looked at each other for a while before Aletia's eyes widened and tears started coming out of her eyes.

She immediately leapt at me and pushed me down on the bed. Her tears flowing uncontrollablely. 

No words were spoken but words weren't even needed in this situation.

I wrapped my arms around her and started comforting her. 

A whole hour passed by. Her tears finally stopped. We both sat back up.

After calming down, she looked at me. Her eyes were red from crying. She looked at me with a really bright smile.

"... You're back..." 

"Yes. I am back just as I promised." A smile bloom on my face as well.

She hugged me again and kept her face on my shoulder.

"Don't go away anymore."

"I won't."



Room turned silent again. Both of us just embracing each other tightly.


We were brought back to our senses by the sound of cups falling and breaking.

We looked towards the door and noticed an old maid standing at the door. At her feet were some broken utensils.

"Oh, it's just Hana." 

Aletia sighed after seeing who she was and hugged me again.

"W-W-Wait Princess Aletia! W-Who is this man?!"

Her hand was shivering as she pointed towards me. She was too shocked seeing her queen hugging with a man she has never seen before. The first thought in her mind was that her lady is being tricked but she didn't attack before getting proper clarifications from her lady.

"This person? He is my husband."

She held my face and kissed my lips again. After a small kiss, she looked back at Hana with a smug face

It was obvious at this point that she was just having fun teasing Hana.


Hana was not able to take it anymore and just screamed out loud enough for whole kingdom to hear.

Her voice was not a problem for us since if I didn't want to hear it, we won't.

As Aletia was amusing herself with Hana's reaction, I turned her face towards me and gave her a deep kiss. 

"You're having fun huh?"

At this moment, maid named Hana had already ran away from the room. I also decided to seal the room for a while.

Aletia didn't reply but continued the kiss again.

After a few minutes, we both broke the kiss with flushed faces. 

"It's been so long... You should have came back sooner, dummy."

She started removing her nightwear but I stopped her.

"Did you forget? Your body is still of a 12-year old."

"But when we did it for the first time, my body was like this right?" She replied with a pout.

"That's a different matter. It's not the time right now. Your uncle is waiting outside the room."

"...mmh! Fine."

She stood up and looked at me with a smug look. After looking at me, she immediately removed her night wear and let it fall to the ground. She was completely naked.

"Dress me up!" She said.

"Sigh~ yes, yes, my princess." This was also a habit. We both used to dress each other up after waking up in the morning.

I took out a red dress from her closet. Since she is a princess, her clothing resembled European princess dress. Though, it was a bit more modernized than that.

With experiences I got from dressing her for millions of years, I quickly dressed her up.

After combing her hair I used magic to get her ready completely.

"All done." I whispered in her ears.

She moved her head towards my neck and bit me. After drinking a huge amount of my blood, she moved her head away. If it was a normal human, he would have died a hundred times from blood loss.

"Let's go." She smiled.

Taking my hand, she walked out of the door.

"Aletia! Are you fine?!" An old man immediately asked as we exited the room.


(A/N: well... This chapter turned more romantic than I thought. That's all I can say.)