
Anime mashup with omnipotent system

What if we reincarnate a anime weeb in a anime mashup world with a omnipotent system? It should be fine....I think? ------------------------ The story revolves around a normal human who reincarnated into a anime mashup world with an absolute omnipotent system. The system is absurdly overpowered. It's a story about how an absolutely strong being, growing much stronger, lives his life. The story will have world travel and MC can also buy many other systems. Story will have many things done without any reason. Like killing one of the important characters I added before but don't like him/her anymore. Mc's personality is based on mine so it would keep changing. In short, this story makes no sense. If you are searching for a serious story with a strong plot and relatable characters, it's not for you. But, if you want to pass time and have some fun moments in this boring life, you should read this story. Starting chapters are not much fun because I was new to writing at that time but newer chapters keep getting better than before.

Only_omnipotent · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Lia scarlet, bearer of vampire eyes.

"As you can probably tell by now, you're not here just to be an ordinary bodyguard. I am also not in danger, so you don't have to worry about suddenly being attacked by outsiders." Lia said.

Lia suddenly pointed to her red eyes and continued, "My Scarlet Eyes is a very rare genetic trait within the Scarlet Family's lineage. It's so rare that there had only been two people before me that were born with these eyes throughout my family's entire lineage that has existed for over a thousand years. Those born with the Scarlet Eyes are blessed with immense talent and magic aptitude. It is also because of these Scarlet Eyes that my Scarlet Family has managed to stand at the top for hundreds of years."

"However, while it is one's fortune to have these Scarlet Eyes, it is also a misfortune at the same time. While most people call them Scarlet Eyes, it has another name— Vampire Eyes. It was given this name because of its crimson color that is a common trait of vampires, but that is not the only reason. Every six months, my body is overwhelmed with mana, and I will feel an uncontrollable desire for blood."

"This uncontrollable urge cannot be quelled until I am covered in blood or a week has passed. That is why I am currently inside this secluded chamber and why you're here."

"Why don't you just wait for seven days?" I asked.

"I did not, but I wanted to. Before you ask, it's because I enjoy it, and I love the sensation of blood on my skin. The thrill I get from killing is just… amazing!"

The sadistic smile appeared on Lia's face for a second time, widening the grin on my face.

"With that being said, although I can wait out my lust for blood, it takes a heavy toll on me physically and mentally— especially mentally. If that happens, I will occasionally have these episodes where I would go on a sudden ramage, killing everything in sight until I calmed down. It would be problematic if this happened to me while I am in a public area, so the family has decided to quell my bloodlust with sacrifices."

"The Scarlet Family is incredibly influential, but that is only a very small reason why everybody turns a blind eye to us. My potential— they want to use my talents to fight against the vampires and monsters. It is the biggest reason why they are allowing a monster like me to exist."

"Humans are desperate to get rid of monsters and vampires. It's been like this since forever." Lilith calmly said.

Lia returned to her bed shortly after.

"Tell me about yourself," she said to me after lying on the bed in her white one-piece dress.

I started to tell her about my story in this world. I have no reason to hide anything from her. In the worst case, I would just have to delete this scarlet family from this world.

"You're a lot more interesting than I thought. Well, no matter the reason, I'm glad they sent you. It's been a while since I had such a long conversation with someone."

We kept talking for some time.

*Knock* *Knock*

Their door was suddenly knocked on.

"Young Lady, is everything okay in there? Do I need to send in the next sacrifice?" Edwin's voice resounded.

Lia looked at Leo and showed a very subtle smile on her face before responding, "There's no need, he is still alive."

We continued to talk for a while.

"Hey, Lia, what if I tell you that I have a way that will help you control your bloodlust? Would you be willing to try it? Unless you actually like going on ramages…" I asked her

"You think I like losing control over my sanity? Although I enjoy killing, I hate the feeling of losing control, and when I lose control, I cannot fully enjoy the moment when I kill. It's just not the same. If you can really help me suppress my bloodlust, I swear that I will never point my blades at you."

"Are you going to do something perverted to me?" she asked me with a tranquil expression on her face.

"No. Atleast not right now."

"The reason you go on rampages is most likely due to your mana. If I use Mana Drain on you before you can go on a rampage, it should help you control bloodlust."

"Mana Drain…? You know that forbidden spell used by vampires?" She looked at me with slightly wide eyes.

After pondering for a moment, Lia nodded, giving me a silent approval.

"Then can you give me your hand. I need physical contact to use Mana Drain."

Lia responded by extending her hand to me, almost like a patient during a pulse check.

I took a deep breath before gently holding her hands.

Her hand was icy cold .

I said to her, "I am going to begin now. Let me know if you feel any pain."

She silently nodded.

I began using Mana Drain for the first time.


I suddenly heard a cute noise coming from Lia, causing me to subconsciously look at her, there was a weird expression on her face at this moment, looking oddly blissful for some reason, almost as though she was enjoying the sensation of her mana being absorbed.

Over the next several minutes, I would quietly absorb Lia's mana.

However, Lia was anything but quiet, as she would occasionally let out a cute moan that would tickle my heart whenever I heard it, and it became more frequent the longer we did it, almost as though Lia was slowly letting go of her restraints.

I eventually couldn't handle her moaning any more and stopped absorbing her mana.

"Alright, we can stop here."

However, when I released her small hands and tried to retrieve it, Lia suddenly grabbed my hand and said to me in a slightly panting voice, "No… Don't stop… I want you to keep absorbing my mana."

"It could be dangerous if I absorb too much of your mana. Let's rest a little before we continue."

"It's okay. I still have a lot of mana left. Keep going." Lia insisted with a stern expression on her face.

"Alright… I'll do it for a little longer…"

I gave up and held her small hands before using Mana Drain again.


Lia suddenly released a satisfied sigh, even rolling her eyes back a little, looking like she was high on drugs.

A few more minutes later, Lia's body suddenly collapsed forward, leaning on me.

"Hey! Are you okay?!" I immediately stopped using Mana Drain and supported her by holding her shoulders.

"Yes… I just feel a little lightheaded," she said in a calm voice.

"That's Mana Fatigue! Why didn't you tell me to stop when you're already out of mana?! That was incredibly dangerous! I told you to stop me!"

However, she remained nonchalant and spoke in a calm voice, "You only told me to stop when it hurts. I didn't feel any pain, that's why I didn't tell you to stop."

I had an urge to facepalm after hearing her words, "Why are you being so technical? Are you tricking me into hurting you? I will stop using Mana Drain if that's the case."

I tried to fake anger.

"I'm sorry…" Lia suddenly apologized.

"I won't do it again, so please don't stop using Mana Drain…"

If Edwin could see how obedient Lia was acting, he would definitely be shocked to death.

"Alright. However, you're out of mana. It's impossible to use Mana Drain now. We will do it again when it's almost sunset."
