

Marx Francois is a nobleman, a 1st class Senior Magic Knight, and one of the advisers of the 28th Wizard King, Julius.

Marx is a young man with fair hair in a bowl cut hairstyle. He has narrow eyes with long lashes and a typically serious expression on his face.

He wears a dark, long sleeved formal jacket under a light, furred mantle with an attached robe that reaches nearly to his ankles. The front of his mantle is decorated with an ornate chain and clasp. The collar of his jacket is trimmed with fur and has six diamond-shaped ornaments placed horizontally across the front.

Marx try to argue but his reason is unreasonable, he can't help but to ask for help but not one want to help.

Well the magic tools from the dungeon is only added to the national treasury and not them so they don't care about the loot.

"Okay Marx that enough, let's just give it to Mr. Xin."


Seeing Julius face, Marx I ow it's useless, he can only look at Xin with hateful gaze but the other did not even bother to look back at him.

"Damn it!"

"Great work to everyone!"

"Now then, you guys can enjoy your self with little thing that I prepared, do get along with them."

His cheerful personality only give a cold face of all Captain.



On the dining area, everyone is sitting around Xin, well more precisely the kids is sitting around Xin as he is the only one person they feel to easy to befriend.

"Damn, I feel wierd right now."

"Me too, I feel the gaze of everyone."

"Why the Wizard King bring us too here, I feel out of place."

"Me too."

But on their side is Aster who eating like a pig, Mimosa who serving tea to Xin and the other girl Noel who silently sitting with them.

"What on earth is this! I never had this before!"


How can he be so unaffected by all of this, he can even eat loud that everything can hea."

"He is just blockhead."

Mimosa refill Xin's cap and ask." Is the tea is good Mr.Xin?"

"Than you, the tea is good Mimosa."

Xin reply as he gaze around." But this, it's cold, is Julius blind? It's easy to see that the nobles of your kingdom is so prideful and narrow-minded."


"Don't worry, I'm not saying it's you but.... Well nevermind, this is nothing new, just ants."

Mimosa silently serving Xin while she try to cheer up Noel.

"Dirty scum rat..."

"Why would Wizard King invite them?"

"I can't feel Mana from that kid, I bet he just take some others work."

"The little rat don't get that he don't belong here."

The kids turn silent while Aster is still having his time eating and Xin calmly drinking his tea.

"What a bunch of moron." Xin whisper while continue reading his book whole waiting for the paper he need.


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