
Anime Mashup: Life Simulation

Rozen Tendou awakens in a futuristic world, a blend of various fictional narratives he had seen in his prior universe. This new world is an enigma, filled with advanced technology and unforeseen adversities. In the heart of this enigmatic reality, Rozen unveils a peculiar power within him - the Goldenfinger. This mysterious capability allows him to run life simulation scenarios, not just limited to the world he finds himself in, but extending to other diverse universes, exploring life in different cosmologies. How will Rozen, armed with the ability to simulate life in different cosmologies, navigate the intricacies of this alien world to ensure his survival? Every simulation unfolds new scenarios of hope, danger, and the enduring spirit of human resilience amidst a reality that constantly challenges the limits of what he knows and where he belongs.

Arata_San · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 2 First Life Simulation

In the next moment, a feeling of weightlessness enveloped Rozen's entire consciousness, and the scene around him transformed into a kaleidoscope.

He was then startled to find himself experiencing a strange and weak sensation after what had just happened; now he felt a physical sense at the same time, while also feeling his consciousness split into two parts.

First, there was the consciousness that directly saw and felt everything with blurry eyes, and second, the consciousness that observed from behind the first, as if the first consciousness was a movie he was watching from the back.

It was really weird...

The feeling of controlling and seeing with two consciousnesses was something Rozen found very difficult to explain; he was amazed at how his golden finger could make him experience such a unique thing.

[You were born into a middle-class, happy family.]

"I see, I really reincarnated into a new world, huh?" He said in amazement while looking around with his first consciousness.

[Your birth was warmly welcomed by all the members of your new family, and eventually, your father and mother named you 'Rozen Walker' after thinking that you were a gift from God.]

"Rozen Walker... There's still a part of my old name there, but from now on, Rozen Walker is my new name in this life."

[You smiled in response, which made all the members of your family stunned and happy to see your first smile in the world.]

[A few days later, you and your mother were allowed to leave the hospital, and your life as a newborn began.]

Damn it!!! I really can't control the urge to pee! It's very annoying!

Rozen thought in full annoyance, after all, he had peed or pooped unconsciously many times.

Well, it can't be helped then, after all, I'm still a baby.

He sighed while looking at his mother who changed his diaper, funnily enough, his mother wasn't angry or annoyed at this.

[Life continued, and at the age of 6 months, you were interested in books, which made your mother show you some, and miraculously, with your intelligence and memories of your past life, you managed to read, which shocked your mother.]

"Honey! Our baby boy is a genius!!!" Your mother approached your father with impatience and joy on her face and immediately told him about the incident.

"Hahahaha, God bless me! Rozen is really a gift from God to our family," your father said, carrying you around happily after witnessing you succeed in reading.

[The news spread all over the world, and you were finally labeled as the youngest prodigy in the world!]

"Ugh... Hopefully, my popularity now doesn't make me lose out in the future," Rozen said helplessly, he wasn't sure his act to show his genius at a young age was the right thing to do.

And also, Rozen now felt there was one thing he felt grateful for now, which is that the life simulation didn't feel as long as real life but like a dream that passed very quickly and at the same time long.

So he could experience a very long life but only through a very short time as well, as if he experienced 80 years of real life which he actually only went through for 8 minutes.

[Although many prodigy titles hang within you, you still don't care about them, but you focus on achieving your life's priorities and improving yourself as much as possible.]

[You then began to read knowledge books from beginning to end throughout your childhood.]

[Thanks to your actions of reading and honing your brain while still in the growth stage, your intelligence increased by 2+.]

"Well? I didn't expect that to happen, but that's very good!" He smirked and continued to read the sea of words without paying attention to the worried glances of his parents.

[Your parents were worried that you were pressured because of the prodigy title you held and felt guilty for causing it, you then repeatedly reassured your parents until they finally believed and were relieved that you are not reading a lot of books because of the pressure of that.]

[With 1 year of persistence in reading books, you finally mastered and remembered everything about knowledge from elementary to high school, and not to forget you mastered several other languages besides Japanese and English that you wanted to master next.]

[Your effort in memorizing something during the growth phase made your intelligence increase by another 2+ along with your talent 2+.]

[Because your talent and intelligence reached 10, you acquired the ability 'Photographic Memory.']

"Is this really photographic memory?! Am I really not dreaming right now?! It's great!!!" He stood with his eyes wide, still couldn't believe what he got now. After all, photographic memory was his dream ability to get in his previous world.

Rozen's intelligence in his previous world was just above average, and his laziness sometimes made his grades plummet from all his friends, sometimes he who was like that always dreamed of what it felt like to have a strong memory like photographic memory which is famous for how beneficial it is.

Now his dream was fulfilled which made him very ecstatic about it, with this ability he could learn anything more faster than before.

[Life goes on, until 12 years later you still hadn't gone to school because you thought school was time-wasting due to your possessed knowledge from elementary to college.]

[During those 12 years, many things happened, from you mastering 20 country's languages and also common programming languages like C and Javascript, etc. With your masterful abilities, you almost reached your life's priorities.]

[Everyone in the world was still amazed at your genius, as such your title as a prodigy was still going over in the world.]

"What's keeping me from reaching my life's priorities?" Rozen stared at the screen full of a barrage of code and IP addresses.

"Could it be that I haven't achieved it because what I hope for is to become the best hacker in this world and even in the world of Detroit?" He felt such a conjecture was likely right and so he decided to improve his coding and hacking skill by dueling with other famous hackers.

[But even after doing so for years until you even felt you were more of a master, you still hadn't achieved your life priority, thus you thought again about the possibility of why that happened.]

"Maybe... just maybe I should make my own computer language," Rozen didn't know why he suddenly said like this, but somehow this was the right answer to this problem.

Rozen sat at his desk and was silent for a moment while thinking about the concepts of the programming language he wanted to make, as a start he had to choose a name for his soon own programming language and he chose ctOS as its name after remembering the hacker game he used to play.

"Central Operating System or ctOS... I'm weird, do I want to make a programming language or an operating system if it's like this?" He said to himself in amusement, and after thinking for a while he decided to make both.

"So let's see the result of my grinding skill from before," With an excited smile he started using all his precious knowledge about computers and programming while also not forgetting his experience dueling with other hackers.

[Even with your genius intellect and vast knowledge, creating a unique programming language and operating system is a monumental task for one person, and it takes you years to complete.]

[Despite the long journey, you are satisfied and proud to have created something extraordinary.]

"It's finally done!!! Hahahaha," Rozen laughed maniacally, his eyes bloodshot from exhaustion. Anyone witnessing this would think he had lost his mind.

"What a freaking hard thing to do! If not for my designated personality in this simulation, I would've given up on this project before," he said, laughing bitterly. If it weren't for the life simulation, someone like him would never have had the patience for such a challenging and time-consuming project.

"So, let's see how overpowered this seemingly sci-fi programming language and operating system are in real-time!" His grin was one of excitement, aware that no one knew the difficulty of creating ctOS and its potential power and fearfulness in the real world. The length of time a genius like Rozen spent on this project was a testament to its complexity.

He took out his phone, powered it on, and the unique interface of ctOS appeared on the screen. After a few seconds, he opened the hacking terminal application, which presented numerous options for hacking various systems.

Rozen tapped on his phone, and in an instant, the electricity in his room surged outwards, plunging the brightly lit city into darkness.

"Hahahaha, it works!!!" His then laught happily while ignoring the potential losses and damage his actions might have caused for entire city.

[And with that act, you became a legend among hackers and technology experts overnight who could hack any thing just with a phone]

[Congratulations! You have achieved your life's priority!]

[Having created your own operating system, you contemplate making it a public operating system for a smart modern city, inspired by the game Watch Dogs.]

[After days of contemplation, you decide to go public with ctOS, which once again boosts your fame as the world's youngest prodigy.]

[Unsurprisingly, numerous parties express interest in acquiring ctOS, but you decline ownership offers, preferring partnerships instead. While some reject this proposal, others are intrigued and agree.]

[With the funds from these partnerships, you and your collaborators successfully establish a smart city powered by your unique operating system, a first of its kind.]

[Your success makes you the youngest and most successful individual in the world, and you lay the foundation for a technology empire named 'YoRHa,' inspired by another game you played.]

[Under your leadership, YoRHa becomes the fastest-growing and most successful tech corporation in the world, achieving numerous technological breakthroughs and accolades.]

"It's been 18 years since I reincarnated in this world, and now I've achieved what I wanted in this life," Rozen sighed, gazing down at the city from a skyscraper, feeling like a king surveying his domain.

Now, he desired nothing more than to relax and enjoy life. His previous journey had been exhausting, filled with tireless study and technological advancement.

Rozen, with a contemplative gaze upon the city's skyline, broke the silence. "Alpha, update me on the humanoid android project. Are we on track?"

Alpha responded promptly, "Progress continues, Master Rozen. The neural network is now 76% towards our goal for autonomous learning. However, emotional response algorithms are still under refinement."

"Understood. And the physical integration?" Rozen inquired, his tone laced with anticipation.

"The synthetic muscle fibers have been incorporated, but full dexterity remains elusive. We're at 63% of the targeted motor skills," Alpha reported.

"Keep at it, Alpha. It's crucial that our androids not only think but feel and move with grace," Rozen directed, turning back to the view, his mind already racing with solutions.

"Affirmative, Master. I will prioritize these modules in our next development cycle," Alpha confirmed, her voice steady and reassuring.

The entity known as Alpha was an advanced AI created by Rozen, a trusted secretary who had assisted him with time-consuming tasks like monitoring and conducting repetitive research. He build this after thinking how helpful Jarvis to Tony Stark in Marvel.

Life for Rozen should have continued smoothly, but suddenly, an explosion rocked the city, followed by a powerful shockwave.

"What happened?" Rozen's brow furrowed, and Alpha's voice quickly emanated from his phone.

"A large, unidentified creature has emerged from the coast and is attacking the city," Alpha reported.

Curious, Rozen accessed the coastal camera feeds and saw the monster—a creature from the movie 'Cloverfield' he had seen in his previous life.

His face paled as despair set in; he knew that with the appearance of this monster, which was still in its infancy, the world's end was imminent.

Rozen was acutely aware that the arrival of the monster heralded the end of the world. Its destructive rampage, while still in its infancy, promised an inevitable apocalypse.

He hastily evacuated his tech corporation's building, only to witness the city in ruins, its inhabitants engulfed in terror.

The streets were choked with vehicles, rendering escape by car impossible. "Shit! Is walking the only way out of here?" Rozen grumbled, knowing too well the peril of navigating on foot, especially with the possibility of smaller creatures from 'Cloverfield'.

"Alpha! I need a safe and effective escape route, immediately!"

[Guided by Alpha, Rozen mmanaged to find a safe path, miraculously avoiding any other monstrous encounters.]

With a heavy heart, Rozen gazed upon the destruction of his city, especially his own skyscraper, now just debris in the wake of the monster's fury.

He understood the futility of his escape if the beast remained undefeated. Without a miracle, humanity faced certain doom.

Military forces launched futile attacks on the creature, which only served to provoke it further.

[Rozen watched as the monster continued its rampage while also growing larger with time.]

"Had I known, I would have researched weapons long ago," he uttered with regret, knowing that hindsight offered no solace.

"Alpha... after I'm gone, help humanity as much as you can, and ensure my family's safety," he instructed, not waiting for a response before executing a command code and discarding his phone.

"It seems my time has come, what a pity, I never managed to create 2B in reality."

[Resigned to his fate, Rozen faced death with a trace of fear, and soon after, he was killed by the collapsing structures around him.]

[The life simulation ended.]

Back in the world of Detroit, Rozen awoke with a start, gasping for breath. He quickly examined himself, relieved to find he was unharmed.

"It's unbelievable that I just lived a second life from birth," he reflected, his memories from the simulation vivid, a testament to its reality.

"The photographic memory is still with me... It makes me eager for the next simulation," he said with anticipation, curious about the new abilities he might acquire.

"And with ctOS, I'll be able to solidify my identity in this world,," he said in a relieved tone. But then he realized his current phone lacked the ctOS code and operating system.

The thought initially disheartened him, but his spirits lifted as he remembered he had memorized the entire ctOS code. With swift keystrokes, he spent the night coding ctOS into his phone.