
Anime is an Outer God's Playground

CURRENT WORLD: Danmachi (Part 2) *Warning: Is wish fulfillment with a huge pokemon harem, there will be slow pace and development at need and MC bangs every girl in harem* Want a break from the ads— I mean... Want a description of this fic ? Fine. Akira, a normal human gets reincarnated into an Anime World with three wishes, thanks to the ROB. "If I can't wish for Omnipotence, then I'll create a scenario where I become absurdly OP in day one !" He said. And that's what happened, "I got you homie!" The ROB laughed. Day 1- "It's only being one day— It feels like a thousand centuries... The power of [Boundless Records] is forcefully changing my personality..." Corrupted by the power of infinite knowledge, Akira becomes an Outer God with the ability to travel worlds and seduce any women he wants throughout the vast multiverse! "This is the birth of a new Outer God!" A####### shouted. ―――――― [ Three/ Fours Chapters a week in WN. 20 Daily Chapters Ahead in my Patreon: Patreon.com/skyfall12 ] NO NTR OR FORCED IN ANY KIND! This is a wish fulfillment fic with cruel characters and twisted beings that don't flinch at death or torture. MC is an anti-hero (Not too evil, reasonable, generous but not a nice person) You can expect: • ABSURDLY OVERPOWERED MC ! • POKEMON MULTIVERSAL HAREM ! • REGULAR R18 AND AROUSING CONTENT ! • SLOW-PACED ROMANCE AT NEED ! And most importantly... CONSTANT UPLOAD!! ――Worlds―― Tensura/ DxD/ Overlord/ HOTD/ Akame Ga Kill/ Overgeared/ Chainsaw Man/ Outer Realm/ Danmachi... ――Additional Tags―― Evil mc, cruel characters, antihero mc, cruel mc, wish fulfillment, Isekai, outer god, multiverse, Omniverse, harem, pokemon harem, big harem, Tensura, slime anime, highschool dxd, DxD, anime, animeverse, nsfw, R18 story, Dragonball, Danmachi, helltaker, fate, fate grand order, yandere, invincible, overpowered, Multiverse fanfiction, Crossover, Multiverse fic, multiverse-travelling, multiverse traveling with wish fulfillment, multiverse-travelling, anime worlds, sandbox, playground, evil mc, devil mc, demon mc, killer mc, serial killer mc, wicked mc, psychopathic mc, evil characters, slavery

LXVE_MuRdxR69 · Anime & Comics
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174 Chs

Akira Kagurazaki I


"Oops guess class is over for today everyone, I expect you all to do this exercise at home and bring it tomorrow on double sheet." The homeroom teacher of this class announced, while the bell continued ringing.

The students got up from their seats and left the class, but as the last one was leaving, the teacher suddenly spoke, "Oh, Kagurazaki. Can I have a word with you if you may?" The teacher spoke.

This handsome looking boy whose family name was Kagurazaki, "Yeah sure whatever.." The boy blandly.

The teacher reached for his backpack and brought up a pack of papers. [ Class A / Evaluation 4—II ]

'Ah shit, here we got again...' The boy thought, while the teacher flipped through the dozen papers, these were the evaluations of last week, just a bunch of Bs, Cs and occasionally Fs, with only one paper with A minus belonging to a girl named Monika Asano.

"Your grade..." The teacher announced, as he handed Kagurazaki his exam sheet. The boy read through the paper then got bored, it was filled with the teacher's red pen.

"Read it out loud" The teacher said.

"Akira Kagurazaki. A, plus..." Akira said blankly with a poker face.

"Exactly. The only A, plus in my class on a three hour exam. Not only were you the only one to draw the reciprocal function (Cf) but you also answered correctly to the bonus question of integration. Your grade should normally be A, plus, plus." The teacher spoke with some pride in it.

"It was easy I guess, it's a surprise not anyone have done the drawing, since you only need the reciproc's interval..." Akira said.


Silence filled the room for a second. The teacher slightly slammed his hands on the office before speaking, "Right! Sooo, uhh... The problem!... You're excellent when it comes to studies, I'll give you that... But, the problem is your—

"Claass Beehavioor" Akira said monotonely.

"Exactly! And I'm quite surprised because normally prodiges like you are the silent ones, people who wait for the right moment to strike!" The teacher said.

"So, what now sensei?" Akira asked.

Giving him a slight glance, the teacher turned to him and spoke, "You will go back at home... do your little 'fun' activities and all, ANNND, you'll take your grade with you" The teacher said.

"That's it?" Akira asked once again.

"Come ooon. Don't you feel proud of this achievement?" The teacher said happily.

"As long as you keep scoring high, I'll watch the discipline grade for you. And don't forget, no fights. I'm strictly serious concerning that kind of behavior..." The teacher said lastly, with a clear solemn voice and a dangerous stare targeting him.

Akira nod then left the class while holding his paper. He walked down the streets

"Another A, plus added. Should get a great average... Now, it's time to relax finally" Akira sighed. There was no denying that such prestigious grade required regular working and his gifted talent.

To celebrate this, Akira decided to go to a bakery and have a nice meal for breakfast. He normally doesn't take breakfast at morning, according to him, fluffy meals when you just woke up taste the worst.

He ordered a simple piece of cake and orange juice, some may say it was 'commun' but for him it was a good breakfast. Paying the cashier, he left the store then continued walking home.

But just as he was on his last turn right, a girl showed herself a few meters in front of him. A girl with extensively long coral brown hair that she keeps tied up in a high ponytail tied back with a large white bow, curled slightly at the ends. She has two prominent strands of hair beside her bangs that reach slightly past her chest and emerald green eyes.

"YOU!!" The girl said furiously.

"Me?" Akira said dumbly while pointing himself, playing alongside her act.

"YES! YOU!" The girl spoke loudly.

"WHAT'S THAT IN YOUR HANDS?!" She pointed at that paper sheet in Akira's hands, which he quickly hid before she could see it, but she had already done so.

The furious girl approached him quickly then stole it from his hands, but he didn't particularly do any effort to actually hide it.

The girl's eyes read the sheet at fast speed, a sweat of confusion formed on her cheek, "Th-This... It can't be!!" She yelled.

"What's the big idea" He asked.

"I thought I got the first grade!! Seriously how could you draw that reciprocal function?! There were fifteen infinite branches!" She said.

"I used image calculation technique" Akira revealed his secret.

"Wait, that's illegal... You tricked him!" She said.

"Fuck yeah I did. And how did you even get your paper in advance?"

"Forget that. Here, take it back. I'll get more than you next time" She said, with a humph! at the end.

"Tsun..." Akira mumbled.

Monika looked a second at him then burst out laughing, Akira smiled and let out an amused giggle, "Hahaha~ Jeez the act lasted for a quite a while~ Haha~" Monika laughed.

This girl was Monika Asano from class, the second best grade before Akira's flawless paper. She came closer to him then made a cute position that showed her affection.

"How have you been doing sweetie~?" She asked, with red blushing cheeks.

"Nothing much, it's the end of the semester" He said.

"Hey~" She got even closer then caught his hands. "Can you come with me home tonight? My parents are on business trip again for a week and there isn't anyone that can keep me company~ Pleeaase~" She said with look full of anticipation.

Akira caressed her hair then replied to her, "Sure. We had our last tests this week so I got nothing else to do... And I don't want you to feel alone at home, especially considering how big your home is" He said with a smile.

"Ehm~ Come on, it's not that big!"

'That's what she said...' He thought.

"I'm sure you just thought of something mean" She spoke. Akira denies it.


Monika's home was a big and vast house on the suburb of the city. It was nice and peaceful, especially this Friday afternoon where things tend to get quite noisy.

"Aaand here we are!" Monika said, as she opened the door to her house, while they've being walking in her garden.

The two put their backpacks on the ground then headed forward in the corridor, arriving to the lobby room. "What do you want to eat~?" She asked.

"I can't let you do all the work when it's Friday" He said in concern.

"Hehe~ That's so sweet of you honey, but I insist! Food is just a small detail... How about lasagna!" She suggested.

"If you find it easy cooking then okay" Akira said.

"Nice! I'll get it done in no time! You can watch TV meanwhile~!" She said, to which she received a nod.

But as she was about to leave to the kitchen, Akira caught her hand gently, this skin contact made her slightly blush and her mouth turned 'o' shaped.

Akira pulled her to him then made his face approach hers. Monika was startled at first but when she saw him willing to kiss her she just let loose, her muscles relaxed, her eyes closed, her lips curled and then, *Chu~!*

The two kissed passionately for about one minute, Akira tried stopped multiple times but Monika would just get aggressive, pulling him to her intensely and even using her tongue.

Their tongues curled and tangled around each other getting even sloppier and lovelier. The two stepped slowly until they reached the couch on which they fell on each other, Monika under while Akira was leaning his hands on the two sides and looking at her gaze with love and lust.

Monika breathed heavily, *Chu~* they cut the kiss and a string formed connecting their mouths. Monika looked at Akira with an aroused gaze, this was very lovely but she wanted more.

They were deep enough in the relationship for that kind of adult things. "How can I eat normal food after getting a taste of you love" Akira said bitterly, which made an love arrow pierce her heart. The heat was getting out of control, Monika felt like melting.

"I-I'll go prepare the food now..." She said, shocked and extremely extremely happy.

Meanwhile, Akira sat on the couch and turned on the TV. But he didn't want to just sit there while Monika did all the work, so he got up and walked around the house for a bit.