
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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117 Chs

Pain of Seperation

" YOU BASTARD...you are...You are going to die " said Rhy

" Womp womp " said Abel

" Tch...this is just a distraction I need to reach Thum as fast as I can.. otherwise he will be killed " said Rhy in his mind

" I'll do something to buy enough time for Yuen to kill the other one off, but for how long is the question " said Abel in his mind

Yuen clenched her first and slammed it on Thum's larynx, breaking his vocal chord. As Thum was about to release another demonic scream, he choked on his own blood.

" THIS IS FOR KAE !!! " shouted Yuen

She shouted on top of her lungs. She grabbed Thum's neck and pinned it firmly on the ground. She locked her eyes and stared right in Thum's eyes.

" Damn it she ain't messing around she will kill me, she will KILL ME " said Thum to himself as he started to panick

In retaliation, he tried to grab Yuen's throat but Yuen grabbed his forearms and pinned it with her knees. Thum tried to push her away but the air pressure from Ryu and Yuen weight combined was too much for him.

" I'll try to heal " said Thum as he started to focus his energy on his larynx


" Wait that kid..his flame supressed my power..I can't...no not like this " said Thum

" DIE !!!! " shouted Yuen

Using her animal Spirit of the bat, she unleashed an ultra Sonic screech right at Thum's face. As she started to scream, the ground below started to sink and created a huge crater. Everyone around her took shelter to avoid any unnecessary damage. A huge mushroom cloud of dust emerged from the crater.

" THUM!!!!! BROTHER !!! " shouted Rhy

" Yu..e...n... " murmured Han

" Nooooo!!! YUEN!!!! " shouted Gorosuke

As the dust settled, Yuen emerged from the crater, carrying Thum's lifeless body with only her left arm. She slammed the body on the ground. Thum's face was completely obliterated, as his cranium turned into dust. The entire thoracic cavity was embowled and his cervical area was completely destroyed.

" THUM!!!? " shouted Rhy as he fell on his knees and started to sob

" Yuen!!! Are you alright ?? " asked Gorosuke as he rushed at her

" Yuen... " murmured Han

Yuen took a few steps before collapsing on the ground. Gorosuke grabbed her and turned her around only to see that she had a huge gape in her neck. Her entire vocal chord was ruptured alongside her oesophagus and food passage.

" Go....ro... " murmured Yuen

" It's gonna be fine..stay with me " said Gorosuke as tied her neck with his handkerchief in order to stop excessive blood loss.

" My...time has...come... " said Yuen

" Yuen!!! Noo c'mon stay with me Yuen, c'mon noo " said Gorosuke as he started to panick

" Take...care....Ta...k " murmured Yuen as she raised her arms towards Han.

" Yuen Shinjo , you lived a honourable and a life full of valour. You died on the battlefield protecting the weak and were ready to sacrifice your life for saving others without a second thought. You will celebrated in the heavenly abode of the warriors after you completed your punishments for some sins that you accumulated in your life. You are ranked to the 3rd heaven in God's court. You shall leave your mortal body now..Grab this staff now " a voice echoed

" Who..are you " asked Yuen

" I'm King Yama's messenger, the carrier of the souls, I carry them to his abode and you shall be judged there according to your karma..May Daikokuten have mercy on you, YUEN SHINJO " said the voice as a golden staff was pointed towards Yuen

" YOU CAN'T LEAVE YUEN.. NOT LIKE THIS..YUEN " said Gorosuke as he hugged her body and started to cry

" I'll try my best to heal her...but I'm afraid the wound is too deep and I can't heal her in time..she has lost a lot of blood.. I'm sorry Grandma.. I'm sorry" said Mimiko as she started to cry as well

Yuen grabbed Mimiko's palm and looked at her with watery eyes. A bright light emitted in her palm as she closed it. Yuen palm fell to the ground as her heart beat dropped and she took her last breath.

" YUEN!!! " shouted Gorosuke

Yuen died in Gorosuke's arm as her lifeless body stopped twitching and her limbs came to rest.

" I'm done here I guess '' said Yuen as she grabbed the golden staff and merged within the bright light.

" Grandma Yuen !! " said Ryu as he landed

" Grandma !!! " said Jetchi and Kanako as they rushed at Gorosuke

" RIP Yuen " said Abel in his mind as he wiped his tears off

" You....you bastard...you killed my brother...you....monsters.... " said Rhy

" The irony is crazy " said Abel


" Now pay " said Rhy in a lower tone.

" I am Rhy , a demon of shadow and fury, and this shall be the end of you and your friends right here right now " said Rhy

As rage courses through him, his form contorts and shifts, muscles bulging as he transforms into a towering beast. In his hands materializes a zither, its strings woven from the screams of the damned, ready to unleash cacophonous chaos. His once-human face twists into a grotesque mask of jagged teeth and seething eyes, dripping with the ichor of his wrath.

His bones snapping and reforming into a monstrous visage of terror. His veins bursting as he sprouted 2 additional arms.

" Guys we have a problem here, a big one as a matter of fact " said Abel

Rhy jacket ripped, as a long bony deformity emerged from his back and rushed at the group, slashing and bruising anyone in between. He grabbed Thum's body and pierced it. He then retracted his appendage and grazed upon Thum's body.

" My beautiful brother..my brother... I'll take care of you forever... I'll never let you go away..we will never be separated again..I promise " said Rhy

Rhy grabbed Thum's Zither and kept his body on his Zither.


" You all are gonna die " Rhy added

" We'll see about that " said Hiroshi

" I hope so " said Rhy as he emitted a black aura shaking the ground below.

A throne made up of human flesh and bones erupted and started to elevate itself using the crystals. Rhy sat on the throne and used the additional flesh and bones as the stand for the Zither.

" Let the ceremony begin " said Rhy.