
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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117 Chs

Chapter 19 :- A Gardner in a War

" Ahhhhhh" a voice echoed once again

" Who is this where where ... are you " asked Hiro

" Here help me " voice echoed from the well of the temple.

There was a big hall of Chinese and Japanese style structure of the tomb and hallway. After a few steps there was big well in the cente of the way surrounded by holy scriptures written on thick ropes. A big bell was in the corner around the well which led to another path. Th other path led to a big pond which is used to cleanse the temple plates and also used to take baths by the monk. Right in the front of the well there lies the rock shaped like an eye on a bed of flowers and cushion under a dripping stalactites which constantly dropped water on the rock. All of the things Well, rock and entrance were in the same line but the path to reach the rock was to walk to around the circumference of the pond which was made of limestone paths.

" Wow these places is huge " said Hiroshi

" Well hello , is someone out there " echoed the voice.

" I think it's coming from the well " said Kazuki

" Let's find out " said Mimiko

Mimiko looked down at the well and saw a big fat but bulky man hanging to the bucket rope clinging for his life.

" Oh my god , quick give me a hand " said Mimiko

Everyone grabbed each other waist and Mimiko grabbed the rope and they all pulled the rope together.

" Thanks for saving my life " said the man

" Who are you and how did you even end up there " asked Hiro

" My name is Jetchi , and i am the last of the warrior monks " said Jetchi

" What is a warrior monk "? asked Kanako

" Assuming you all the know the story behind the temple many many years ago , when the great Edo clan war took place , many samurai and ninja of the Nada clan attacked the Edo clan , villages and temple. From the time when the temple was first made , the king used to protect the temple at the sake of his own life , however he wasn't able to stay here all day. So to complete the task given by the god , a figure who shall remain unnamed till this day , taught the monks who only knew prayer , martial arts in order to defend the temple and people around them" said Jetchi

" We were also visited by Bruce Lee in his time and he taught us the mind strengthen training ". Jetchi added

" Woah holy shit you have meet Bruce Lee " asked Hiroshi

" No not me but my grandpa " he added

" The famous line that Bruce Lee asked was our very sole motive. It's goes by :- " We pray and live in peace but yet are taught fighting? to which he replied " It's better to be a warrior in a garden than to be a gardener in a War "

" We pray and live in peace but in order to protect others we must fight " said Jetchi

" Woah dude that's pretty amazing" said Kanako.

" Ok so how you end up there fato"?asked Kazuki

" You see when I returned from the pond after taking a bath , I saw that many demon minion were marching towards the temple. So I rushed in to get my weapon and took a stance. Despite their small stature they were in big number, hence outnumbering me . They pushed my into the well , so they could easily attack me , but I fought like a mad lad until the attack subsided. When I tried to look up , I saw they were in massive numbers so I thought that taking shelter here maybe the safest thing , however" said Jetchi

" However" everyone asked together.

" I was tired because I didn't eat so I slept and didn't have enough power to get up " said Jetchi as he blushed.

Everyone fell down in a comical way and sighed .

" So where is grandpa " asked Hiro

" Oh you mean Goro sensei " said Jetchi

" Yeah " said Hiroshi

" There he is " said Kazuki

Gorosuke was slightly injured but still was able to walk and was coming towards Hiro and his friends.

" Everyone get ready " " Now" he shouted.

" What why " asked Kazuki

Gorosuke pointed at the entrance , where a horde of minions and a rhino like monster.

A Humanoid , Rhino monster who was standing on his 2 feet and his upper body was of a Rhino with red glowing eyes and pierced ear and nose. His skin was scaly and ashy , wore a red Lenin Tai chi uniform. He had a spear in one hand and other was like a rhino.

His chest was bare opened but he has a bulky yet ripped body . He took a deep breath and grunted , releasing a heavy push of air from his nose .

" Uh -oh " said Ryo

" Ok everyone let's get some ass to kick" said Kazuki

" Everyone take a stance , get ready and trust on your training" said Gorosuke

" Woah woah wait grandpa , we didn't had any training" said Hiro .

Everyone looked at Hiro , in a weird stare , even the minions

" Hahahahaha" shouted the minions and they all started laughing

Hiro was blushing and turned red like a tomato, while Gorosuke slapped his forehead.

" Enough talking" said The Rhino demon

" My name is Enzo , and I am here for that Rock piece , now there can be too ways one , you all die and I take the stone or second you all give me the rock without a fight and then die "

" Fuck you " said Kazuki

" Language" said Mimiko

" Ok that's enough " said Enzo

Everyone rushed at each other and they all initiated their fight . Hiro cowardly hid behind the well. Kanako felt pity for Hiro and ran after him. Boom , a loud noise came , and Kazuki went flying into the room where the Stone was kept.