
You Are My Sunshine

WARNING: Homophobia, murder, angst

WARNING: Hideous angst from my demon brain itself

Roman smiled at Virgil.

The night had been amazing; Roman had taken Virgil stargazing at a spot he'd known since he was little.

The two had spent hours under the stars on the blanket Roman had brought.

They were walking home, hand in hand, when something hard hit Virgil's shoulder. He stumbled and bumped into Roman. He turned to see what hit him, and there was a man standing there.

"Watch it," said Virgil. "You almost knocked me over."

The man stared at them for a moment, before spitting in Virgil's face and hissing, "Gay freaks."

Virgil wiped his face with his sleeve as Roman started forward. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me," the man replied. "Gay freaks."

Virgil could see Roman was about to punch this man in the face, and grabbed his arm. Roman turned to look at him.

"Roman, it's okay. Let's just go home."

Roman nodded. "I- you're right, Virge."

Roman returned to his spot next to Virgil, and the two began to walk. Roman could hear fast footsteps behind him and turned around.

The next thing he processed was pain, and Virgil was shouting and the man was running away.

He remembered the man charging at Virgil, holding a knife, Roman putting himself in between them, trying something, anything to protect his Emo Nightmare. He remembered the knife going in, coming out, clattering to the ground as the man took off.

Virgil was crying, on the phone. "Please- PLEASE! My boyfriend- he got stabbed, please, I need an ambulance, we're at the corner of Westview and Atkins Road, please hurry!"

Virgil put the phone away, knelt next to Roman, who was now lying on the ground. "Roman? Roman, please, hang on, they'll be here soon, the ambulance is coming."

Virgil's face was going in and out of focus. Roman felt his eyes droop.

"No, no, don't you dare," Virgil said, barely comprehensible through his tears. "Don't fall asleep Roman, please, hang on, please."

But Roman could feel he wouldn't make it. He lifted a hand- the movement taking most of his remaining energy- and placed it on Virgil's cheek, who held it there with his own.

"I love you," whispered Roman.

Virgil tried not to get any more tears on Roman as he replied, "I love you too."

"Can.." It was taking all of Roman to keep talking. "Can you sing?"

Virgil took a breath and nodded, ready to do one last thing for the man he loved more than anything. He swallowed thickly and began.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine."

Roman smiled weakly and joined in.

"You make me happy when skies are grey."

Virgil gave him a shaky smile as more tears fell down his face.

"You'll never know dear, how much I love you."

Roman was trying his hardest to keep going.

"Please don't take my sunshine away."

Roman's eyes had fluttered shut.

Virgil knew it was too late.

But he had to finish the song.

For Roman.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

You make me happy when skies are grey."

The last lines of the song were barely audible.

"You'll never know dear, how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away."

And Roman was dead, in the cold of the night, in the lap of the boyfriend he had loved so much, blood staining his shirt and jacket, and his boyfriend held him as he cried, and begged him to come back, although he knew it was useless.

But Roman was happy.

That the last thing he had seen was the most beautiful face he'd ever seen, heard was his beautiful boyfriend's voice.

Virgil gave Roman one last hug, holding him, willing his life force to bleed into Roman. He laid one last kiss on Roman's forehead, and whispered, "Goodbye, Roman."