
Angry Wolf and his Deaf Mate

Nai has always known he's different, and has been made to feel like a freak because of it. Moving to a new town seems like a fresh start, but his hopes are quickly shattered when he catches the attention of the local school hottie. However, as they grow closer, Nai discovers that there's more to this bad boy than meets the eye.

Neytiri85 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


"Because it's not me!" Max shouts at Nai.

I see Nai freeze in shock, as does Clay and I. A second ago I'm getting angry at the 'gorilla' and 'man whore' comment as well as the insinuation that Nai is just someone to be used once a week. Then he shouts that.

"What!" I hear Nai whisper.

Max steps up, grabs his shoulders and looks back at me a moment before planting a kiss on Nai's lips. My wolf snarls at me to burst out and kill the human for touching our mate, but I manage to clamp him down. Instead, I head straight down the steps but I stop halfway down.

Nai pushes him away and instantly punches him. I'm both surprised and turned on at the same time. My man just punched someone for kissing him.

I want to pound into him right now, bringing him to the most pleasurable high he has ever felt as a reward. Nai quickly turns and walks to me, I move to meet him.

"Nai!" Max calls to him, rubbing his cheek.

Once he's in front of me I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him flush against me. I've no doubt he can feel how turned on I am right now, but to my annoyance, he focuses on Max.

"Max what the hell were you thinking?" he demands in a strong voice that isn't helping calm my growing erection down.

"Nai … I ….." Max stammers.

"Tell me what the fuck you were thinking?" he demands again, and again his strong voice goes straight to my cock.

Nai doesn't usually swear but when he does it's hot as fuck. He mainly only swears when I'm balls deep inside him, pounding his ass. I really need to stop thinking about this, or at least get Max and Clay to leave quickly.

"I … I love you Nai, I've always loved you," he says in a whisper. Nai freezes in my arms before sighing.

"Since when?" he asks.

"I realised after I left. I had always been attracted to you, but you were my friend. At first, I thought it was just because I thought you were cute. Then when I couldn't see you anymore I realised that I had actual feelings for you. That's why I tried really hard to get back to you. When I was too late it crushed me. Then I thought if I was patient and waited until I saw you in college, I would confess how I felt, then you and I would be together. I never thought that you would have had a boyfriend or even a girlfriend."

"Oh nice, thanks for making me sound like a loser," Nai teases his friend with a small smile on his face. I can tell he is trying not to hurt his friend's feelings. Max gives him a little smile back.

"I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that since I never saw you interested in anyone, not even anyone famous. So I assumed you would still be the same. Especially after what you went through with those assholes," he says. Nai nods and sighs.

"I'm really sorry Max but I don't think of you that way, I never have. It wouldn't change even if I wasn't with Asher, I would still only want to be your friend," he tells him, tightening his grip on my arms. Max sighs and nods, looking defeated.

"I guess I knew that, I was just hoping … never mind." He then looks at me properly for the first time.

"I'm sorry," he says before walking off. Nai removes my hands and stops him from leaving.

"Wait! Where are you going?" he asks. A part of me growls that he moved away from me, I want him back in my arms.

"I should get home, I have class in the morning," Max explains.

"Is it far? We can give you a ride home," he looks back at me, giving me a look that leaves no room for arguments.

I want to growl, my dick is aching to be released and the last thing I want is to be driving the dick that kissed my mate anywhere.

Clay must have realised my problem as he pats me on the shoulder and steps forward.

"I'll give him a ride home Nai, I think that Asher may be a little too drunk to drive," he smirks at me, I want to slap that smirk off his face.

Nai eyebrows cross for a second until the penny drops. He knows full well that we, as wolves, don't get drunk easily, but I've often said that every time I'm near Nai I become drunk with passion for him.

The blush I love creeps up his neck as he realises Clay's hidden meaning. Clay had overheard us when I explained to Nai why I was always hard and ready every time I saw him. Clay had teased me mercilessly about that for a few weeks until I finally punched him.

Clay practically manhandles Max towards his bike as I pull Nai inside. The moment the door closes, I push Nai up against the wall, I push my hips into his so he can feel how turned on I am.

"When you punched Max, I wanted to pound into you so hard. I loved seeing my mate be aggressive," my hips grind into his for emphasis.

Nai blushes as he watches my mouth. His hips fight with mine as the friction almost becomes painful. I kiss my way down his body and in one swift motion I pull down his pants and briefs.

His cocks springs up in my face and I eye it hungrily before I wrap my lips around the head and suck.

Nai's hips buck, causing his cock to go deeper into my mouth. I don't care, I pull him further in, sucking and licking as I bob my head. His moans spur me on, the grip his hands have on my hair tries to pull me away but I don't let up.

His hips are now, almost, pounding against my face as he fucks my mouth.

"Asher!" he cries as his release spurts down my throat.

I continue to suck and lick him as he comes down from his high. He tries to pull me off him but I refuse to let go. His legs shake as I swipe around his sensitive tip.

"Ahhh .. Asher pl... Please … I can't..." he's moaning so much he can't form anything coherent.

Eventually, I move back, giving him a chance to catch his breath. His cock leaves from my mouth with an audible pop. I pick him up and carry him to our room.

Once near the bed, I gently place his feet on the ground and make him look at me.

"Turn around, remove your shirt and get on your knees," I command.

Nai quickly does as he's told, I remove my clothes as well. Soon, I line myself up and plough right into his waiting hole. His legs shake as he grunts at being filled.

Nothing can describe how it feels to be inside my mate. His heat, the scent of his slick and the sounds he makes as I pound into him, again and again, are beyond anything I could have imagined.

Nai pushes himself up to wrap his arms around my back. His hands each grab an ass cheek as he pulls me in further. I nuzzle his neck as he tilts his head to the side. The ultimate sign of submission and my wolf howls.

I lick up and down his neck making sure to pay special attention to the mark I gave him. He mewls in response digging his nails in. I turn his head so he can see me.

"Mine!" I growl.

"Yes! Yes! ... Yes! Yours!" he repeats more frantically as his release approaches. Mine is not too far off either.

I quickly pull out, causing Nai to complain. He turns to growl at me and I smirk and flip him onto his back, push his legs back and plunge back in.

"Yes!" he screams.

I lean down, capturing his mouth in a kiss as my hips pound into his almost viciously. For a moment I worry I'm hurting him but his moans soon squash those feelings.

"I'm gonna cum!" he yells once I release his mouth.

"Show me your mark!" I order. Nai moves his head to the side baring his neck to me.

I instantly attack his neck, licking and biting. Nai cries out his release as it spurts all over his stomach. My release is fast approaching. I quickly pull out just as my release crashes through me.

My cum pools over his stomach, mixing with his. I lean down and lick up his stomach tasting us both. Nai is panting with his eyes closed when I reach his mouth. I stick my tongue into his mouth so he can taste just how good we taste together.

He moans into my mouth as his hands come up slowly around my shoulders. Spent, I lay beside him panting just as heavily as he is.

Stroking his cheek I smile at him as he sleepily opens his eyes.

'Mine,' I sign and he smiles.

"Always," he says.


It's a few weeks before we hear from Max again or Clay for that matter. We are sitting on the couch, Nai with his head in my lap, lazily watching something on the Tv when Nai's watch vibrates.

He looks at his phone and instantly sits up, I growl as he moves his head off my lap.

"It's from Max!" he tells me excitedly. I stiffen next to him, he must have sensed my unease. He smiles at me as he hands me the phone so I can read the message.

'Hey Nai, I'm sorry for being a dick that night. I haven't seen you for so long and the first thing I do is insult you and your boyfriend.

I get it now, I get why we never got together.

Please forgive me for being stupid, and please be my friend again. Tell your guy that I'm sorry for everything and I promise to behave next time.

Also, I would have messaged sooner but I wasn't sure if you would want to speak to me.'

I smile at Nai who looks at me with a hopeful look in his eyes.

'Max this is Asher.

All is forgiven, Nai has really missed you.

If you want to come to the house, we will be in all day.'

Nai takes the phone and reads my message, his smile grows bigger as he reads. Soon after he puts his phone down and climbs on my lap. He wraps his arms around my neck and gives me the deepest kiss he has ever given me.

My dick jerks as he slowly grinds his hips against mine. As much as I want to devour him right now, we have no idea if Max will come soon or come later.

I grip his hips, stopping his movements. He pulls back a smirk on his face, he knows exactly what he is doing to me. At times like this, I sometimes miss that shy, nervous guy I first met. Now he knows which buttons to press or tease to make me putty in his hands.

"Damn you pup!" I groan.

He moves off me and walks into the kitchen area. I swear he shakes his ass a little as he walks knowing full well I will be looking.

I sit on one of the chairs near the kitchen aisle. He flits around the counters, pulling out things and closing doors. Nai talks about how much Max always loved his mum's lemon cheesecake.

Half an hour later I tell Nai someone is at the door.

Nai puts the cheesecake in the fridge carefully before he excitedly goes to open it.

"Max!" he calls out as he pulls him in for a hug the very moment he opens the door. Max hugs him back just as hard, my wolf doesn't like it. I am partly aware that Clay is glaring just as much as I am.

Nai and Max move back at the same time, they both stare at us glaring.

The minute they both let each other go my wolf calms down. I see Clay do the same.

"Ok, what just happened?" Nai asks, eyeing us both. He can probably guess why I am glaring but why is Clay? Max looks just as confused as Nai does. Until you see something click in his head.

"Is Asher a wolf too?"

Both Nai and I have identical looks of surprise on our faces as we look from him to Clay. He has the decency to look a little sheepish.

"Perhaps we should go inside and I will explain," Clay lowers his head as he looks at me, I'm beyond angry at him right now. Nai grips my arm and the touch calms me down.

I relax into his touch, before giving Clay a 'you better have a good excuse' look.

"Let Clay explain before you get angry, ok?" he tells me. I nod but still glare, I need my beta to know he has fucked up if he can't give me a good god damn reason for his stupidity.

"Thanks, Luna," Clay says and Max looks confused.

"Luna? Is that his nickname?" Max looks like he's just sucked a sour lemon.

Nai instantly starts laughing at the look he has, Clay gives him a 'really' look. As he moves past us with Max following him.

Everyone but me sits down, I continue to stand with my arms folded.

"Well?" I ask him. Clay fiddles with his hands, Max places a hand on his knee. Clay holds his hand and with a deep breath he looks up at me.

"He's my mate!"

"Are you sure?" Nai asks, looking excited. Clay nods at him and gives Max the same look I've been told I had when Nai and I first started.

"That's great!" Nai says gripping Max's arm. "So that means that you don't have those feelings for me anymore?"

Max shakes his head with a smile.

"When did they start anyway?" Nai looks like he is trying to figure out a hard maths equation.

I didn't care when he thought he was in love with my mate. I need to know why my beta fucked up and told an outsider our most guarded secret.

"Pup!" I growl. Nai glares at me.

"Oh stop growling. He's already said that Max is his mate. He will explain all the sordid details in a minute I want to know about Max first." Max and Clay burst out laughing as I reluctantly nod and take a seat next to him.

Max smiles at Clay and then turns fully to Nai to start the tale.

Are you loving the new Nai as much as Asher is?

Me too!

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