
Chapter 1: A rude awakening

A loud ringing erupted from Amy's alarm clock on the dresser next to her bed. She jumped out of her sleep startled by the vociferous ring. Amy shattered the clock with her bare fist. It was now time for Amy to make her way to school.

"Amy! Wake up. You're going to be late for school again. Breakfast is ready. Get down here, now!" Shouted Amy's mother.

Amy quickly rushed to the bathroom. She brushed every inch of her teeth. Maintaining a good hygiene was a pet peeve to Amy as an athlete. The outfit she got dressed in looked pretty simple. She wore a grey hood, dark leggings, and Nike sneakers. Amy wrapped her blonde hair in a ponytail. She grabbed her dark blue Jansport book bag. Her mother Joanne got busy washing the dishes from last night's spaghetti dinner. Freshly cooked pancakes and a fresh side of French toast lied on the wide brown circular kitchen table.

"Good morning kiddo. Took you long enough to get down here. Maybe you wouldn't have so many latenesses if you stopped staying up all night watching wrestling." said Amy's mother Joanne.

"Huh? How do you know about that?" questioned Amy

"Yesterday, I was on the phone with the school counselor. She called me while I was at work."

"That fucking bitch"

"Watch your god damn mouth in my kitchen. Don't make me have to cut your tongue out"


"Yeah...whatever. Listen up smart ass. I'm going a date tonight. I'll be back by eleven. Keep the house nice and clean for me while I'm gone. No house parties either understand?"

Amy's face frowned in disbelief .

" Wait a minute, you mean to tell me that I can't stay up all night to watch wrestling but you can spend an entire night dating some bum you met on the streets?

" You don't know anything about the guy I'm dating. I can do whatever I want. I'm the grown up paying the bills in here. Until you graduate high school and move out this house you're going to do whatever I say. If I ever find out about anymore of your latenesses or school fights I'm grounding you for three whole months. No tv, no cellphone, no anything.I mean it"

"Ok, I get it. Jeez you don't have to be so viscous mom."

"Good, now leave! You're running late again.


Amy rushed out of the front door. She hit the ground running for to the front of the block where she usually waited for the school bus. She blazed across the pavement at an impressive speed. By the time she reached the bus stop Amy noticed that the bus had already drove off. Amy gave herself a big face palm. She wondered how in the world was she supposed to make it to school now.

An idea popped in her head. Amy set her sight on a tall light skinned man riding his bike down the street in the same direction the school bus went. She made a hand gesture for the biker to stop.

"Hey, buddy could I please hold your bike for a day. I promise I'll bring it back by six." Pleaded Amy

"Ummm... I'm sorry I have to get to work. Try calling a cab kid." Exclaimed the bike rider.

Amy let our a sigh and rolled her eyes. She forcefully grabbed the bike handles giving the bike rider a serious death stare. Her impatience reached it's tipping point.

"Just give me the damn bike.I'm running late for school. Please don't make me steal it from you.  C'mon."

"I don't know what's wrong with you but I have to get moving. Let go of my handles would ya." Replied the biker

" You leave me no choice sir" replied Amy.

Amy threw the guy off his bike. He flew in the air like an empty plastic bag in the wind. He crash landed on a neighbors trash can.

Amy skirted off to school on the strangers bike. The biker guy screamed for Amy to give him back his bike. He even ran after tried to run after her but gave up after he loss breath.

Amy had the strength of ten men ever since she was thirteen. She would often used her incredible strength to fight school bullies. Most of the time she used her strength to earn the two things she wanted most: popularity and respect. Amy won sixteen fights within the first four months of her freshman year. No one wanted to mess with her not even the jocks. She was the most feared student in her school.