
episode 1

(The screen shows a shadow of a boy with a bag jumping over fences)

(Police sirens)

(The shadow of the boy goes through a garden)

(The shadow is revealed to a seven-year-old boy who has light brown hair, brown skin, wearing a white shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes)

(The boy keeps running through the garden)

The boy (thought) (while running): Gez, this garden nearly goes on forever

(A blur is takes The boy)

(The boy is thrown in a warehouse and the door closes)

The boy: Where (sees ninjas) am I?

(The ninjas each have different colors and are teenagers)

A red ninja (squeals): He's such a cutie!

A brown ninja (looking serious) : What's your name?

The boy (still sitting on the floot): I don't have one

The blue ninja: Interesting, and you're being chased by the police.

The boy (looking innocent): I had to get some food, but I...

The blue ninja: You had to steal, huh (looking at the boy) kid?

The boy: Yup, my orphanage threw me out and my relatives don't want me (looking cold) But, who needs them.

The brown ninja: Such a cold look for such a young boy.

The red ninja (looking excited) (while looking at the blue ninja): Can we keep him?

The blue ninja (looking calm): He's not a dog.

The boy (looking at the brown ninja) (looking kinda excited): Can I stay?

The black ninja: That depends, you're ready to face some dangerous people (looking at the boy) kid?

The boy: If it gives me a home yes.

The red ninja (hugging the boy): Welcome to the family.

(Episode ends)