
1 • Lacrim Town of Beginners

I looked across the town of Lacrim. This is the capital town of newbies. Right. This is where they spawn after logging in for the first time, and lucky for them, because the weather is nice now. The appearance of the sun in this area is a miracle because it often snows here. I stood on the edge of the cliff while looking out at the town below me. Lacrim is a large town surrounded by a tall barrier as if it were a large prison. But even then, you will see the happy faces of the new players as well as the NPCs they meet. NPC is short for Non-Player Character. The true citizens of this world.

Ice covered the area except for the road where carriages and people on horseback passed. There is also almost no difference between the players and the NPCs except for their costume. Because the new players are wearing the same clothes that made them easily distinguishable. They were donned with brown leather armor with curved linings of their chosen respective elements. A lighter shade of brown for earth, azure blue for water, crimson red for fire, white silver for air, and golden yellow for spirit.

In the midst of the sea of people, I noticed an NPC. She is the only one with black hair in everything I see, and she is also a familiar face. "Mariah..."

She turned to my way as if he heard me calling her and our eyes met. That sudden turn took me aback. She smiled slightly then walked away again.

Okay. Now, that was creepy! Did she just hear me call her name? How did that happen? I'm too far away from her to hear me!

I sighed in disbelief. I won't get anything out of it if I think about how that happened. It doesn't matter if she heard me, since I don't really know her. We only met once — actually twice if we include what happened today. Whatever, I should go level up.

I was one of the beta testers of this game. My father is one of the lead researchers, and they are the ones who developed this. This year — as they always say — is the beginning of the golden age of the virtual reality era, because this game is what gamers have long hoped for. A VRMMORPG. I can only say one thing here, AWE-MAZING. Because this technology will bring your consciousness into the game leaving your body in deep slumber while you control your own virtual body. Inside the virtual world, I experienced seeing and appreciating the things around me. I've learned so much since I played this a year ago. I can already relate to Dad's stories about the beautiful sceneries he sees, and the things around me. For the past year, this place had become my comfort zone.

A pat to my back awakened me from my reverie. I turned to her and there I saw a woman shorter than me. She has long red hair in a ponytail, and has a few strands of hair hanging down the side of her face. His eyes were pitch black and there was a strange sparkle in it. It's glinting with curiousness and expectation.

"Are you an NPC?" The playfulness in her voice made me shiver. It's the same tone you can find in the voice of a child. She's smart though. He knew immediately that there was a better way to level up. It is to find an NPC and to try to trigger a quest.

I tilted my head to hide my face in the hood of my cloak. "NPC?"

"I just want to know if you need help?" she asked.

"No. I can handle myself." I answered. "I'm not an NPC either. If you want to find an NPC, don't go here. No one passes by here."

"So you're also a player." She replied smiling. "Do you want to come with me? Let's level up together!"

I paid no mind for that comment, and watched the event happening in the city from above. A lot of players are hovering in front of the town board. Is that the reason why the girl a while ago asked instead of going there? Possibly. If I were her, I would also do what she opt to do, but I'd talk to a real NPC.

Finding my resolve, I turn around and set out to do some quests, but I stopped short when I saw the girl a while ago in the same spot I saw her before. "You..."

She smiled at me. "I'm Lyrica. You are?"

I frowned at the innocent smile she was giving me. "Why are you still here?" I asked purposely avoiding her question.

"Are you sure you do not need help?" she asked expectantly.

I irately shrugged and walked past her, but she grasped the cloak I'm wearing so I came to a halt, frustration rising up to a whole new level. "If it's not clear to you yet, you're irritating the hell out of me! Let me go!"

She immediately let go. I expected to see the smile fading in her face, but I was surprised when she just smiled more widely that it reached her ears. "Then I'm fulfilling my life goal."

Oh man. I've landed myself on a mad girl. "Listen, I am not the person you're looking for! Go find other people you can bother with your irritating smile, will you?"

"Just one quest. I'll do you a favor." She said.

I sighed tiredly. "Look, I was so sure you would realize it by now, but it seems you're more of an idiot than I'd imagined. Let me spell it out for you. I can handle myself. Do you know what that means?"

"—You've just wasted your time."

"—I've found a new friend!"

I stopped short, processing what she just said. "Friend? How can you conclude that?"

"Just because... C'mon! Let's do quests together!" She said very cheerfully. She even pulled me and ran towards the gate of Lacrim.

Before I even know it, we were already inside Lacrim. "The heck? Hey, girl! Stop!" I exclaimed pulling my hand free. I glared at her before I silently walked out hoping she understood what I meant by that glare. But a notification made me stopped.

Lyrica wants to be your friend

Accept Reject

I looked at her questioningly, and she answered me with a smile. "I'll leave you alone if you add me as a friend."

I was tempted to accept, but based on her past actions, she will just pester me again in the future. I looked at her intently, "Okay, whatever. Just don't bother me again."

I accepted her friend request, but another notification popped up in front of me.

Please introduce yourself to the person to proceed.

I sighed in disbelief. "Do I really have to?" I looked at her in the eyes and reached out my hand for a handshake. "I am Valentina. It's N-I-C-E to meet you." I spelled out the word 'nice' just because I don't want her to get the wrong idea that I'm happy, or glad or whatever synonymous to those words, to meet her.

"What was that?" She chuckled in response. "Well, whatever, I'm Lyrica."

I'm re-uploading Angel's Descend, because I decided to make it english. Please support the book! Thank you!

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