
The Secret Intentions

After Angel Green Yul left the presence of Angel Bang Lee, Bang Lee assumed Green Yul had truly entered the chambers as he had intended. Feeling secure in this assumption, Bang Lee departed, unaware that Green Yul was secretly following him. Green Yul observed as Bang Lee approached the chambers of the Lord's second-in-command, but he took care to conceal himself. Bang Lee, failing to find his master there, decided to proceed to the celestial waters, a sacred place where all the angels go to bathe. There, to his relief, he encountered his master.

Upon seeing Bang Lee, the Lord's second-in-command remarked with a hint of amusement, "What a surprise invasion, Bang Lee." Bang Lee greeted him warmly, expressing that he had some very pleasing news to share. "Okay, come to me, Bang Lee," the master beckoned. As Bang Lee approached, Green Yul cautiously moved closer to eavesdrop on their conversation without being detected. Bang Lee began revealing Green Yul's intention to go to Earth. The Lord's second-in-command listened and then laughed, a sound filled with both intrigue and delight. "This is an excellent opportunity," he said, "but it must remain a secret from the other angels. We must convince Angel Green Yul to go to Earth, where he can become a God. If he hears this proposition, he will have no choice but to consider it. Now, Bang Lee, you must pretend to be loyal to the Godhead so we can uncover more secrets that will help us achieve our mission one day."

"I will do as you say, my lord," Bang Lee replied with determination, "and I will continue to persuade Angel Green Yul to consider his intentions."

After their conversation, Green Yul left for the Lord's chambers, deeply lost in thought about what he had overheard. The idea of becoming a God over the entire Earth weighed heavily on his mind. As he was absorbed in contemplation, the Lord entered the chambers and noticed Green Yul in a pensive state. Sensing something amiss, the Lord invited him to come inside and speak. As they conversed, Angel Shang entered and, with urgency, informed the Lord that he had seen Angel Luci Kang, the Lord's second-in-command, and Angel Bang Lee together. Since Shang had been far from them, he couldn't hear their conversation, but he felt it important enough to report.

The Lord, now suspicious, questioned Green Yul about the discussion he might have overheard, but Green Yul claimed to know nothing, which angered the Lord. The Lord, feeling betrayed and frustrated, ordered the angels in charge of the guard to imprison Green Yul until he spoke the truth. He then assigned Angel Shang to take over Green Yul's duties, ensuring that operations continued smoothly despite the upheaval.

However, unbeknownst to the Lord and Angel Shang, one of the angels in charge of the guard was secretly working with Luci Kang. This angel, loyal to Luci Kang's clandestine plans, approached Green Yul in his cell and advised him to remain calm, promising to find a way to secure his release. He assured Green Yul that they were working on a plan.

Meanwhile, Angel Shang, unaware of these secret alliances, visited Green Yul in his cell. He urged Green Yul to abandon Luci Kang's schemes and the ongoing plan to overthrow the Lord. Shang, genuinely concerned for Green Yul's well-being and the harmony of their realm, prayed for him fervently, hoping to guide him back to the right path. After his heartfelt plea and prayer, Shang left, leaving Green Yul alone with his thoughts and the conflicting loyalties tearing at his conscience.