
Angels and Demons are real

A dream has changed cassia's life .. She has got to know about many secrets and one of them is that she's a demon.. Her friend keira is accompanying her in the way to magical land ....she has to find best friend lucy ..but it's not gonna be easy.

fantasyworldddddd · Fantasy
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18 Chs

hey! what did you say???

The woman turned back and looked at me with a serious look..((she's so pretty, but  is she a gost or a human.. And how come Keira know her))

"hey little girl, why are you here,, oh! you have a friend with you too.. " she said to Keira...

  "hey are you a gost "I added in their conversation.. She smiled at me but it just scares me a lot.

"Can you help us to find our friend lucy" Keira asked her.. She smiled and asked me for that paper.. "hey! How come you know about that " I asked with a curiosity.. Oh! Let me introduce myself I'am "Pomeroy "a witch and I  can read your mind.. There a lot of  things that you need to know Casia " she said  ..    ((it's amazing but I wasn't sure that these types of things exist s or not)  ....

      She take that paper from Me and place it above her magic crystal ball.. ((0h! It's so nice,, that ball  is a magical ball I think))  she said a magical spell ( (morios.. Syphrus ))and I don't know what... What...)

When she completed all that she looked at us and said "hey! Guys you both should  go now only.. Before everything become s worst, "  

She handed me a necklace (a pretty one) and said " I think its right time for you to know about everything including yours power too ...

(( hey!  What did she said now... is everything   related to me))........

Keira give a smile when she looked at me and said "as you know that  we all 'including you ,me and Lucy are best friends but it's not limited to the friendship only...  

" You saw her in  your dream ,right!  didn't you ever thought about it.. She wanna tell us something that's why she tried to contact you Cass " ..

"Oh that means she's a witch too, like you both ". .... "oh! Sweetie I am gonna kill you if you call me witch again "she said angrily.. 

"They are angels "Pomeroy added..

"and I " I asked her ...

"hey! Dear listen to me.. You are a demonic soul.. And you born on a day of eclipse... It meant that nature has given you more power than a usual demonic spirit.. We wanna protect you so.. Two angels were sent to you for same..... And  I think you know them right!!

(( oh! Lord  I'am a demon.... it feels weird to me but if it's  the reality, ....so ......))
