
Angelic Wild Flower

Named Cliantha in hopes that she would bring the family glory, a young girl was cursed at birth to turn into a tree on her 18th birthday. Her family gave up on her once flowers started growing from her hair. She was isolated and left to rot in an abandoned building far from the capital. With no servants and no one to love her, Cliantha could only watch as her hair grew more and more flowers and her skin started turning into bark. On the night of her 18th birthday she closed her eyes and prepared to turn into a tree, but a voice appeared before her and asked if she wished to live. Cliantha nodded and begged the voice to give her another chance. Cliantha’s body then changed into a normal one. The only proof that she was once cursed was a small tattoo on her back of a flower. She decides to forget her family and live her life to the fullest, but why are the petals of the flower on her back wilting? And who was the mysterious voice? Can she live a normal life?

Aiena_Chan · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Prologue - The Curse

An unborn child's soul lay beneath a dying tree. With every breath the child took the tree seemed to wither. Several colors surrounded the child. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. These colors warily watched the child. After a few moments Indigo stepped forward and hugged the child.

"Indigo! Back away from that THING!" Red shouted, and took a small step forward before shrinking back from the child's soul.

"Red. She's just an unborn child. We don't know what will happen in the future." Indigo attempted to see reason with her colleagues. She didn't approve of their hostility toward the child.

Green took one more look at the child then glanced at Indigo. "We shall compromise."

"But Green!" Red started.

"No buts. The child shall be given a chance at life, but not without a cost."

Indigo looked down at the child in silence before slowly nodding. She would give this child a chance, no matter the cost.

Green stepped forward. "I propose we lay a spell on this child. On her 18th birthday she will turn into a tree. She will be given a chance to live, but she will become a tree once the sun rises on her 18th birthday." Green stared at the other colors, and they nodded one by one, with only Indigo remaining.

Indigo caressed the child's face. Then she slowly nodded. "Ok, on her 18th birthday she shall become a tree."

As all the colors were in agreement they started flashing as they approached the child. The child started crying, and Indigo flinched, but she pressed on as this was the only way for the child to live. As the colors stopped blinking and backed away, the child stopped crying, but something was different.

"It is done." Green said. "I shall take my leave now." One by one the colors disappeared, with only Indigo left.

"I bless you, my child. To live a wondrous life and have everything you desire." Indigo kissed the child's forehead then she left the child too.

A few moments later the child's eyes opened, but she was no longer beneath a tree, she was in her mother's arms and the child had no idea what life held in store for her.