
Angeli Caeci

- Written by Rowben. A life gives off many feelings. They give off warmth, a presence sensed. When a life is lost, these feelings go away. Within a subway, just arriving at it's stop, rested one without these feelings. They were cold, as it felt as if they weren't even there, but regardless, a life still remained. Upsat the being, a confused expression on their face, as they look towards their surroundings. It's dark, the lights broken as all that can be heard is the feint dripping of distant water. They stood theirself up, but something was off to them, they couldn't feel their palms pressed against the floor to push themselves up, they couldn't feel the warmth, nor coldness of their own body, they felt nothing. Angeli Caeci is a dystopian isekai with a darker atmosphere added. Morell, a quiet soul awakens in the body of the doll, now in a horrific city, consisting of mutations and supermatural beings. Morell learns of the city’s terrible Ruler, turning the place int a ghost town, in lack of proper living, a world of despair. Learning of her past family Morell is chosen to be the next ruler, planning to revolutionize thr current leader to return the city to it’s further glory. Throughout Morell’s journey dhe phases regret, betrayal, and a ride through her forgotten memories as she discovers what her purpose truly is, what’s more to her then being Ruler. she embarks on newfound abilities as well as many threats along her way, though she’d learned earlier on to treat these threats seriously, a loss not being a new feeling to her.

Rowbenverse · Fantasy
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25 Chs


Reece walked throughout the streets, a gloomy expression on her face as her eyes were bruised from rubbing away her tears. It appears she's starting at step one once more.

Behind her she dragged what remained of Aku, less then an arm, stopping at a patch of grass as she dug into the earth, one scoop of a hand at a time, the rough ground damaging her nails, the tips of her fingers bleeding.

She burried Aku's remains, staying crouched in front of where he rests, mourning his loss.

"If only you didn't check things out, you'd still be here with us.. and maybe that damned Morell wasn't fit to rule afterall.."

She stood up, brushing off her clothes, a sudden scent hitting her as her nose twitched, looking around in confusion.

Looking up, Reece spotted smoke rising from nearby, the smell of burning wood filling the air as she rushed towards it in confusion, forming her monstrous mass into a small blade as precaution.

"What kind of dumbass would make a fire for everyone to see.."

She spoke wuietly to herself, making her way to where the smoke came from, peaking over a bush, as though her vision was mostly blocked, she spotted what appeared to be a monster.

She dashed forth through the bush, slicing at what she could see, only to be greeted by a much stranger being..

She opened her eyes, seeing a young man sittiing beside the fire, his eyes hidden behind bandages. What she had sliced was merely a fish held over the fire by a stick.

The man didn't move an inch, it seems he didn't even realize her sudden attack, which made sense considered his assumed lack of sight. It was kind of funny to see.

Reece stared in confusion, leaning in closer, as the man raised the stick to his mouth, biting down okly to feel nothing, as his fish had been cut off.

"Eh..??! Did the stick break off..?"

He sighed, reaching around with his free hand, eventually reaching to Reece's hip, as she reacted abruptly, a hard slap felt tothe man's face.

"Where do yoy think you're touching!!?"

Reece yelled out, her fist clenched. The man held his cheek, chuckling as he stood up to face her, looking straight towards her.

"All a trick, I'm not really blind, could you really not tell..?"

She gritted her teeth, grabbing him by his shirt as she held her fist up threateningly, the man raising his hands in a way of surrender.

"My name's Bennett, if you want some of my food just ask next time."

He chuckled once more, Reece sighing, calming down as she released him, placing her hands on her hips as she looked to him coldly.

"I'm Reece, you're that weird salesman people rumour about, aren't you..?"

Bennett nodded, grabbing her hand without a chance for her to refuse as he shook it firmly.

"You'd be correct, I rarely show myself, so coming by me is like a once in a blue moon opportunity. Because of that I think you should buy something..! I've got food, information, whatever you need."

Reece's eyed widened just a bit, placing her hands firmly on his shoulders as she looked him dead in the eyes.

"Listen, I need to find the strongest person you know, I don't care if they're evil or anything, I just need to see them."

Bennett gave a worried laugh, a bit startled by Reece as he took a step back, only causing Reece to lean in closer.

"Well, I'm not just gonna give you this information for free..! Gotta pay up first, ma'am..!"

Reece geitted her teeth once more, her grip on his shpulders tightening.

Minutes later

The two's predicament made a huge change, Bennett now pinned to the wall, as Reece was behind him, locking his arm behind his beck, her other arm used to press his face against the wall.

"Geez, I give up! Let me go, I'll tell you for free!"

Reece nodded, keeping him pinned though less harshly, Bennett sigjing in relief as he took a few deep breaths.

"There's a rumour that one of the Morel-"

He was interuppted by a sudden tug on his arm from Reece, as she omly got angrier.

"I know that already, someone else!"

Bennett nodded at a fast pace, getting startled and scared once again.

"Ok, ok! Hm.. there's a ring bearer somewhere around the royal's graveyard, might even be a ghost."

Reece raises an eyebrow, holding his head back, making him face her as she gave him a confused and upset frown.

"Am I supposed to know what a ring bearer is?"

Bennett chuckled, escaping her grasp though still stuck to the wall with her infront of him, as he quickly went through his pockets, removing a fancy ring with a purple gem.

"There's these magical rings that give the wearer incredible powers! This is just a replica, sadly… Surely that's the kind of person you're looking for, right?"

She snatched the ring from him, as he quickly tried to take it back, only for her to constrain his wrists as she held the ring to her fingertips, looking closely at it.

He broke out of her grip, taking the ring back as he put it in his pocket, phewing in relief as he held his heart.

"This ring might be fake, but it's still VERY expensive, this is a real diamond! Please refrain from touching it..!"

Reece nodded, back away as Bennett stepped forth from the wall, rubbing his shoulder though suddenly he began being pulled along by his ear, Reece walking away with him.

"Alright, time to go to the graveyard, you're coming with me."

Bennett complained and and exclaimed in pain the whole walk, as they travelled through the streets.

Bennett now walked at Reece's side, his ear released as they made it to the graveyard, the castle of Uvie seem in the nearby distance.

"It's weird seeing a castle right next to a modern city."

There were many royal knights dead at the enterance, the farthest in only making it a few inches before left where it now rots, the two shocked at this sight as Reece kept walking, pulling Bennett along her by his shirt knowing he'd pussy out.

"This seems like a bad idea, Reece! I know more strong people, y'know!"

Reece ignored his exclaims, taking a first step into the graveyard, as she stopped for a moment, waiting for something to happen before taking a few steps more.

She chuckled, turning to Bennett as she held an L to her forehead.

"Looks like you were scared for nothing, there's nothing even here..!"

A swift movement was felt and heard through the air, as suddenly blood splattered upon Bennett's now shocked face.. To Be Continued