

Earth Angel Poetry

Emma_Gladstone · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Autisms Sonata

She walks through life with a different view,

A woman with autism who sees things anew.

The world can be loud and overwhelming,

But she finds peace in the quiet and the calming.

She doesn't like loud noises or bright lights,

They can make her feel like she's in a fight.

But she's strong and brave and full of grace,

And she finds her way in this noisy place.

She sees the world in a different light,

And that's what makes her shine so bright.

She's like a flower that blooms in the shade,

A beautiful thing that cannot be swayed.

So let us all learn from her today,

And see the world in a different way.

For we are all unique and special too,

Just like this woman with autism who sees things anew.