
Devin Yukol in the cemetery

The following night Angela and Rebecca arrived in the municipal cemetery on the hill. The large area was taken up by the run down cemetery full of tumbled gravestones. Both visitors followed by two masons inched forward picking their way carefully, shining their torches on each and every gravestone that bore the letters, "Fe...". After half an hour's walk the gravestone of "Fella Andrew" was sighted. The grave was old and dusty and built no farther away from a secluded church. Angela ordered the two men to disinter Fella's grave as it started to rain. Rebecca and Angela looked intently at the men at work while the lightning flashed in the sky and a weird-looking man with a hat on showed up on slab at the side of the grave. He came forward and called out, "I'm Devin Yukol! Thank you for helping me find my jewel. What can I do for you?"

"How're you here?" Rebecca interrogated.

"I have been asked by Narcis, my jinni, who has been spying on Mathew, to come here and get my treasure." The man replied, looking around and pointing at a hideous creature behind him. He doffed his hat and chanted some incantation, transforming his slave creature into Angela's mother, Anne Jones. It made Angela shout at him, "You can't do any harm to my mother!"

The sights and sounds of terror had already repelled the two men. Both women were at the mercy of the weather and witchcraft. Rebecca pulled out her gun of her coat and aimed at the man. He seemed unafraid with Narcis at his service. He looked at them sternly and said, "Go away from here! I could have got my jewel earlier than you came. I want to warn you off coming in my way. I know that you wish to destroy my Pyrus. You wish to blow my cover and ruin me. Remember I will ravage you if you even wish to ruin me. Finally, I have something to show you." He looked at his jinni. The creature changed into her former self. Her grotesque, dark round countenance lit up. It was glowing, revealing Angela's mother crying in agony. The scene of horror swept over her and she begged, "Please let go of her!" Her courage and confidence had ebbed away. She only thought of her mother.

Devin laughed raucously, "Strange! You want to get that gem to kill Pyrus and there he wishes to kill your mother brutally. Go and save her. She is calling you." Rebecca put her right hand onto Angela's head in an attempt to console her, holding gun in her left hand. She muttered, "I'd rather you saved your mother. I'm going to get the emerald ring from Fella's grave."

"It's not possible! I can't leave you alone in danger here."

"Don't be silly! I'll hold him back. His monster will kill your mom if stay here, go, get home fast."

"Right! I am going to go, but our office driver can help you. He's in the car out there. I'm sending him to you. I'll be back pronto."

Rebecca stood still pointing her gun at Devin. He did not bother having to respond to their private conversation, or being a target. All he thought about was to get the emerald from the coffin in the grave. Rebecca watched Angela drawing back carefully. The rain was still falling with strong winds. The only detective stared at her rivals; the sorcerer and his demoness. She shouted, "I can't let you have it." Her gun fired but in vain. Devin was levitating the coffin regardless of gunshots that were being pumped into his body. He was intact and focused on his task while she leapt at the dead body's coffin, trying reaching all over it to struggle with Devin's levitation. The sight of an inferior struggler, reaching out to his gem invited the covetous wizard's rage. Devin Yukol snarled, "Rip her out! Narcis! Enough is enough!" The jinni in attendance on him threw herself at the coffin in the form of a large chameleon and settled on poor Rebecca's sprawled body clinging to the coffin-edges, tearing out her tissues. Enfeebled and wounded, Rebecca cried out for help before Devin whose powers witched out the emerald ring of the corpse's finger to him. The feeling of superiority and victory shot through him as a hard stone hit his hand. The emerald ring catapulted high in the air and landed into the secluded church. The action was so abrupt and sudden that the wizard could not detect the source of that stone. Within a split second, Devin rose as high as the ring, but he failed to clutch at it and bumped into the old church wall that pitched him off. Devin Yukol was stunned at all this momentum. In the meanwhile, an agile and young man appeared in sight, coming to Rebecca's rescue. The demoness let go of her and lunged forward to attack the young man who was puffing at his cigarette and swaggering up defiantly.

Devin Yukol regained his balance and sense to confront this intruder and saviour. It was the first time that someone had bearded the lion in his den. The sight of her car driver, Faizan, relieved Rebecca and breathed a new life into her. She managed to scramble down the coffin to the gravestone to rest when Narcis approached Faizan but she retreated suddenly. Her master looked at the church and left the scene to get the hold of his precious emerald that meant his immortality. Devin flew over to the church casement, yet he could not gain access. Devin changed his mind, blowing some mantra under his breath around the abandoned church. The bold young man had tossed his cigarette at the monster to fend for himself. Devin and Narcis disappeared suddenly as if they had given up on their mission.