

Devin Yukol was wise to her forthcoming action. He did not will to visit the cemetery until Angela made her next entry although he had been longing to get his gem as soon as possible. He had challenged her to call on the cemetery church the evening her mother was laid in peace. It was Devin's message that she had received by her hermit. Angela was fully prepared to meet her foes that evening.

She arrived in the cemetery. Her mind and body combined together to provide the strength for her mission. She was crossing over, leaping on and plodding through the tumbledown graves that came in her way. Hastening her legs to near the abandoned church, she finally spotted her host.

"Welcome, my dearest and nearest Miss Angela Jones! How do you think you can stop me getting my treasure and achieving my aim?" Devin growled daringly.

The appearance of Arian drawing off the church and closing up to Devin confirmed her reservation that her opponent did not want to miss the opportunity of outwitting her. She could see the emerald ring in his right hand.

"Hi! Do you like this surprise?" Arian jeered at her, flaunting the ring.

He handed it to his boss who picked it reverently and put it on his index finger.

"I am eternal and immortal now!" Devin's voice echoed through the town. He looked victoriously at her, overstretching his arms and summoning his behemoth to his service. He ordered, "Come here, my Pyrus, you are immortal now!"

The horizon brightened up with a dark cloud hovering above Angela.

The lightening flashed across the sky.

The dark cloud descended, metamorphosing into hideous, enormous, shapeless demon. She felt the hateful creature's presence behind her.

She smiled and congratulated Devin Yukol, "I am not here to take my revenge on you. I am here to join you because I am also a witch now."

Devin came closer to her, withdrawing his slaves from command. He was completely bewildered, scanning her face.

He gave a loud laugh ridiculing her and said, "Oh! Really! Do you think I am a fool?"

"I was a fool, wasting my life idly making enemies of me. Just believe me I have changed a lot. I wish to marry you and live happily with you." She said confidently.

"Great mind! Great idea! But what about the words you said to our Narcis in your office? 'I'm coming to get back at you..' What a design?" Arian clapped, looking at his boss.

"Did she say these words to our slave, boss?"

"I am really impressed. It means my messenger was mistaken. You love me." Devin spoke at the top of his voice.

"Don't believe her, boss! It is a trap. How is this possible?" Arian pleaded against her.

"Idiot! I am an officer. Why would I declare my change of mind before my team? Why would I express my whim to marry Devin there? You moron!

Have you ever used your mind?" She burst furiously.

The silence fell and the three looked at one another. It was not long before she picked up, "I knew you were going to get it, I could have sorcerized you and I could have foiled your aim." She breathed heavily as if tired of her justifications.

"We both make a perfect match. I know you are a handsome bachelor. We will rule the world forever." She proposed to Devin.

Devin burst into a laugh again, "How sweet of you! How romantic of you! Who will believe she is coming from her mother's funeral? Who will believe she is going to marry her mother's death angel?" He doffed his hat, pointing his index finger at her. He scrutinized her facial expressions and snapped, "You just want to get this emerald ring, you want to destroy it and expose us to the law. Right?"

"Absolutely yes! I'm asking for a trouble. I know you can read my mind. I've come here just for this emerald. I'll cadge it off you and perhaps destroy your Pyrus. I may kill you. My mother's blood is avenged. It is my design." Angela retorted sneeringly. She resumed, "You can even get this watch from me Devin. This magic watch has come into my life after my mother's life. I am a sorceress now."

"I have a condition that we get hitched on camera. You resign from your present job and live with me forever. What do you have to say to this?" Devin stared at her, demanding a pledge.

"I accept it on one condition that you expose him to public and media."

"What're you saying? You bitch!" Arian yelled, fuming over the situation.

"Do you accept it now?"

"I only want to rule this world and enslave the human race." He remarked.

"But who'll rule this world after you?" She made a strong point. She could see the varying expression on his face.

"I think it better to rub her out. She is going to split us apart. Boss!" Arian thundered with rage.

"Kill him, Devin, we'll live together. We don't need him." Angela pleaded, putting her head onto Devin's shoulder.

"I'll kill you!" Arian ran at her with a large tombstone.

No sooner had he thrown it at her head than he was ripped open by Pyrus. He fell lifeless to the ground.

"Devin, trust me! We are made for each other." She whispered to him, looking deep into his eyes.

"Confide your watch to me now." He demanded.

Angela removed her watch and began to hand him. But, he stopped her and said, "I believe you. You are right! Let bygones be bygones."

"I accept you. You are right about our wizard children."

"See my wrist watch has all magic gems. Your ring has the master magic emerald. We are to live to rule this world. I am sick of this drudgery."

Devin pulled the ring out of his finger and put it on hers. He was all too overwhelmed with this reformation to see or think of anything else. On the spur of the moment she drew the emerald ring and slung it to Faizan who was just there. He lit it up and crushed it underfoot as long as Devin was lost in her embrace.

Devin Yukol was pushed off and Angela was flung to the ground with force. The strong dark wind blew dust onto their faces and body. Some distance away her office driver was thrown to a gravestone. The wind turned into a ferocious dust storm which could blow over the treetops and loose heavy stones. Devin overbalanced and roared with all his wrath, "What've you done? Treason?"

Rising to her feet, Angela trudged through to him and plunged a sharp knife in his chest through his heart. He pulled it out and levitated himself high above her, recovering from the stab. He kicked her face two times from high above and knocked her over. She got back to her feet quickly and levitated level to him. Gathering all her strength and energies she dealt a series of hard blows to him, almost stunning him.

In the blink of an eye, she summoned her hallow to her service while Devin was still regaining his powers.

It did not occur to him that she had gained as many energies and powers as him. He roared again, "Arian was

right. I killed him for you. You got revenge on me."

"Yes! Your Pyrus has perished and your accomplice is killed. It still doesn't make it even." Her voice reverberated through the whole town. She and Devin landed on the ground then her hermit appeared in front of them.

He summoned his powers to his help, chanting incantations until a horde of soaring demons swooped down to Angela and her hermit, but to little avail. Her hermit gyrated so fast that his arms pounded through them to dust. Although she was flown away by a few jinns that scratched and struck her, her bright glow loosened their grip on her and fought them off. She descended after her combat, shining the incandescence of her watch into Devin's eyes, which blinded him and confiscated all his evil powers.

He fell to the ground with a thud. She quickly grasped the knife in her right hand and tried to slit his throat. Out of the blue, the police and ambulance called in by Faizan arrived on the scene.

After a while, she opened her eyes in a hospital bed with her colleagues at her side.

Devin was also in the same hospital under medical observation. The investigation team was waiting for him to make a complete, speedy recovery which was needed for his admission and confession to the law. He was in the intensive care unit under senior doctors.

Angela was applauded by all her staff members, Devin Yukol made his confession statement to the police and he was jailed for life. Mr.

Mathew Peter and Mrs. Monica were restored to their positions. Angela's case won international acclaims and she set an example for her department.