
Angel to Devil

An angel has been sent to the devils because someone has framed her for killing and stealing . She does not know what to do and tries to find a way back home . She needs to find the person who framed her . It’s a big mystery . And so her story begins .

Solophar · Book&Literature
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Angel to Devil

" No . This is not possible . i never killed anyone . I have been framed . "

" Take her away guards " said the king .

" Let me go . uh ouch . that hurts . "

I see the red color which means that ..... i have been summoned to the demon world . But what did i ever do . As i get close my inner Angel comes out waving goodbye . I start to lose my emotions . My eyes go deep red . My hairs become blue . I stop crying and my heart sets cold . My white pearl colored wings fade away . And instead of my ring , my horns come out . I don't feel anything anymore . i step in the demon world , watching the guards leave while i stay on the cold ground and slowly everything starts to go black . I faint .