
Angel: The Enslaved Alpha

Angel was an alpha wolf of the wulfblood clan, captured and enslaved by Antonio Rufus, a mafia boss for more than a decade. He grew up learning to blend in, obey, and act broken while devising a means to escape. The only ally he had in the household was Antonio Rufus' niece, Nadia, but she was not always good. When Xavier and Cole Miller came to break him and others out of his bondage, he took Nadia with him with the aim to reverse their role. But his passion for her was like wildfire. Coming to terms with the new world, he discovered freedom was not entirely what he had imagined. And having Nadia with him was a comforting habit he was not ready to admit to. But then when an all-out war with a group of humans who hated his kind looms, he tried to make Nadia leave, making her believe her sins were not something he could forgive. Would she fall for his trick? Or would she discover there was something else at play and stay to fight alongside him as his Luna?

DaoistDINFde · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter Twelve

He lifted her off the ground, making her wrap her legs around his hips. Then he shifted position and sat down with his back to the tree. Nadia straddled him automatically. He didn't stop kissing her. Framing her waist he lifted her off of his thighs, positioned her to accept him and filled her up again. Nadia whimpered. Angel made her take all of him, cupping her ass. Nadia moaned. They both kissed each other fervently.

"I want your mouth on me, Angel, " Nadia whimpered.

"Tell me where," Angel rasped.

"Here …" she breathed, reaching for his index finger and gently stroking it over her nipples. Angel moaned. He tilted her backwards, lowered his face to her chest and closed his lips around her left nipple.

Nadia moaned as a shot of pleasure ricocheted inside her. Angel used his open palm to hold and stroked her back and stomach, sucking her persistently and making her cry out his name. He moved from one to the other, stroking the buds with his tongue and pulling them into his mouth. Angel felt himself growing bigger inside her. He held her by the hips and started to lift her up and down his shaft. Nadia felt as if she was going to die of pleasure. When he shifted again making her lay her back on the robe, she clung to him.

Angel made her place her hands above her head and held her wrists in a tight grip. He then drove hard and fast into her, muffling her cries with kisses. Before he came the second time he locked his gaze with hers and asked, "Why did you stop me from pulling out of you, Nadie?

"I will feel empty otherwise," she whispered earnestly. Her eyes shone with feelings.

"What would you do if I got you pregnant?"

"Protect my baby with my very life," she replied without hesitation. Angel felt his heart flutter.

"You will keep it?"

"What? Why would you even ask me…" Angel didn't let her finish whatever she was going to say. He surged into her steadily, causing her to whimper and moan. He didn't stop until he came. Nadia spasmed on the hard ground.

Much later, Angel lifted Nadia from the grass and assisted in helping her wear her clothes back. Nadia didn't want to leave him. He stood tall in front of her, pulling up his cargo pants. She trailed her eyes all over him, thinking of the possibility of spending the entire night with him. The thought of making love all night made her smile to herself. She wondered if it was physically possible for her to take him that long. She was certain she was going to be quite sensitive in between her legs for the amount of sex they had already. She fought a giggle. Angel held her gaze.

"Care to share the joke," he said, arching a thick eyebrow at her. She beamed at him.

"I think you have made me sore, you know… down there," she replied and giggled. Angel watched the display, noting how more beautiful the action made her and her eyes shone with glee. He wondered then if she was for real.

"I can soothe you with my tongue. My saliva can heal you of any discomfort," he rasped. The laughter in her eyes died and was instantly replaced by a desire so palpable that her chest quivered. Angel knew the picture he had succeeded in planting in her head and he grinned when she swallowed and her eyes dropped to his lips. "Nadie?" he called when she continued to watch him hungrily without uttering a word.

"Hmm…" she mumbled. Angel reached for her waist and drew her against his front.

"Do you want me to soothe your discomfort?" he asked. She held his gaze as if in a trance, releasing a shaky breath.

"Can I come with you? Spend the night with you?" Nadie said without thinking, and then gasped when she realized what she had said. She bit painfully on her lower lip, shut her eyes and whispered, "I'm so sorry. I don't know where that came from. You must think I am one clinging…" Angel silenced her with a kiss.

"Say yes, Nadie… Just say yes," he crooned in the sexiest voice she had ever heard.

"Yes!" Nadie said.

Angel lowered her back to the grass. When his face hovered over hers she cupped his face and whispered, "you are incredibly handsome."

"Now that is a blatant lie, sweet Nadie," Angel replied.

She surprised him when she shrugged and replied, "You don't have to believe me, I know what my eyes are seeing." Her voice was adoring and sincere. Angel searched her gaze for about a minute, pondering once again the game she was playing with him. He then withdrew from her, gripped her thighs, prying them apart and buried his face against her pussy. Nadia's back shot up when his tongue traced the hem of her vulva, trying not to cry out loud. She knew he said he was going to soothe her but what he was doing to her was killing her with pleasure.


"Tell me!" he rasped.

"I want you…" she whispered. Angel leaned over her, holding her gaze and slipped inside her again. Nadia reached up to wrap her arms around his neck, holding on tight as he fucked her again and again.

A few hours later, he said, "I should take you back." Nadia tried not to cry. She didn't want to part with him. And she fought hard to not let him see it. How she could be this way with him was shocking to her. She figured it must be because she had wanted him for the longest time and now having him just the way she had dreamt made it extra hard to let go.

She nodded. He lifted her into his arms and started to stride back. She pressed her face to his chest enjoying his manly scent.

Angel carefully retraced his step back to where he picked her up from a few hours before in the garden and he saw the book she dropped just by the garden stone bench. He cursed mentally. Thanking his lucky stars that no one had come there and noticed. There would have been dire consequences. He was normally not this irresponsible because he knew every mistake from him would cause someone's life. But he had obviously lost his mind tonight.

When he tried to put her down in the thick shrub, framing the garden, she made him halt the action and then pressed her lips to his throat, causing him to go very still. The gesture was so sweet and disarming and when she whispered, "I want to do this again." with a tinge of sadness, he searched her gaze in the dark. "Sorry…" she said and started to withdraw from him, he jerked her back against his front and kissed her. Nadia strained against him, kissing him back as hungrily as he was devouring her. He then abruptly withdrew from her and disappeared into the night. Nadia wrapped her arms around herself feeling cold and alone.