
Angel Raverra

Angel Raverra was a quiet kid. He didn't cause trouble and stayed out of other people's way...until a new kid came to town.

Vaunnie_Miller · Horror
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Chapter One

Angel sat in the back of the classroom, making sure to follow the teacher with his eyes so it didn't seem like he was zoning out. It wasn't like Angel didn't know what the teacher was talking about. Actually, Angel knew exactly what she was saying. He already read the textbook. Angel knew what all his teachers were trying to teach him. He always did, but he didn't want to stand out, so he remained average. In everything.

The bell rang and Angel quickly collected his things, carefully putting them into his back and slinging it over his shoulder. Angel sped walked out of the classroom and into the hallways, weaving through noisy classmates easily.

Since it was the end of the school day, Angel walked out of the back exit and into the school's parking lot. He walked past rich kids getting into their fancy new cars, large boys beating on small boys, and girls flocking around each other and talking.

Angel walked past all of it without being noticed. He always did.

I'm sorry this is short, but this is one of those books were some chapters are longer than other's. If there are any suggestions, I'm always open to them. Stay safe and keep reading.

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