
Angel of Pure Venom

Suddenly waking up in an unknown place and realizing he had been reincarnated as a humanoid half-snake entity, Yumi decided that he was going to evoke ultimate fun and chaos in this new world.

doradoragon · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Life Anew

It calms me every time I hear that soft-pitched humming voice. It's almost the same feeling as when you are in your mother's embrace.

I opened my eyes, but all I could see was darkness.

("Where am I?") I wonder.

As I was still drowsy, I tried to get up.

"Eh." It seems like I am trapped.

("Let me out!") I panicked.

I struggled and struggled until I suddenly heard a crack. A blinding light shone right onto my eyes.

"Ow!" I blurted out loud.

As I got up, I witnessed something that people might call heaven. I was standing on a massive pile of golden treasures. It was glistening all over.

("Holy mother of Jesus! Where in heaven am I? Did I die?") I thought while in utter shock.

I looked around and realized It was an egg I came out of. The egg was enormous and plain black as a void. Truly odd-looking.

There was another similar egg(although it was smaller) besides the one I came out off.

But it looks like it also hatched already.

I stepped forward but slipped.

The mountain of gold collapsed altogether, and I came tumbling down.

"Oww... My back." I grunted.

As I sat down in pain, I noticed my foot. It seemed smaller. I also noticed silver scales glued all over my arms and legs.

("What the hell happened to me? Am I sick?...")

And most importantly, who's asshole took off my clothes, bruh!

I ignored it and stood up.

I walked around the place.

As I have observed, It looks like I am inside a cave.

There's even a mini pond-like body of water in here.

I walked towards it and saw my reflection. To my surprise, I looked younger and different, almost like a ten-year-old.

My hair became long and changed from being previously brown to white.

My eyes which used to be blue had become crimson red. And my tongue had turned like that of a snake.

I even grew fangs.

Suddenly, as I was still confused, a white snake about the size of an arm slithered toward me.

Quite the fat snake if you ask me.

I grabbed it by its neck. ("Interesting... It has the same eyes as mine...")

"Let me go, you fuck."

The snake... It talked...

("Am I on drugs?...")

"I said let me go! How dare you do this to me?! I am your older sibling!!!"

"After all the time I've spent guarding you, and this is how you'll repay me?!" He complained.

("What is this slithering bitch talking about?!")

("I don't remember having any siblings, a snake at that.")

Then, I came to a realization.

Oh! Could this be what they call reincarnation?

I've read about it once from the book my favorite author wrote.

Hm. Interesting... But strange, I don't remember dying. Well, I do recall drinking a bit of snake venom out of curiosity, though I didn't expect that it would kill me. Ehe~

Venom can kill, noted.

Now let's see.

"You're my sibling, right?" I let go of him.

"OLDER brother, to be precise." He answered smugly.

"How so? You're a snake, literally."

"You are too, dumbass. Just look at you."

"Well, I have limbs you don't."

"Are you making fun of me?!!" He furiously shouted.

"No, just stating facts."

His face turned red. He was fuming with anger.

He charged onto me and bit my right ankle.

"OWW!!!" I sobbed in a corner.

"That's what you get! Now quit pussing around. We have to find Mother."

"Mother? Who?" I asked.

"Our Mother! She was the one who told me to guard you while she's gone, but she hasn't come back for weeks.

I'm worried something must have happened to her." He stated with a slight frown.

("Mother huh...")

Wonder why the soft-pitched voice came to mind.

To further clear my confusion, I asked for some more questions. As he little by little explained about this world, I got fired up.

("This sounds like an adventure!")

I stood up and wrapped him around my neck.

"Okay! Let's go!" I shouted enthusiastically.

"Dress first, you moron."

"What am I gonna wear then?"

"There's clothes over there."

He pointed at a fancy-looking wardrobe.

I walked toward it and opened it.

It was full of laced, princessy dresses.

"But... these are all dresses... for girls..."

"Who cares. It's just clothes. Bear with it."

I felt a single drop of tears run down my face.

"Okay..." I answered in pain.

I picked the pure white dress.

It was the plainest one I could find.

I wore it on and looked at the mirror that was attached to the wardrobe. I looked like a total gal.

It turned out better than I expected, to be honest.

"You done yet?" He asked.

"Oum!" I energetically replied.

"Then follow me."

He slithered towards an oddly shaped wall.

And out of nowhere, he started muttering in a language I'd never heard before.

As strange as it is, I'm confused why I can understand what he's saying.

As soon as he stopped, a two-way door magically appeared on the wall.

The door was obsidian and covered in different kinds of gemstones.

There were magnificent engravings all over it that was unknown to me.

I was lost for words.

"Hurry up. Open it." He slithered onto my shoulders.

I took a deep breath.

I grabbed the handle and pushed it.

It creaks as it slowly opens.

I was stunned.

The sight before me is absolutely jaw-dropping.

Orange autumn leaves were fluttering down from gigantic trees.

I can almost not see the sky of how enormous they are.

It's a shaded place, perfect for taking a picnic.

There are also creatures unknown to me, walking, jumping, slithering, and flying around.

It was such breathtaking scenery for my eyes to behold.

Beautiful, I thought.

Suddenly, a cool refreshing gust of wind passed by me.

The snake almost flew out of my shoulder.

"Pfft." I cackled.


I haven't felt refreshed like this even in my past life.

I was dazed, wondering if all of this was just a dream.

"Ah! I almost forgot!" He yelled, breaking my negative thoughts.

"I'm given the name Aziekiel.

Mother told me to give you your name when you woke up, but I forgot to.

Your name is Yumiel. You better treasure it." He smirked.

"A new name?! Cool!"


"Oh! Nothing."

Awesome! Better name than my last one, I guess.

I smiled and looked up at the blue sky.

At this moment, I've accepted the fact that this is a different world,

far different from the world I once knew.

I wouldn't even bother thinking about returning to that terrible old place.

Well. The Almighty has given me a seemingly adventurous new life to start anew, so I might as well enjoy it.

I don't quite believe in God, but regardless,

I will have fun and chaos in this life, no matter what!

Adventure! Yay!~q(≧▽≦q)

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