
Angel of Night

Ethan hates the heroism cover. Silver Field Academy is nothing but a scam, the school only accepts reincarnated heroes, but all of the heroes here are hypocrites. He was challenged to a battle by Hadrian, the reincarnation of the first star of Nox, also known as the Bloody Tyrant because of his ability. He hoped that the fight would not disappoint him. Well, he wasn't able to fight Hadrian and he was kidnapped instead. But it's fine though, as long as nothing happens. But peace was never an option for him. The past he doesn't remember is catching up to him and his once peaceful life is getting taken away. At least Hadrian will comfort him... And maybe Emily, too.

Applebees_5 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Chapter 21

The area where Crystella was fighting had already turned into an icy forest from a fairy tale. The vampire was slower than she was when the weather was warmer, but she is still faster than Crystella could physically keep up with.

They brawled for hours, neither of them giving in. Crystella is fighting to keep her chastity because this vampire seems to want it very much.

She creates several ice crystals. 'Just hit her just this once,' she thought before shooting it at the vampire.

One of her ice crystals did hit the vampire, but it was only a scratch. That's all that was needed for the vampire to begin to freeze over, from the inside out.

She froze in a running position, and Crystella sighed in relief. She didn't rest any further and goes walking towards the vampire.

Just as she was about to shatter the ice with her silver-coated claws. She felt several powerful auras, and she was knocked off the ground and thrown into several broken trees.

She managed to catch her fall and flinched as she stood up. Something is broken. Her eyes widen when she sees a white jaguar beastman standing in front of her. "Collin," she whispers the jaguar's name. How does she know this jaguar? Well, he was her attendant before he disappeared. Her parents didn't tell her anything about his location, so she assumed that he had been on a mission for years.

Unfortunately, this beastman didn't seem to have heard her call his name and goes to attack her again. Crystella dodges his attack; although this beastman doesn't have the ability, he was able to break a few of her bones. She hears lightning crackle, and she is tackled. Mikaela had melted the ice with her lightning.

"Leave us alone," Mikaela said, her voice serious. "I have to teach my little pet some manners."


Ethan appears directly on top of the battle, with Emily and Hadrian clinging onto him for dear life. "Since when could you do this?" Emily shouted in fear. She was asking when Ethan could fly. Ethan then teleports them to the ground. Emily and Hadrian got down almost immediately. Emily creates an energy blaster and shoots at the human fighting in Silver Field. Emily didn't say anything about how the people of Silver Field were fighting. They were obviously tired. This is the first time they are fighting a war, and from the dead bodies everywhere. They have been fighting while she was enjoying breakfast and sleep. If she had waited until lunch break like she had originally planned, then it might have been too late.

The energy blast she shot at the human was blocked by a shield, and Emily frowned. 'Another weapon maker?' she thought. She recognizes the pattern on the boy's shield; it is the same pattern drawn on the front of the books written about the Seventh Star of Nox.

Emily squeals in joy and begins to fangirl. "I get to fight my idol!" she said. Although, technically, he is the reincarnation of her idol.

The boy creates a similar energy blaster to Emily's and shoots at her; she flips back before it could hit her.

That blast is stronger than the ones that come from the one she creates. Her ability is weaker than that of the boy. Obviously, she isn't stronger than her idol. She has to be smart if she wants to defeat this enemy.

It's obvious that using long distance attacks wouldn't work on his opponent. 'Time to use my mercenary skills.'

Emily creates two daggers and runs to her opponent with a smile on her face.

Hadrian was not really fighting at all. His opponent was the elf. She has attempted to burn him, but Hadrian used his ability on her. He didn't lift her in the air like he usually did; he just knocked her unconscious without causing her pain.

He isn't very comfortable with seeing people in pain or killing them.

He looks over at Emily, who is laughing with joy, and dodging energy blasts from a boy while running to him with daggers in her hands. She looks so happy; he doesn't want to ruin that for her. It might cost him an arm if he interferes, so he's not going to do that.

He looks over to Ethan; he was fighting someone moving faster than he could see, almost invincible. He looked very serious as he fought. He threw something, and a crater was formed almost immediately. Maybe he shouldn't go to Ethan.

A fairy lands in front of him. The ground broke when he landed. His next opponent has arrived.

Ethan was fighting with a small frown. He's fighting a vampire, but the vampire kept trying to go back to Taegen, whom he was fighting.

They were asked to kill Taegen, but Ethan wasn't focused on them. He was looking out for someone a lot more powerful than everyone here.

The vampire was about to go and fight Taegen again, but Ethan stopped him, kicking him back with his ability.

"What are you planning?" Ethan asked.

"The Master's plan is not to be revealed," the vampire replies.

Ethan smiled darkly. "I love when people get difficult."

Aquamarine sped through the sea as fast as she could. She knows that she's being stupid at the moment, but she has no ability apart from her heritage, 'Siren's Voice.' And she can't use this against other marine races since they are immune to it.

This enemy can only be defeated if she is able to get close enough. Delphine jumped into the ocean as well when she saw her niece swimming towards the enemy.

'Doesn't she know that she can't win?' Delphine thought as she swam to her niece as fast as she could.

Aquamarine jumps out of the water, summoning her weapon, a spear, and throwing it at the girl standing on the ocean when she is about fifty meters away from her.

The pressure of the speed at which Aquamarine throws showed on the surface of the sea. Before it hits the girl, she raises the spear from the sea and slices through it, separating it.

Then Delphine jumped out of the water and used her ability, to create a water construct. A water dragon and uses it to attack the girl.

'Great, now, while Aunty distracts her, I'll go for the killing blow,' she thought. She appears directly behind the girl, grabs her by the hair, and throws her straight into the ocean.

There was a large splash when Aquamarine threw the girl into the ocean. Aquamarine falls back into the ocean and goes to swim towards the girl. She looked a bit fierce. Her number one weapon might have been split up somewhere here, but she has genetics.

She used her sharp claws to attack the girl. But she fails to do so, and when she gets close to the girl, she slices open her neck with a sharp water whip.

Delphine uses her ability to pull Aquamarine from the girl and relentlessly attacks her with it, constantly attacking her until she stops moving.

She created a water prison with her abilities and swam to the shore. She wouldn't be able to save Aquamarine from the ocean, silently praying for her niece to hold on to her dear life.