
Angel Lord In An Isekai (WN)

What will happen when billions of people from Earth get isekai'd to a place called Endless Continent where Magic reigns supreme and are given a castle and an initial unit to fight for hegemony and immortality? Let's find out through the eyes of our protagonist Kazehaya Haru, a fresh University Graduate who gets lucky and is assigned the powerful Angel Race as his troops. Become A Member At My Ko-fi For Access To Upto Dozens Of Chapters Ahead. » KO-FI.COM/LORDARCHDUKE THIS ISN'T ACTUALLY A FANFIC BUT SINCE I WANT TO KEEP THIS WORK FREE, SOME OTHER AUTHORS RECOMMENDED ME TO PUT IT HERE AS WELL. I'M A NEWBIE SO PLEASE DON'T HESITATE TO POINT OUT ANY MISTAKES YOU SEE. P.S. This is a translation. This is NOT my novel.

LordArchduke · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

CH19 The Grey Dwarf Castle!

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Although no food was collected, but harvesting some low-level weapons, plus the experience gained is also a big profit.

After all, there is also a magic wand inlaid with a Magic Crystal, which is extremely valuable.

When he upgrades the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] next time, he can directly deduct the Magic Crystal on the staff.

After this war, little Angel Raphael, promoted from Tier 4 to Tier 5.

The level of other angels has not changed, but they still gained a lot of experience at their current level.

Now, under Haru, there are already eleven angels.

Six-winged Angel Of Love, Seraphina, Tier 7.

Four-winged Archangel, Mary, Tier 6.

Two-winged angels, three Tier 5, two Tier 4, and four Tier 3.

Compared with yesterday, the strength of Angel Castle has been greatly improved!

At this point, the little angels had all returned to the castle, assembled in front of Haru, waiting for his orders.


At this time, Haru suddenly discovered a special phenomenon. It stands to reason that the angel of love, Seraphina, as an Angel of Principality, should be surrounded by other little angels and be their superior.

But actually, Seraphina was on her side alone. The other nine little double-winged angels followed behind the four-winged archangel Mary.

Seeing Mary as the captain of the Angel team but the Angel of Love, Seraphina, is excluded. Haru thought about it carefully and understood. Seraphina, the angel of love, did not despise these little angels. The little angels are not hostile to Seraphina, the angel of love.

It was just because they belong to different angel factions. Seraphina, the angel of love, is a special angel, belonging to the unorthodox faction. The four-winged archangel Mary and the little angels belong to the orthodox faction.

So even if Seraphina is a six-winged angel with a higher strength, she can't control the little angels. The little angels will be in awe of the mighty Seraphina but they will obey the orders of the four-winged archangel Mary foremost.

Haru didn't think much about it. The concept of the angelic faction is difficult to change, and there is no need to change it. After all, no matter what faction they belong to, there is only one Lord they believe in. As long as there is no infighting between the two factions, there is no need to change.


"Mary, Seraphina. When you go out hunting, investigate the origins of those gnomes! They were able to gather nearly a hundred soldiers in such a short period of time to attack our Angel Castle. They must have their tribe nearby! Find the Gnome Tribe! Compare our combat power to theirs. If you are sure of victory with no casualties, then teach them an unforgettable lesson!"

Gnomes are at the bottom intelligent creatures in the endless continent. Their general level is very low. With the strength of other Castle Lords, it is difficult to defeat a whole gnome tribe but the Angel Squad is an exception.

There is Seraphina, the angel of love at Tier 7, participating in the battle. Even if there are three or five hundred gnomes in the gnome tribe, the scale of Victory is still in the hands of the angel team.

"We'll follow your orders, my lord!" The four-winged archangel Mary and the angel of love Seraphina bowed respectfully towards Haru. Then they led the angel team and flew out of the castle.


After his spirit was relaxed, Haru, who was drowsy, yawned again. After staying up all night, he couldn't take it anymore and needed sleep. He is not an angel after all. At this time, he suddenly felt something and opened [Friend Information].

It was a reply from Lily: "Big Brother Haru, is it really you? Lily is so happy, I didn't expect to be able to become your friend, hehe!"

The next moment, another message came.

"Big Brother Haru, Lily's army is the gray dwarf, they're experts at mining, smelting, and making equipment! The location of my castle is in the underground world."

"There are stone mines and iron mines around."

"I have sold all the stones collected from the quarry, but I have stored a lot of iron ore and am smelting refined iron."

"It is estimated that there are more than 300 units!"

"Does Big Brother Haru really need it?"

Haru replied: "I want it, what's the price?"

Lily: "One unit of food for four units of refined iron, does Brother think it's okay?" Haru was taken aback, he thought he was going to bleed.

After all, Refined Iron is precious. Unexpectedly, the exchange price given by Lily was lower than the price he bid yesterday.

Yesterday, he priced one unit of food for three units of refined iron, with no gain. Now, Lily is willing to use four units of refined iron in exchange for one unit of food. What is she trying to do?

Haru: "You didn't see the price I bid yesterday?"

Lily: "I saw it! But I want to maintain a long-term cooperative relationship with Big Brother. If it is cheap and when there is more refined iron in the future, it is very likely that you won't buy it from Lily."

"Big Brother is so powerful."

"Being able to cooperate with you for a long time is also beneficial to Lily's Grey Dwarf Castle."

Seeing this reply, Haru can't help but label Lily as a shrewd businessman! She seemed at a loss but in the long run, she made money.

After all, Haru is recognized as the master of the strongest castle. Using 4 units instead of 3 units of Refined Iron per unit of food in the early stages, she can establish a long-term cooperative relationship with him, which is a very meaningful investment.

In the middle and late stages, not to mention the price difference of one unit of refined iron, even if a box of Magic Crystals was placed in front of Haru, he probably won't be tempted.

Haru replied: "We can cooperate! When I collect food, I will message you!"

Lily: "Great!!"

Haru asked, "How did you smelt iron ore into refined iron?"

Refined Iron is one of the items to upgrade a town but so far, he hadn't heard of any Castle Lord who can smelt iron ore into refined iron.

Lily: "Hee hee! When a dwarf big brother was digging, he accidentally stepped on a mouse. Unexpectedly, the blueprint of the smelting furnace was dropped. I have already built the smelting furnace. We just throw the iron ore into it and we can get Refined Iron!"

Stepping on a mouse and getting an architectural blueprint?

Haru was suddenly stunned. His angel killed at least five or six hundred wild monsters in the past few days but he didn't even see the shadow of the blueprint.

"A mouse?" Haru looked at his Angel Castle. He didn't know if there were any mice in the castle. If there is, he also wants to step on one and try to see if a blueprint can be obtained through this way.


Endless continent, somewhere underground world. There is an intermediate castle. In the mining area outside the castle, more than a dozen gray dwarves are working hard to collect iron ore.

Above the castle courtyard, black smoke billowed from a smelting furnace with a height of thirty meters. Near the melting furnace, there are several grey dwarves who are constantly pouring iron ore into it.

Next to him was a little girl, who was wearing a pleated skirt and had a gray face.

"Everyone work harder! I found a big client! He is the most powerful Castle Lord in the endless continent! Our Grey Dawrf Castle will soon have a good life!"

"We'll follow your orders, Princess Lily!" The grey dwarves started working even harder.


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