
Angel Has Fallen Down (Haru)

In the vast galaxy known as Leuks and the world within it named Themser, exists a multitude of dimensions. While the galaxy's existence cannot be physically traced, its presence is undeniable. Among its inhabitants is Alice D'Matriese, a sacred angel renowned for her prowess in combat. Her sole purpose is to vanquish the Demon King, Luke Fier'Diese, the brother of Lucifer imprisoned in the forgotten garden of Eden. Her life's mission revolves around awaiting divine orders to eliminate the Demon King. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when she crosses paths with the demon ruler. Despite understanding the magnitude of her transgression, she finds herself unable to resist the stirrings of her heart.

HaruHaru24 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

11. Apologize

The morning sun cast a warm glow over Afela Town as Luke and Alice emerged from their cozy inn, their spirits lifted by the promise of a new day. With a casual nod, Luke suggested they grab breakfast at a nearby café, eager to start their day off on the right foot.

Alice's brows furrowed slightly as she glanced at Luke, her expression guarded yet curious. "Hmph, why should I trust your choice of café, Luke? What if it's terrible?" she quipped, a playful glint in her eyes.

Luke chuckled, unfazed by her teasing. "Oh, come on, Alice. You know me, I've got impeccable taste when it comes to breakfast spots," he replied with a confident grin, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

Rolling her eyes, Alice followed him with a reluctant smile. "Fine, but if this place doesn't live up to your hype, you owe me," she declared, her tone laced with playful skepticism.

Luke flashed her a knowing smirk as they made their way down the quaint cobblestone streets. "Deal. But I have a feeling you'll be eating those words once you taste their foods," he retorted, a playful challenge in his voice.

With their banter echoing through the morning air, Luke and Alice set off on their breakfast adventure, their playful exchanges setting the stage for the lighthearted moments to come.

The café was alive with chatter and the clinking of cutlery as Luke and Alice settled into a corner booth, menus in hand.

"I'm starving," Alice declared, scanning the menu with keen interest. "What do you recommend?"

Luke shrugged, a playful smirk playing on his lips. "I'm not sure. I usually just go for the classic bacon and eggs."

Alice wrinkled her nose. "Boring," she teased, nudging him with her elbow. "I think I'll try the chef's special."

Luke raised an eyebrow, eyeing Alice with mock suspicion. "Are you sure about that? It's the most expensive item on the menu."

Alice waved off his concern with a dismissive gesture. "Money's no object when it comes to good food, and you pay it anyway" she declared with a grin.

Luke rolled his eyes

As they waited for their food to arrive, Luke and Alice engaged in lighthearted banter, discussing their plans to catch Viosa and speculating about the rabbit's next move.

"You know," Luke mused, tapping his chin thoughtfully, "I've been thinking. Maybe we should try setting a trap for him."

Alice's eyes lit up with excitement. "That's a great idea! But how do we lure him in?"

Luke leaned in conspiratorially, his voice dropping to a whisper. "I was thinking we could use something he's drawn to. Like... carrots?"

Alice burst into laughter, nearly spilling her drink in the process. "Carrots? Really?"

Luke grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Hey, don't knock it till you try it."

Their laughter echoed through the café, drawing curious glances from the other patrons as they eagerly awaited their breakfast.


After their hearty breakfast, Luke and Alice decided to explore the lively market nestled nearby, its colorful stalls beckoning with an array of enticing goods.

As they ambled through the bustling marketplace, Luke couldn't resist his mischievous streak, delighting in teasing Alice at every opportunity.

"Hey, Alice, check this out!" Luke exclaimed, holding up a garish, oversized sunhat adorned with sequins and feathers that seemed to defy gravity.

Alice's lips twisted into a smirk as she surveyed the ridiculous headgear. "You've got to be kidding me, Luke. I'm not sure that's quite my style," she remarked dryly, unable to suppress a giggle.

Luke grinned impishly, waggling the hat in front of her face. "Oh, come on, Alice! You'd make quite the fashion statement in this," he teased, earning a playful swat from Alice in response.

"Not a chance, Luke. I'd sooner wear a cabbage on my head," Alice quipped, her eyes sparkling with amusement despite her feigned exasperation.

Undeterred by her refusal, Luke flashed her a mischievous grin. "Well, suit yourself. But just imagine the look on the angels' faces when they see you rocking this," he teased, already picturing their incredulous reactions.

Their playful banter continued as they wandered through the market, each teasing exchange punctuated by shared laughter and stolen glances that spoke volumes without a word.

As they meandered through the bustling marketplace, Alice's eyes lit up with excitement as she took in the sights and sounds around her. Luke couldn't help but smile at her infectious enthusiasm, his heart warming at the sight of her genuine delight.

"Wow, look at all this!" Alice exclaimed, her gaze darting from one stall to the next. "It's like a treasure trove of wonders!"

Luke chuckled, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "Yeah, it's pretty impressive," he agreed, scanning the array of goods on display. "Anything in particular catching your eye?"

Alice's lips curved into a mischievous smile as she glanced back at Luke. "Well, there is one thing," she teased, nudging him playfully. "But I doubt you'd want to buy it for me."

Luke arched an eyebrow, feigning offense. "Oh, really? And why's that?"

"Because it's the most expensive thing on the menu," Alice replied, her tone teasing. "But don't worry, I'll settle for something cheaper."

Luke's smirk widened into a grin as he leaned closer to her, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Who said anything about worrying?" he whispered conspiratorially. "Consider it a challenge."

Alice's eyes widened in surprise, a blush creeping into her cheeks. "Luke, you don't have to—" she began, but Luke waved her protests away with a dismissive gesture.

"Nonsense!" he declared with a grin. "Consider it my way of indulging your angelic whims."

Their banter continued as they strolled through the market, their laughter mingling with the lively chatter of the vendors and shoppers around them.

"Look at these fruits, Alice," Luke said, pointing to a colorful display. "They look fresh, don't they?"

Alice nodded, inspecting the fruits with interest. "Yes, they do! Maybe we should get some for later."

"Good idea," Luke replied, reaching for a ripe peach. "We can enjoy them back at the inn."

As they reached the stall displaying the familiar hairpin, Alice's expression softened, her gaze lingering on the gleaming accessory. "Luke, look! It's... it's look like the same hairpin you gave me back then," she exclaimed, her voice tinged with nostalgia.

Luke's heart skipped a beat at the sight of the hairpin, memories of their past adventures flooding his mind. "Yeah, it does look similiar," he replied, his tone soft with reminiscence. "Those were simpler times, weren't they?"

Alice nodded, a wistful smile playing on her lips. "Yeah, they were," she murmured. 

As Alice's gaze lingered on the gleaming hairpin, memories of her past encounters with Luke flooded her mind. She couldn't help but feel a wave of nostalgia wash over her as she recalled their first meeting, when she was still unaware of his true identity.

"Luke," she began, her voice soft but tinged with emotion, "seeing this hairpin... it brings back so many memories."

Luke turned to her, his expression softening as he listened intently to her words. "Yeah, it does," he replied, a hint of warmth in his tone. "Those were some interesting times, weren't they?"

Alice nodded, her heart fluttering nervously as she gathered her thoughts. "They were," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "But even back then, when I didn't know who you truly were... I felt something."

Luke's brow furrowed slightly, his gaze searching hers for clarity. "What do you mean?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

Alice took a deep breath, her cheeks flushing with color as she struggled to find the right words. "I mean," Alice pressed on, her voice growing steadier with each word, "I felt like there was something between us, even though I couldn't explain it."

Luke's expression softened further, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. He reached out to gently squeeze her hand, a silent gesture of reassurance.

For a moment, they simply stood there, lost in their own thoughts amidst the bustling marketplace. The weight of unspoken emotions hung heavy in the air, binding them together in a silent understanding.

Finally, Alice broke the silence with a soft chuckle, her smile brightening the space between them. "But hey, that's all in the past now, right?" she said, her tone light but tinged with warmth. "We've come a long way since then."

With that, they continued their exploration of the marketplace, the memory of their shared moment lingering in the air like a gentle breeze.

But beneath the surface, Luke couldn't shake the unease that gnawed at him. He hadn't properly apologized to Alice for deceiving her, and the weight of his past actions still hung heavily on his conscience. As they navigated through the bustling market, he couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt creeping in, casting a shadow over their otherwise lighthearted interaction.

As they stood outside the inn, the fading light of the day casting long shadows around them, Luke took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to say.

"Hey, Alice..." he began, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "There's something I need to tell you."

Alice turned to him, her expression guarded yet curious. "What is it, Luke?"

Luke hesitated for a moment, his mind racing as he searched for the right words. "I... I just wanted to say... I'm sorry," he finally managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry for not being honest with you, for deceiving you about who I am."

Alice's eyes narrowed slightly at his unexpected apology. She crossed her arms over her chest, trying to mask the fluttering feeling in her stomach. "Well, it's about time you admitted it," she retorted, her tone laced with a hint of sarcasm.

Luke winced at her response, feeling a pang of guilt for the pain he had caused her. "I know I should have told you the truth from the beginning," he continued, his voice filled with remorse. "But I was scared, scared of what you would think of me, scared of losing the moments we had."

Alice remained silent for a moment, her gaze fixed on the ground as she processed his words. She couldn't deny that she was hurt by his deception, but at the same time, she couldn't bring herself to stay mad at him. "I understand," she said finally, her voice softer than before. "But that doesn't mean I forgive you."

Luke felt a lump form in his throat at her words, the weight of her disappointment heavy on his shoulders. "I understand," he said quietly, his gaze dropping to the ground. "I'll do whatever it takes to make things right."

As they stood there in tense silence, Alice felt a strange mix of emotions swirling inside her. She wanted to be angry with Luke for deceiving her, but at the same time, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was also to blame for not seeing through his lies sooner.

"I should go," Luke said suddenly, breaking the silence between them. "I'll give you some space to think things over."

Alice nodded, her heart pounding in her chest as she watched him walk away. She knew she should feel relieved that he was gone, but instead, she felt a strange sense of emptiness settling over her.

As she turned to go back inside the inn, Alice couldn't help but replay their conversation in her mind. She told herself that she didn't care about Luke's apology, that she didn't need his forgiveness. But deep down, she knew that wasn't true.

And as she lay in bed later that night, her heart still racing from their encounter, Alice couldn't shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, there was more to her relationship with Luke than she was willing to admit.