
Angel Fall's The Fate of Man

Something I came up with after playing too much Total War: Warhammer 3. This story contains other elements also. Things from the real world and fantasy, like star wars and diablo. And maybe Halo as well later on. But mostly inspired by Warhammer and games I play. Can you guess what games? Also small warning: This story is pretty dark and messed up at first. But it gets better later on I promise. Like, maybe after 40 chapters or so. The First part of this, hopefully long series of books set in this world is just an introduction to the world and its setting. The angels will fall later, Literally. My hope is to write this series for a long time. For such a long time, that eventually the world will leave behind swords and pick up guns. And later on, humanity will move to the stars and take what is rightfully theirs. By whos right? Well, their gods given right. (Story setting & small spoilers) Thousands of years ago humanity was on the brink of extinction, It was called the Age of Darkness. Humans hid in the forests, in the highlands and in great walled cities. There they lay isolated and cut off from the rest of the world. The world between the cities was ruled by the many creatures of darkness, that hunted and feasted on the humans living flesh. But one day all of this changed, with the coming of the yellow comet. He had arrived, Sighard had come. With a hammer in hand and Gryphon as his mount, he unified the Western world and beat back the creatures of darkness. For a hundred years, he ruled. This was the age of Sighard. During this time humanity left their hiding places and settled the plains. There they created mighty farms and cities to feed the ever-growing population. Now it is the year 1050 after Sighard, as it is called. Rumors of the great darkness returning have started to spread. Warning of its return back into the land, threatening to destroy the past 1050 years of human progress. There is off course more to this world but that's a secret. ;)

Angel_Man · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 8 The Chicken house massacre part 4.

A hooded figure with red eyes sat on he's knees in a pool of chicken blood. There he feasted on their hearts and corpses as he happily drank down all their blood.

By now the stench of death was all around as there was blood everywhere and 40 chicken corpses as well as the 4 dead mighty cocks.

'Rock in the pool! So nice and cool! So juicy sweet! Now we wish

To catch a chicken! So juicy sweet!' The creature loudly sang and laughed like crazy as it bit into the chicken corpse.

As the creature feasted in the chicken house. In a one-story three-roomed house the family of 5 were all awake. Just five minutes ago Lara Lopes and her family were awoken by their medium-sized dog's barking.

Lara had been the first one to be awoken by the dog, and she immediately went to the dog's side to see what was wrong. The dog was in the middle of the house barking at the front door. After calming the dog down, Lara in her nightgown opened the old wood-covered window on the right and peeked through.

Peeking out the window she saw nothing out of the ordinary. It was still raining heavily and there were no signs of trouble.

'Lara what's going on? Do you see anything?' Said the deep voice of her father, from the bedroom on her right.

Hearing this she did not answer, rather she focused her senses on the chicken house. There she could just slightly see that the door wasn't fully closed and that the lock was open. Seeing this she answered her dad. 'Dad somebody left the chicken house open.'

Hearing this he got dressed and walked to her side while putting on a simple white shirt. 'How can that be? I am sure it was closed before.' He said.

As he stood next to her and they both looked through the window at the chicken house. That's when they heard it, the menacing laughter of some creature of darkness for it did not sound human.

'Son what is it?' came an older man's voice from the left. He was Laras grandfather, who had reached the impressive age of 49. In the Middle Ages, most peasants at best lived into their 40 and a few to their fifties. This grandpa was a frail old man, barely able to do the bare minimum on the small farm. With a grey beard and missing most of he's teeth he didn't look so good.

' Trouble.' Answered Lara's father as he walked to the kitchen area behind him, where next to the firewood was a woodcutting axe. He picked it up and walked to the door.

Seeing this the old man was alarmed and asked. 'What are you doing my son?'

Stopping in front of the door he answered he's father's concern with a calm expression. 'Don't worry I'm just gonna go check it out. I will be fine.' He smiled reassuringly and patted he's daughters head, after which he walked outside with haste.

'You fool don't go there alone! Neymar you useless sack of olive's, get up and go help your brother!' The old man yelled to the room behind him.

Neymar Lopes was an athletic man of 165 centimetres tall and 68 kilograms and he was in his late twenties. Due to he's fanatical work ethic, he neglected he's wife who decided to move back in with her parents. Now he lived as a helping hand on the small farm much to he's father's dismay.

'Why? Can't my perfect big brother just handle it? Just let me sleep.' Neymar said annoyed.

The old man just walked up to he's bedside and started kicking him, screaming. 'Get up! Now you good for nothing bastard!'

As this was going on Lara and her now awake mother watched with concern, out the open door of their house as Laras father neared the chicken house.

Standing outside in the rain, Lara's father put he's ear to the door and listened.

'So nice and cool! So juicy sweet! Now we wish To catch a a chicken! So juicy sweet! Hahahaha!' Is what he heard coming from the other side. He's heart started to pump and breathing thickened as he mustered up all he's courage and went to open the door slowly.

The creature sat there as if hypnotized as he bit and chewed on the chicken carcass. Until he heard a small creak and the sound of rain getting louder. When he turned to look, he saw a man in his early thirties with black dark hair and a shaved face looking at him with an axe in hand. First the man was shocked until as if realizing something he's face turned to hatred and anger. Seeing this the creature took it's 18 centimeters long knife and started to move.

Next the man's muscles flexed as he lifted he's axe while gritting he's teeth and yelling. 'Die you greenskin skum!' As he struck.

He had never seen a greenskin in he's life. All he knew was what the merchants and the legend's told him.

Greenskin? Ohh shit. Was all the thought the creature named Marino could muster as he jumped to the right from he's crouched position, narrowly dodging the strike.

As the axe hit the wooden floor it cut the chicken carcass that sat there in half, sending blood and guts flying.

Seeing this Marino started sweating buckets, as he had he's back against the 4 chicken wooden platforms. He's sense's had returned somewhat from he's blood-crazed state and he was thinking more clearly. As he was no martial artist he had no clue what to do.

Turning to he's left the man lifted he's axe and struck again while yelling. 'Die!'

Seeing the axe coming down fast Marino in he's endless wisdom went into the fetal position, hugging he's knees and closing he's eyes. I guess this is it he thought.

Next, a loud crack could be heard as wood split in two and splinter's went flying all around.

'Ohh come on!' Yelled the man.

Realizing that he was still alive Marino looked up to see the axe just above he's head. Apparently, the man had overshot he's swing, splitting one wooden platform and getting the axe stuck in the other.

Seeing that the man was most definitely gonna isekai him, Marino decided to take advantage of the situation. Knife in hand Marino launched forward from the fetal position. With force, the knife entered the man from below, through the gall bladder and into the kidney. The force of Marino's jump sent the man and boy crashing down to the ground.

Now that Marino was on the top he quickly pulled the knife back, causing lot's of blood to start leaking from the wound. Next without a thought he started stabbing and slashing just like he did with the chicken's.

In he's struggle the man blocked most of the attacks with he's hand's, causing severe bleeding to occur. Feeling he's life fading away the man in a last-ditch effort went for the knife.

As Marino aimed for the head the man's right hand came in front. Without remorse, the knife pierced straight through he's hand as the man brought he's left hand for support. Marino did not relent he pushed with all he's might aiming the knife toward the man's right eye.

Though the man was stronger than the boy he could no longer exert he's full strength. The man's hands were bleeding and cut in many places and he was bleeding excessively from the torso also. A Liver wound on it's own would be fatal if not treated immediately.

The Battle had become a contestant of strength and endurance as the knife got ever closer to the man's eye. They both yelled at the top of their lungs, one pushing up and one down. 'aaaaaaaaaaaa!'

Marino grinned like a demon as he felt the knife start to pierce the man's eye and he's voice turned to a panicked scream as he kicked the air and struggled.

Right then just at the very last second as the knife was about to pierce the brain the door flew open and Neymar came running in yelling. 'Brother!' With a straight kick he sent Marino knife in hand tumbling to the ground.

' Brother, what happened to you?' Neymar said tear's in he's eye's as he held he's dying brother's bleeding hand.

With his one intact eye, the dying man looked at he's brother as he coughed up blood and said with he's last dying breath. ' Protect.. the... family.'

Seeing the light fading from he's brothers eyes Neymar yelled and shook he's brother. 'No brother you can't leave me! Stay with me please!' Seeing he's brother's dead hand slip from he's grasp to the floor and he's body going completely limp. Neymar knew deep down in he's heart that he's brother was gone from this world.

Seeing this scene Marino frowned as he picked up he's sore body off the ground and got back on he's feet, ready to face this new enemy.

Neymar turned he's hateful tearful eyes toward Marino as he cursed. ' You demon! You will pay for this!' Then he turned to look at he's brother one last time as he said. ' Don't worry brother. I will avenge you.'

Without hesitation, Neymar charged, like a crazy berserker. Not caring at all for he's opponent's knife that was pointed straight at him.

Seeing this Marino got scared, he could feel the man's killing intent and saw he's crazed bloodshot eyes. Nonetheless, he aimed straight for the heart as Neymar went for a right hook. At the same time knife pierced the stomach missing it's target and fist hit face.

Marino was sent stumbling hard to the ground. Where he turned and looked as Neymar with a knife in he's stomach jumped on top of him, wrapping he's hand's around the boy's neck.

With he's neck being squeezed, Marino struggled. He desperately tried to kick and punch at the crazed man.

Neymar was uncaring of the knife in he's gut as he continued to strangle the killer of he's brother. He gritted he's teeth and growled as saliva poured out of he's mouth. He flexed he's muscles and put all of he's strength and anger into he's arm's.

Marino clawed at Neymars hand's desperately making he's hand's bleed but it was futile. He's face was red as he felt he's consciousness fading. But then he felt the wooden handle of he's blade slightly touch he's chest and realization hit him.

Marino took the knife out of Neymars chest with lightning speed. Now with the knife in he's right hand. He held it in a reverse grip, as the blade struck him in the neck going all the way 18 Centimeters deep coming straight through the other side bloodied. Marino felt he's breath come back as the grip softened on he's neck.

Neymar was stunned. He could feel the blood in he's mouth and lot's of it. But then he saw it, the devilish smile on that demon's face. He got even more enraged. With a knife through the neck, he mustered up all his strength and anger as he continued to squeeze.

'Whats with this crazy guy.' Marino thought as he felt he's through being squeezed yet again. Next, he pulled the knife towards himself, opening up the man's neck completely from the middle. Marino closed he's eyes as a spray of blood showered over him, painting he's face red.

Neymar got on he's feet in shock as he tried to cover the wood with he's hand's. While he gagged and blood came rushing out he's mouth. With he's head barely attached to he's torso Neymar stumbled towards the door backwards. He was in complete shock not knowing what to do, fight or run.

Marino stood up coughing as he stared and grinned evilly at he's opponent. He felt swelling in he's left eye and he had 3 scars on the right and a face covered in blood. He was not a happy boy, he's mission was a complete failure. Now there was no other option he had to finish this fast. Maybe he could burn the bodies and run for it. This was the medieval times after all, it would be extremely hard to say who had done it without witnesses. Marino thought to himself.

But first things first he thought, as he turned to the bleeding man In front. Remembering a scene from a movie in he's past, he yelled. 'Taste my spartan kick!' With a kick to the stomach, Neymar stumbled uncontrollably towards the door. Next the door opened and Neymar fell through the open door, onto the outside ramp.

This sent a smile to Marino's lips until he heard a scream. Then he's demonic red eyes saw it. There were 3 people looking straight at him from the doorway of the main building. 'Oh shit. I fucked up.' He said.