
Angel Down, Deception

Angel Kael refuses to believe that his brother has fallen. Logan was a great guardian angel; he would never become a fallen angel. Another question that baffles Kael is who murdered Prophet Joshua of earth and why? These questions drive Kael to break one of heaven's rules - that of going down to earth to investigate. On earth he quickly discovers that nothing is as it seems and before long, he finds himself breaking a few more rules as he unravels numerous secrets and mysteries, and the most important rule that he ends up breaking is that of falling in love with a human. Angel Down, Deception is a supernatural, romance thriller.

Ursula_Graetz · Fantasy
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26 Chs


While they waited for Sally to bring some refreshments, Kael walked to the window to peer outside. All was so peaceful. The thought of living here in the suburbs, this peace and quiet, suddenly called to him.

Julia was contemplating throwing herself on the ground at Kael's feet to beg for answers. She would, if that was the only way to get them.

Sally returned. "This is so strange; I found this letter on top of his black book, and it's addressed to you." She looked at Kael, quizzically, before handing him the letter.

James stood up and retrieved the book from her before she could hand that to Kael too. Then he sat down, eager to begin studying its contents. But before opening the book he was curious to know what was written in the letter that was addressed to Kael.

Kael opened the letter as gently as he could, fearful not to destroy the contents. And then he began to read it out loud.

What is, has to be undone. The fate of heaven and earth depends on it.

"For Pete's sake. What did the old fossil mean by that?" James blurted, shaking his head with irritation, shrugging his shoulders.

"James!" Kael glared fiercely at him. Why couldn't he put a guard on his mouth? He looked at Sally apologetically.

She simply smiled affectionately at the tinier angel.

Kael asked her, in a kinder tone, "Do you perhaps have any idea what your husband was trying to tell me?"

"Sorry, no," she replied sadly. "Joshua kept the prophetic side of his life very much to himself. He said it was safer for me that way."

"Yes, a very wise decision too, love," James intervened. "And that could very well explain why you're still alive."

"James!" Kael wanted to wring the little angel's neck. For an empath, it sure eluded him how to be more sympathetic with his words.

"I'm just stating the obvious. Anyhow, let's stop guessing and look in the book. Hopefully, we'll find clues in here."

He opened the book and started turning the thick brown pages.

Kael made his way around to the back of the chair where James sat and then peered over his shoulder to take a look at the contents of the book.

Suddenly, something came crashing through the main window of the living room, shattering the glass and sending shards of it spiralling through the air, raining down over them.

Julia squealed and grabbed one of the large scatter cushions and hurriedly placed it over her head for protection. Sally did the same. James, on the other hand, held up the large leather book to cover his face while the cat scurried out of the living room, squealing with its tail high up in the air.

When all was quiet again, Julia lowered the pillow, her eyes as large as blueberry pies. She glanced around, shaken and distraught. Was everyone okay? James stood up and went to peer out the window. He scanned the area, straining to see what had caused the window to break.

Julia noticed that Kael was lying deathly still behind the tub chair where James had sat only moments ago. His body was not visible as he lay there, only his legs but they were fearfully still. "Kael?"

When he failed to respond, she practically jumped over a chair to get to him, then let off a screech. He had an arrow lodged in his shoulder and was battling to breathe.

"James," she hollered. "Help him!"

James rushed over but when he saw Kael just lying there, injured and bleeding, he was dumbfounded. "That's impossible!"

"James!" Julia shouted at him.

He quickly snapped out of his stupor and knelt beside him. "Kael, can you hear me?" he asked.

"He can heal himself, right?" Julia was beyond herself. When nobody responded, she screamed, "tell me he can heal himself? I've seen him do it."

Suddenly two people with familiar faces came jumping through the window, the female holding a bow and pointing an arrow in their direction.

Drake wielded a sword, "Nobody move!", he threatened.

James looked anxiously around in search of a weapon or at least something he could use as a weapon.

The female's demonic laughter echoed through the house. "I wouldn't bother, James, dear. As for your precious Overseer, it's over for him. Say bye-bye. You will need to find a replacement for him very soon."

"No. That's impossible. Kael can't die." This was bad – this was very bad. First earth's Great Prophet and now Kael, the Kingdom's Overseer. How could this be happening?

"Just get the book, Taria," the male demon urged, anxiously.

"All in good time, my dear Drake. All in good time. I first want to relish this wonderful historic moment."

"Taria!" Drake yelled with agitation.

"Fine!" She tore her agitated stare away from Drake and glared at James, adorning him a quirky smile. "Be a good little boy and give me that book." She pointed to the black leather book he held protectively in his hands.

"Just kill him and take the damned book from him, or I will," Drake's fear was giving him an edge of boldness.

"You know that's not the plan. We have our instructions," Taria glared angrily at him.

"You, following instructions? That's a first," Drake retorted. Before she could think of an appropriate comeback, Kael spoke.

"Why – am I not – healing?" His words came out in breathless gulps.

Taria laughed. "My arrow has stripped you of all your heavenly powers. Enjoy your last few gulps of air, for they will be your last."

"That's not possible!" James blurted. "You cannot kill an angel who has healing powers."

"Angel? Kael's – an angel?" Julia wanted to faint. She had come up with many explanations, superman had even hit her list, but an angel was not one of them. The hair on her arms rose and her sanity was spinning out of control, with all the impossibilities of recent events. Then, like pieces of a puzzle, they started falling into place. She could barely swallow.

Nobody paid any attention to her outburst.

Taria laughed and Drake grumbled before scoffing, "he's dying alright. Thanks to Taria's new celestial poison-tipped arrowheads. Now stop wasting our time and just give her the book before you also get a taste of her poison."

James grunted, searching around him frantically for a weapon again, suddenly feeling vulnerable and helpless. Finally, realizing their defeat, he stretched out his arm and handed her the book.

"No, don't." Kael tried to reach for the book himself, but his strength was fast seeping away from him, faster than the blood that was drenching his shirt.

Taria grabbed the book and then her and Drake stormed out of the house. The engines of their motorbikes could be heard as they dashed off – taking the Prophet's book with them, and the answers they were seeking.

Tears streamed down Julia's cheeks. This couldn't be happening. Despite the strangeness of everything happening around her, her feelings for Kael were stronger than ever. "Please don't die on me. I need you, Kael," she cried unashamedly.

"It's going to be – alright. Trust me." He tried to speak clearly, but it was difficult. He had never experienced such agonizing pain before. It was as if the burning poison that was spreading through his veins, was charring his entire body from the inside out. Despite that, he reached for her face and with a painfully exerted effort, he wiped away her tears.

The affection in Kael's eyes almost choked her. He had feelings for her, she had sensed that, especially the previous night when he had almost kissed her. Now she understood why he hadn't. He was an angel. OMG, he's an angel – and he's dying.

"Don't cry, Jules – it pains me – to see you cry."

Not giving a damn about the consequences, she bent down and kissed him full on his lips. Her lips lingered on his, and she felt him reciprocate her kiss, well almost. Or at least she thought he had. When she finally raised her head, she met his deep blue-grey eyes staring up at her. They were glazed over with tears.

"Okay, break it up." James dragged Julia away from him and scowled at Kael.

"Now's not the time for such temptation," he growled. "Think man, think. There has to be something you can do to stop this poison from killing you. Come on Kael, the kingdom needs you. We all need you."

Kael was surprised at James' display of emotion and even his acknowledgment that he was needed. If he wasn't in so much pain, he might have smiled at James. Maybe not.

"I don't – know. I've never – heard of poison arrows that can kill angels with – healing powers."

"Guys, what we need to do is to get him to a hospital pronto, he needs a doctor," Julia blurted, close to hysteria.

"I'm afraid a doctor won't be able to help him, love." James touched her arm, offering a sympathetic gesture. Then he turned to Sally. "Bring me some hot water and bandages. Maybe if we stop the bleeding, we can prolong his life until we figure out what else we can do."

Sally sprang up from the chair where she was, moments before, feeling weak and helpless, and immediately went to task, grateful to keep busy instead of just sitting there, feeling like the world was crashing in around her.

Julia gawked helplessly down at Kael who now lay with his eyes closed. It was clear on his face that he was in a great deal of pain. If only she could take some of his pain away and help him bear it. A tear escaped her eyelid but angrily swept it away. As she held his hand, she battled with her emotions. She needed to stay strong for him now. Anxiously she brushed away another tear and sniffed out loud while stroking Kael's hair.

Minutes later Sally returned with a bowl of steaming hot water and a medical kit. James grabbed the kit, removed the bandages, and dipped them into the hot water.

"Love, care to unbutton Kael's shirt?" This instructed was directed at Julia, who nodded obediently.

When she started to unbutton his shirt, she gasped. His muscles were so beautifully crafted, and his skin was so smooth to the touch, she bit her lips painfully to keep her desires stable. He was dying and all she could think of was how gorgeous he was. What was wrong with her?

Sally handed her a pair of scissors, and she carefully cut away the shirt around the arrow and then cringed at the sight. The veins in the area where the arrow had penetrated his flesh were turning various shades of blue, purple, and yellow, probably from the poison, she guessed.

James dabbed away at the blood around the wound before proceeding to clean the area of the wound, around the arrow.

"Can't we just remove the arrow?" Julia asked.

"No, right now it's the only thing preventing him from bleeding to death too quickly."

Julia's nerves were tingling with apprehension. "Why is this happening? Someone tell me what is going on. Was Logan an angel too? What happened to him? And you, James, are you – are you an angel?" Her eyes were pleading with his. "I need answers." This last sentence was a bare whisper.

Although her tears started pouring down her cheeks, she focused a steady gaze on James, adamant that she receives answers.

"One question at a time, love." James winked at her.

She gasped. How dare he? How could he take this all so lightly? What was wrong with him?

"Yes love, we're all angels. Kael, Logan, and I. However, Kael is no ordinary angel. He's the Overseer of the entire Kingdom of Heaven."

She was sure she noticed a sense of pride as he spoke, which confused her. She thought James couldn't stand Kael.

Sally cut in, "Joshua used to tell me stories about how amazing Kael was, and his extraordinary powers, and how he had saved the Kingdom from many a downfall in the past ten years since becoming an angel."

She too had a sense of awe in her voice. "And everyone was amazed that since he had become the Overseer, not one angel has fallen."

"Not until Logan, that is," James reminded them.

Julia shook her head. "But that was a set-up, right? That's what I overheard you guys say."

"Right you are, love, right you are." James winked at her again, smiling.

"Stop smiling. This is serious." Julia's heart felt close to break point, her mind was a whirlwind of confusion, her emotions were riddled with sadness and anger, and she was exhausted all at the same time. The last thing she needed was to snap. Because if she did, the little angel winking and smiling at her would pay the price. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.

After a while she said, "we need to do something more. We can't just let him die. We just can't." She was back to sobbing again.

"You're right," he responded, this time devoid of a smile.

Julia eyed him narrowly. Did he have a solution?

"Let's move Kael to the sofa where he will be more comfortable," he suggested.

Wow, how was that a solution? Unbelievable, her mind was screaming.

James frowned. If only he didn't feel so helpless. There was nothing he could do to help Kael, and that tore at him. And his own fears were rising, he just wouldn't show it. He needed to appear calm for everyone's sake. The least he could do, though, was to try and make Kael's final moments more comfortable.

As painful as it was, Kael helped to limp to the couch as they tried moving him. Everyone lent a hand to get him there with the minimalist of pain.

Once he was on the couch, Kael grabbed James by the arm and whispered, "go warn Custo."

"I'm not leaving you, not like this." James shook his head rebelliously.

"It's an order," Kael barked, then coughed. And that proved to be excruciating.

"And if I disobey your order, what are you going to do about it?" James uttered rebelliously.

Kael realized he needed to appeal to James's compassionate side if he wanted to inspire action from him. He did have a compassionate side, Kael had glimpsed it on occasion, even though he was sure James would deny it. So, loosening his grip, tugging on James's sleeve, he mumbled in a humble tone, pleading with him, "please, this is bigger than you or me."

James hesitated momentarily, then finally relented. "Fine. But let it never be said that I deserted our Overseer in his final hours."

Kael nodded. "Just go."

James inhaled sharply, then stood up, squared his shoulders, and marched out of the front door before opening his wings. He was gone in an instant.

Kael glanced at Julia. She was deathly pale. Perhaps her sanity was close to breaking point. That was what he had feared. "It's going to be – okay."

"Stop saying that. Clearly, that's not true. You're an angel and you're dying," she retorted then gasped, "Wow, those are words I never thought I'd hear myself saying."

She put her hands on her head. "How's any of this possible? And what does this mean to us, if angels are all dying? First Logan, now you?"

"Jules – you need to have – faith – faith that everything – will turn out alright."

"Faith? Really? How's that working out for you?" A cynical laugh escaped her lips.

"Sweetie let's have another cup of tea," Sally offered nervously.

"Tea? Tea? That's the freaking last thing I need right now." This time she really was hysterical.

"Calm down." Kael reached for her hand and squeezed it for reassurance. It seemed to help.

"I'm so sorry Sally," Julia whimpered. "I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm so sorry."

"No need to apologize, sweetie," Sally assured her. "It's all okay. This is a trying time for everyone."

Julia pulled a dining room chair closer to the couch beside Kael and felt highly annoyed with herself for losing control. She wanted to show him she could handle all of this and prove him wrong. How many times hadn't she told him she could handle the truth, yet here she was – freaking out. Clearly not able to handle it. "What can I do to help?"

"Just – stay here with me. James should – be back soon." Kael reached for her hand again.

It felt so good to have his hand on hers. The thought of losing him killed her and her heart panged with unbearable pain. How could she lose him? It was the first time she had ever had feelings for a man. She had refused to allow herself to love, not after her stepfather's abuse. But Kael, he was so – different. The irony struck her. Of course, he was different, he was a freaking angel. She mocked herself. Only she would fall in love with a freaking angel. So typical of her.

Absorbed in her rallying thoughts, she suddenly realized that Kael was shaking uncontrollably. "You're freezing."

Just then Sally walked in carrying a tray of cookies and tea. She hastily put the tray down. "I'll go and get him a blanket."

Once Sally left Kael lifted his hand and touched Julia's face. "I'm so sorry – for everything we've put you through. – This is all – my fault. You – Logan – Joshua. All my fault."

"Stop saying that," Julia rebuked him. "This is not your fault, none of this is. And you know it. This is Satan's doing. Oh my gosh, again, I can't believe I'm saying that."

"I know this must – be really hard – to wrap your head – around."

"No, what will be hard is if I lose you, Kael. I can't lose you," she said, holding back tears and biting her upper lip instead.

"You won't lose me. I'll always – watch over you – Jules."

"That's not the same thing. I want – I want you." Her voice cracked.

For a moment they were lost in each other's gaze, quite an intensely gratifying one but which was regrettably severed when Sally walked back into the living room.

"This blanket should be warm enough. It was Joshua's favourite. So warm and fluffy." She shook it out before gently covering Kael.

"Thank you," Kael said, and his voice was so weak that Julia wanted to weep at the sound.

"You're welcome, Overseer. I just wish things could have been different. Losing Joshua and now you." Sally's eyes started to water over.

"I know. I – wish that too."

The sadness that surrounded them abruptly fled and was replaced by the sound of flapping wings.

James entered the house and to Julia's surprise, was followed by an angel much larger than Kael, his power radiating from his very essence. He had ash-blond hair that kissed his shoulders, and he had the strangest but most beautiful unearthly blue eyes she had ever seen. He was dressed in a full warrior attire that reminded her of ancient legends, sword and all. He was truly beautiful in a celestial way. Not at all like Kael or James. She guessed it was because Kael had been human before becoming an angel. Not that Kael was in any way less gorgeous. Kael was the kind of man or angel, that made women's tongues hang out. Not this large angel thought, he was too perfect, too magnificent even to look at.

"Archangel Michael." Kael was clearly surprised to see him.

"Hello, Overseer Kael. It's been a while."

Even his voice, Julia realised, was low key but so smooth like thick, hot melted chocolate.

Michael knelt down beside Kael, moved the warm blanket gently aside, and inspected the wound.

"Well?" Kael looked hopeful but Michael could not reciprocate his feelings. Instead, he looked at James, a weary look lining his face.

Kael wasn't sure but he sensed a feeling of hopelessness radiating from Michael. He was probably wrong. Michael was a pure breed of an angel created by God at the beginning of time, and one of the Kingdom of Heaven's mightiest warriors – and the leader of a herd of warrior angels. He surely would not be subject to feelings of hopelessness, or such lower vibrations, was he?

Kael tried to make light of the situation to take the edge off things. "That bad huh?" He smiled as he tried to sit up.

Julia refused to accept Michael's resolved look. "No, there must be something you can do for him. You're all freaking angels, dammit." Her hands were fixed firmly on her hips.

"There's no – big deal. If I die, I'll just be – resurrected again, right?"

Michael shook his head sadly. "Not with this poison running through your veins. It's some type of celestial destructive liquid. It's strange. It seems to be eating away at your very essence. It's not only attacking your cells at a molecular level but also on an energetic level.

"What does that mean?" Julia was confused.

"I know it sounds impossible, but when I look at your aura, it's disappearing. That means this poison seems to be destroying your very soul."

"His soul?" James was stunned.

Kael glared at Michael in disbelief, then slumped back into the couch, as gloom dragged him down to inexplicable depths of darkness. He had failed. He had failed Logan. He had failed the Kingdom and earth. He had failed Julia. Filled with self-loathing, and morbid emotion, he shut his eyes. Why bother to fight anymore? It's over. No need to hold on. Maybe nothingness was good. No more regrets. No more anger.

"I have an idea," Michael said. "But first, we need to remove the arrow. Kael, this is going to hurt."

Kael opened his eyes.

"Wait, let me get my wooden spoon from the kitchen that he can bite down on," Sally said and rushed to the kitchen.

Once the spoon handle was fixed in Kael's mouth, he nodded he was ready.

Michael yanked the arrow so fast it was out in one second, but the pain was exorbitant, and Kael was already so weak, he passed out for a moment before coming to.

In the meantime, Michael lifted him gently in his arms as if he were a mere doll. "James, follow me. I'm taking Kael to the warehouse. And we must hurry, we don't have much time."

"The warehouse?" Kael was confused.

"Yes, that's where it's all going down as we speak."

"What's – going down?" Why hadn't he been informed that something was going to happen?

"I'll explain later," Michel said as if reading his mind. "Right now, we just need to get you there, it's your only hope of survival."

Michael carried Kael with ease.

"Can I come?" Julia was desperate. If they took Kael away, she may never get to see him again. "Please James."

"Love, that would not be wise."

Julia grabbed his arm. "I beg you. Let me stay by his side. Haven't I proved myself yet?"

"James, are you coming?" Michael called from the doorway, the concern in his voice as clear as day.

"I'm coming," he replied before staring grimly at Julia. But her beseeching eyes reminded him of Lilly, so he relented. "Fine, love. But you will need to hold on to me for dear life. This is going to be one bumpy flight. Good thing there's no law, that I know of, forbidding me to transport passengers." He winked at Julia as he led her outside.

Michael's wings appeared, a sight that took her breath away. They were massive and silky white. If this wasn't a matter of life and death, she would have revelled in the sight. Then James revealed his wings too. Not as large but splendid just the same.

"Good luck," Sally waved nervously.

"Bye Sally. Thank you for your help," James replied, and then turned to Julia. "Hold on tight, love, here we go." And without another word, he wrapped his arms around Julia and flapped his wings fast and within seconds they were spiralling into the blue sky, soaring higher and higher, with the wind behind them, almost as if surging them forward with a much-needed push.

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