
Angel Became Devil

" This story is about a young girl who struggles. Swara Singh is a young girl who faced many things in her life from little to growing up to some extent... Before getting away from that life, that happened when lost so many things in her life, then again her life turned ups and down... She made herself strong enough to come over her enemies. She became heartless to protect her brothers and sisters from all... She managed to get her broken family together... She eventually hides things from all... She has so many secrets on her back. She wanted to give a happy life to her siblings... In this struggle of her life Sanskar, who is unknown and also known to all entered on their life with a hidden motivation. In the end, he falls in love with her. Will, he can get her in his life after knowing why did he came into her life... Will she be able to save her sisters and brothers from their enemies? Will she be able to love him back who is in love with her? Will, she can hide those secrets from all. Will she be able to give happiness to those whom she loves most? Get inside the book to know what she going to do." ..... You will love this book when it is going deep. You will have a lot of things to know the more you read this story. I can say that truly you all will love this book once you followed it till the end. So, please give a try on this book. I am welcoming you warmly to on mine story.... ...... Do not do copy write. It's my creation...

queen_fly_horse · Urban
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167 Chs

she came to his mind

Ragini," I'll see both of your wives what they will do in the future. will they do makeup or not and what will be the reaction of yours seeing them." says to them thinkingly...

As all girls do makeup at least do touch up also to look bright...

Purab and Sahil gulp down hearing her saying it. Sure enough, their sister did not say something not placed. Indeed girls all used to do make-up. They are not like unaware of it...

Sanskar room

Sanskar working on his laptop. Laksh comes there with two coffee cups in his hand knowing that he is working...

Laksh "Brother," calls him...

Sanskar looks up at him from his laptop and gestures for him to sit next to him...

Laksh sits with him placing their coffee cup "Brother, I am not getting anything this is all like a puzzle to me. We do not know anything about them other than their names...

No idea about their background, and from where they came," says to him with puzzled eyes...

Sanskar stops his work hearing it and looks at Laksh...

Laksh "I do not know from where to start to know about them," says to him seriously not getting any point where to go and get information about them...

Sanskar sighs placed his laptop on the table gets up from his place takes his coffee which Laksh bring for him in one hand and shoved another hand into his pant pocket sips the coffee "for that we have to make them separate" says to him...

Laksh who is already drinking coffee coughs hearing him saying just like to separate them " how Brother? they all ?" he did not know what to say now...

Sanskar "exactly lakcy they all with her that is only we know but we also do not know that they are with her for love or in the fear or maybe she is controlling them using something," says what he thought before...

He can not think of anything positive about her that will not go good for his plan.

Laksh thinks for some seconds and nods his head agreeing with him. Their enmity is with Swara only not with the others " right Brother, that could be better for them. Or else they will also get hurt after that what we are going to do" says to him...

Sanskar nods his head. It is also one of the reasons he wants to separate them so that they will live their life rather than struggle with her in future "she killed two men, lakcy" says to him after some pause...

Uttara comes there at that time when she hears it she stops on her foot where she is...

Laksh and Uttara " what?" asks him getting shocked to hear it...

Sanskar and Laksh look back when they hear Uttra voice...

Uttra "what are you saying Brother," asks him again...

Sanskar " I had hired one detective to know about her activities. To spy on her. He was scared to see a girl like her. He asked me to drop this saying it she is a most dangerous girl," says to them remembering what that detective told him when he meets him last time.

He had to think of something more to know about her. so what they heard is all true killing someone is not new to her. clenched his jaw in anger...

Laksh "but Brother. How can she kill them. I mean she should have been arrested if that was true. Like you told her she killed two of them. how she is free till now?" asks him confusingly.

Did not their family complain about their missing or did no one know about them?

Sanskar "do you remember lakcy. What dad told us today morning when we came to the mansion from her house. We are underestimating her. That is truly like what our dad told me. She is different, looks like I  have got a perfect competitor to play" saying it smirk...

Laksh " then we have to make them all separate definitely what if they get into trouble because of her," says to him worried Sahil Purab are nice guys and Ragini is innocent.

About Arjun, they do not know much about him. But his care towards Ragini Sahil and Purab was genuine so he must be also good.

Uttra in her mind, 'yes then only I can get Sahil if he stays away from that Swara,' she looks at Sanskar "yes, Brother other than her all are good and Purab has his girlfriend now with whom he can lead his life in the future. If they all stay with her then their lives will be ruined Or rather say they will land in danger also" says to him...

Sanskar won't deny what his sister said now.  He looks at the moon and subconsciously he could see Swara's face in it all of sudden. He dropped the coffee cup in his hand in shock...

How can she come to his mind. he gets disturbed knowing that this girl starts to eat his mind a lot now...

Laksh "Brother, what happen?" asks him coming to him and getting worried what if he gets hurt...

Uttra, "did you get hurt anywhere brother," asked him worriedly...

Sanskar " ah, nothing it is just that cup slipped out of hand and both of you go and take rest. You both must be tired," says to them...

Laksh and Uttara nod and leave from his room to their rooms...

Swara mansion

Ragini Sahil and Purab reached their mansion went to their room to the straight and quickly comes out of their room after getting fresh up to see Swara...

Sahil "lets me see sister and brother, What are they doing now," says looking at them both...

Purab "wait we are also coming," says to him...

Sahil "okay come," says walking with him...

Swara and Arjun are discussing the project work and how is it going on. Sahil Ragini and Purab came in...

Purab "sis, you should have to take rest rather than do work," says huffing in anger seeing her working in this condition also. Why does she have to when their big brother is there. Why he did not stop her from working. That is quite strange for him to see his big brother allowed and even accompanying her...

Swara " I am fine, Purab," says to him...

Ragini, 'she won't stop herself from working,' says in her mind...

Sahil, 'she won't listen to us,' scowls in his mind glaring at his sister...

Swara looks at Ragini Sahil and Purab, "what happens?" asks them taking her hand from the file and letting her hand rest...

Sahil " nothing why?" asks her confused...

Arjun looks at them doubtfully, "Did you three cry?" asks them...

Purab looks here and there "no," says to him...

Ragini " han. Why we will cry?" says him back with a fake smile. Hoping her brother won't ask them much...

Swara turns her eyes from them to Arjun "they got remembered about their mom Arju" says to him in a flat tone...

How much she can take care of them. What mothers place in their life can not take away from anyone...

Arjun's face turns pale hearing her along with three...

Swara "crying is not a bad thing, that is not our weakness, also," says looking at the four...

Ragini sits on her knees "but we have you sis. Who took care of us as a mother" says to her...

Sahil joins her "we are lucky to have you, sis, as our sister and also as our mother," says holding her hand...

Purab continues "Maybe our mom is not with us in return god gave you as our mother, sis, we are happy to have you in our lives. You always think of us. That is what mother usually does for her children," says smiling at her...

Arjun "Our moms will be happy to see us like this. We are proud to say it. You are not less than a mother to us Princess" kissed her forehead saying it...

Swara can feel pain in their words "do not get sentiment now.  We have a mom like an Aunt. She also has a part in taking care of us" says them not agreeing with them...

Their Aunt also took care of them. She is not only taking care of them...

Arjun "han. Of course and I do not disagree with it, " says her shaking his head...

Before their Aunt came into their life she is with them from the beginning and took care of them when no one was there for them...

Aunt, "I am not more than you Swara child, who took care of all including me," says to her not accepting it. That is true she took care of them. But not fully...

All turn to see their Aunt standing on the doorstep who comes there to give them coffee...

Aunt, " you are the one who took me to your place when I had no one in this world. Someone who cheated on me left me alone. I had lost my child also at the end who is not with me now from the time he or she was born. But you did, you supported me pointing me as your Aunt when we have known each other merely. I am great full to your kindness dear and happy to have you all like my children," says with tears in her eyes...

Arjun gets sad seeing them like this wipes her tears hugs her to console her...

Purab Sahil Ragini also hugs her...

Swara "do not ever say that you have no one you have daughters and sons also" saying she takes coffee from the tray and left them there on the balcony...

They stare at her back...

Purab  "I think sis is upset listening to us," says sadly...

Sahil, 'she is like this only now not upset Purab sorry I can not tell you,' says to himself in his mind...

Ragini " Aunt, I want snacks," says to her...

Arjun looks at the three "Okay. You all go and have something. We have work here," says to them gesturing to his files on the table where it is placed...

Sahil " Then I will help you both," says to him immediately...

Swara "First of all, all of you go have something then you can come and help and Arjun you also go," says to him...

Arjun " but" about to deny that...

Swara turns her head back and looks at him from the balcony...

Arjun sighs and he with left others...

Swara gets the call that was muted...

After cutting the call...

Swara thinks in her mind "where are you hiding from me bastards. I know someone or some of them helping you. That is why you all are not here. But this world is small, we have to meet one day," smirks evilly...

Thank you

queen_fly_horsecreators' thoughts