
Angel and The Skeleton

Ainz-sama' s old friend summoned to new world after the events of volume 13. This old friend is an Angel. How would this change certain event?, how would he react to Ainz's world conquering quest?, will he be against it?

Jagrath_Ty · Fantasy
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22 Chs


Author Note

This fanfiction is based on Overlord Light Novel.

and THIS IS IMPORTANT NOTE- IN THIS FANFICTION, AINZ HASN'T CHANGE ALBEDO SETTINGS.. and there are reasons why I want it this way. First reason, it's hard for me to grasp this concept and write on it because many fanfictions have just taken albedo setting change concept to extreme. And the original overlord didn't do this. They just hinted that Albedo setting change have some effect on her behaviour. So, I don't know how to make Albedo talk and behave with her settings change. Therefore I am removing this whole setting change thing.

And yes there will be Many changes compared to the original.


Outside the royal capital of the Holy Kingdom's main gate, eastern side of the city. There is a plain looking carriage pulled by two skeleton horses. They were almost skeleton horses except they weren't completely fleshless. Some parts of their body was covered in pale and very dull flesh. While they might look weak from a distance but a glance at their hate baring eyes can make any warrior feel sick. Those eyes which seem to bare hate to all living beings, belong to a legendary being called Soul Eater.

To any inhabitant of this new world it was a bizarre scenario to even imagine. A being who knows to be slaughter 6 million lives and almost destroy a whole country, to be here and pulling a plain and dull looking carriage. To anyone who sees this scene, would most certainly think 'Who would use Soul Eater just to pull a carriage. Don't they know this is legendary Soul Eaters , they can kill any man easily…. Don't this carriage owner know this or they don't care about their safety…. But if there is any man who can control legendary Soul Eaters, he must be God of Death himself.'

On the side of the carriage shows a symbol of Sorcerer Kingdom. A newly formed country with Undead as it's ruler. While undead are known to have hate toward all living, still this kingdom which has humans, dwarf, lizardmen and some heteromorphic races as citizens live together and peacefully under this ruler. To say that they "live peacefully" would be an understatement because they live happier than in any other kingdom. Death knight use as city guard to ensure no one committing crime, Ender lich use as administrators and tax collector, Soul Eater use to pull cargo, many low level undead use as farmer or to help Sorcerer Kingdom's citizen daily jobs as undead don't eat, sleep or need any rest. And these undead, they can take on wage and they follow every order they can comprehend. Makes them a great labour force to have. While these undead are good to have as a labour force, they are regularly questioned and criticized a lot since these undead were created by their ruler Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown.

Interior of the carriage is lavishly beautiful. And inside the carriage are two beings. A skeleton in a black robe, which seems to absorb all the light in the carriage. It each finger have different and very pretty rings. Yes, this being is known as Sorcerer King, the God of Death, The Supreme Being Ainz Ooal Gown. Another figure is a lady whose beauty seems otherworldly and unparallel. Which is second to only World Beauty Albedo. While she covered her one eye with an eye patch it didn't lower her beauty in the slightest. Her neck was covered by a brownish scarf and she wore an outfit. While this outfit is a bit unusual maid outfit, it also is mismatched with the scarf. This figure is one of Pleiades CZ2128 Delta.

Ainz then turned toward the little window. Outside the carriage was a vast plain of grassland. While it looks like Katze Plain it certainly isn't. The only difference between two was that Katze Plain has negative energy and a little fog surrounding it. While this land has a clear view and no fog whatsoever to surround it.

The scenery outside is very beautiful as sunlight brightens the whole vast land through and through making it even more beautiful. However, Ainz isn't looking at the scenery outside, he is in his thoughts. Still, maybe I should wait to return the items I lent, including that bow—As Ainz thought this, he see a white ray fall on ground in a distance and that ray look like a 7th tier spell [ HOLY SMITE ] but this ray is more divine and more pure and it also have golden light mixed in it. However, that only lasted for less than a second.

He immediately give a mental a command to Soul Eaters to stop. Giving mental command is possible as he was the one who created them but he frequently create undeads using his daily summon skills. Giving mental command becomes a bit tough if he isn't forced due to many connections he feels.

But most of his created undead were in Nazarick or in E-rantel and he has only 2 undead created by his skill nearby so it wasn't a problem.

It looks like a high tier angle... summoning spell... from Yggdrasil… he thought. After a split second later, he turns to look straight to combat ready Shizu then he looks onto the carriage floor. Whispered.

"Hazons—" suddenly several heads pop out of the shadows just as he said their race name. (Or that was that called in Yggdrasil)—"two of you go to the from where that Ray appeared and see what has caused that It. Remember, if you think you have been discovered. Return immediately and if you are attacked. Subconscious enemy while dealing as little damage as possible."

Hazons, In Yggdrasil, they were Limited purchase per player in a Gaccha Event. Hazons are level 90 NPC. Specialist in stealth and recordation, and have some level in thief. In Yggdrasil they were used in by high tier guild to collect information on dungeons or other guilds, in advance, As can see through [ INVISIBILITY ] , [ PERFECT UNKNOWNABLE ] , [ MID-TIER ILLUSION ] and some Racial illusions spells. Some spells like [ SILENT ] , [ FIREBALL ] , [ ICE CRYSTAL ] , [ GREATER THUNDER ] have no effects on them—Of course, high tier spell still have effects on them such as 8th tier thunder element spell [ CALL GREATER THUNDER ] while 5th tier thunder element spell [ GREATER THUNDER ] have no effects on them. They can also cast [ GREATER TELEPORTATION ] , [ PERFECT UNKNOWNABLE ] , [ LIGHTNING ] , [ GREATER LIGHTNING ] , [ MESSAGE ] , [ RABBIT HEARING ] , [ PERFECT SILENCE ] , [ MID-TIER UNLOCK ] and they can also intercept [ TELEPORTATION ] and [ MESSAGE ] ( this is message spell. Not a GM message). while they were almost immune to spell less than 4th tier. However, spells of both element Holy and Unholy, both elemental spells can do some damage, even if they are less than 4th tier.

AINZ OOAL GOWN was a High tier guild and they have over 200+ books of Hazons monsters in their Ashurbanipal (Library) located on the 10th floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick. After coming to the new world Ainz banned excessive use of many items until they got a stable supply of these resources, These books were one such item. As monsters summoned from these books won't be permanent and will disappear after a month of being summoned.

Both Hazons nodded and went to fulfil their orders.

Ainz then turns to Shizu. Who was staring at him as to say 'please direct your orders on me'. He sigh in his mind... and adopt pose #5 of the absolute ruler. Said.

"Shizu"—Shizu immediately kneel on the floor of the carriage—"could you please secure our position… and if you detect any hostile activity, report immediately."

"As you command, Ainz-sama" said Shizu. After saying this, she stood up and turned around, before opening the carriage door and stepping out, she withdrew her Magic Rifle from her inventory and put her right index finger on Trigger and the rest of right hand fingers to hold Magic Rifle, She put her left hand on vertical grip of the gun. Then, she opens the carriage door and steps off the carriage to continue her mission.

After seeing Shizu step out of the carriage. He breathes a sigh of relief—which he, as an undead don't need to do. Nonetheless he did so anyway, perhaps this was his human self's habit—and relax a bit. Unfortunately, he can't relax just yet as the rest of Hazons are still watching his every action.

Ainz then waves his left hand in a dismiss motion—which he, of course, practiced in front of the mirror for hours—and lean back on the seat and start thinking—onto, how he is going to deal with the pile of paper which has gathered in past two seasons—while Hazons returns.

A week before Ray occurred.

In the Slane Theocracy, The Candial Meeting

There were 6 figures, known as Cardinal.

Berenice Nagua Santini, the Cardinal of Fire. ( Referred will be as Nagua )

Ginedine Delan Guelfi, the Cardinal of Water.( Referred will be as Delan )

Dominic Ihre Partouche, the Cardinal of Wind.( Referred will be as Dominic )

Raymond Zarg Lauransan, the Cardinal of Earth and commander of the Six Scriptures.( Referred will be as Raymond )

Yvon Jasna Dracrowa, the Cardinal of Light.( Referred will be as Yvon )

Maximilian Oreio Lagier, the Cardinal of Darkness. ( Referred will be as Maximilian )

Cardinals are the highest appointment holders of the six sects that are devoted to the Six Gods. The position of a Cardinal is higher than that of a representative of governmental affairs; the demerit is that they get no wages so that people aspiring to become Cardinals would not be motivated to rise through the ranks by greed. Hence, there were many individuals who took high office with the intention of serving their nation.

Sunlight Scripture: The anti-demi-human response unit.

Black Scripture: The special black operations military unit.

Windflower Scripture: The intelligence and espionage unit.

Clearwater Scripture: The infiltration and undercover unit.

Holocaust Scripture: The assassination and counter-terrorism unit.

After losing the entire Sunlight Scripture, several Black Scripture members, Kaire, and one of the Miko Princesses alongside her Crown of Wisdom, one of the Six Cardinals estimated that it would take at least ten years for the Theocracy to fully recover their military strength.

It has been 2 minutes since the chaos after the Cardinals read the reports of Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown defeating Demon Emperor Jaldabooth. In truth, the chaos would have continued if not for the one major thing which occurred during the chaos of Cardinals. A knight brings the report containing results of a request which Raymond requested to some of his secret man.



3rd tier Divine spell [ SUMMON LOW-TIER ARCHANGEL]

5TH tier Divine spell [ SUMMON MID-TIER ARCHANGEL]

7TH tier Divine spell [ SUMMON HIGH-TIER ARCHANGEL ]


2 months before, Raymond call his agents to search each and every ancient text and summoning magic text in Slane Theocracy for every angel summoning method they can, and as higher-tier as they possibly get… he also told them that if they find any in legends or rumours, to not discard them and note them in as much detailed method as they can… and to report in 2 months… and he also said that they can hire as many people to task as want as long as secrecy don't compromise… this was all that he says, he didn't even have to say to whom or why they is so important… because the answer has already reach their brain by now… and the Answer was crystal clear and it was 'Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown'…but it then raise new question 'why taking him this serious now?' because it's been months since the tragedy of Katze Plains and since Empire declare it's vassal state of Sorcerers Kingdom. So why now and not then?

2 months later,

No one could believe their ear to what they were listening to . A higher-tier than 7th!... Raymond fell onto his knees like a puppet whose strings had been cut, after hearing that.

Dominic, who has a clear joy expression on his face. Said in a loud and joyful voice.

"Six Great Gods!, Have sent us they divine help to fight this evil undead!"

Yvon, as cardinal of light, he holds a certain amount of importance in Magic might. He is also a 5th tier arcane magic caster. He specialises in Light elemental. He, as any other cardinal, has put much hard work in what they do. He put his hard work in specialising Holy Element and he got his fruit of hard work as he can caste 5th spells.

For him to hear that there is a higher-tier than 7th—which rumoured as God tier—was a great surprise. But this surprise came with an even greater shock and joy, to know that they are going to summon this HIGH-TIER angle.

"so, We Are SUMMONING THIS"—said Yvon, pointing toward the report." HIGH-TIER ANGEL, Higher 'THAN' 7TH tier magic—which only God could cast—and this is EVEN higher than that.." added as stolen glances from each of Cardinals faces.

"Yes, we all want to summon this angel to defeat that undead…but…" said Raymond in a low voice which seemed to have died at the end.

Dominic quickly stand-up and glace straight into Raymond's eyes, A glace which seem to say 'the f*ck you say'. Said.

"But what?!, Raymond-san 'but' what!, Huh? Now that Six Great Gods are sending their Divine Help in such dire situation, and you are saying to Not take it!."Dominic's outburst was turning into Pure rage at every single word which came out of his mouth.

Perhaps sensing Dominic's rage Nagua quickly intersects. "Dominic-san, Clam down…, we have known each other for years now. Don't you think, Raymond-san has noticed something and he has something else to say? … besides, he never said to, not do the ritual..." Nagua then turns his eyes to make eye contact. And added " Now Raymond-san why don't you tell us about, what does this 'but' means?"

Raymond nodded, and swallow hard before speaking.

"I mean, that this ritual—assuming that it does work and we could successfully summon high-tier angel as stated in reports—does require many divine/arcane class magic caster, which we have a lot but it requires many divine magic caster who could cast several 3rd tier spells. And at least 7 arcane magic caster capable of casting 4th tier holy elemental spells… which we, with no doubt can arrange if hold a national-level ritual—"

"What do you mean?, Get to the point, could you?" intercept Dominic with now a confused and frustrated voice.

"What I mean is that, there is a lot of speculation and a lot of losses if something goes wrong—don't get me wrong, I am not saying that this ritual is fake or won't work even if we fulfil all requirements. What I mean is that if something goes wrong during the ritual, it could fail the whole ritual—and that would further weaken our already weakened magical might. So there is a lot of risk, that's what I am saying."

This ritual was found in one of the books left by Six Gods( Six Players who also come into this world ) called ANGEL SUMMONING RITUALS. It was a lore book in Yggdrasil. Players get lore books as a reward for invading and conquering certain places in Yggdrasil. Players usually throw these books as there was no actual ritual to perform. There were just virtual background stories of conquered or invaded places. However, in this new world some of those stories have become real, so this ritual might work in this new world.

Raymond was quick to correct himself because he knew that saying that this ritual is fake is equal to saying 'I don't believe Six Gods'. As this ritual was found in the book left by Six God, no Cardinals had any doubt regarding whether Ritual is fake or real, because they all thought 'if it was left by Six Great Gods. Then, it must true'

"Hmmm… and even if we succeed, it would still weaken our magical might. Leaving that aside, Raymond-san"—being called by name, Raymond turn to face Delan—"you said something of being able to arrange 30 divine magic caster capable of casting 3rd tier spell, which I know we if hold a national-level ritual just as you said but this ritual also require 1 divine magic caster capable of casting 5th tier divine magic and 7 arcane magic caster capable of casting 4th tier Holy Elemental spells. Could you evaluate on this?" Delan received many nods of approval from others.

While Slane Theocracy have many divine class magic caster. They are only capable of 3rd tier at most and they are not that many who could even use 3rd tier. However, there are at least more than 30 divine class magic caster of 3rd tier. But a divine magic caster of 5th tier is very hard to get even for Theocracy. Yes, Theocracy's general human level is high compared to other nations. However, that is only for warriors not for magic caster. Theocracy's general Magic caster is not that high. Theocracy uses divine magic caster in Clearwater Scripture as it uses surveillance magic and divine class magic is somewhat better in surveillance than arcane class magic.

To get 5th divine class magic caster. Theocracy have to sacrifice one from their scriptures.

It would be very hard for Theocracy to get 7 arcane magic caster specialists in 4th holy elemental. They normally would have sent Black Scripture in the Holy Kingdom to fulfil this requirement. However, Holy Kingdom has lost many of its caster, paladin, citizens fighting Jaldabooth. Once again, Theocracy has to sacrifice members of their Scriptures to fulfil yet another requirement.

After severe back and forth they can't decide whether to do this Ritual or not.

Then, an idea came into Nagua's mind.

"if we do this ritual and get successful in summoning High-tier Angel. LThen, hypothetically speaking, if we do succeed in defeating Ainz Ooal Gown with the help of Summoned Angle. Then, we can take-over an already weakened kingdom and Holy Kingdom and potentially regain our lost strength quicker."

"But what about his minions and the undeads which are scattered in the whole city of E-rantel? Even if we kill that undead ruler, we still have to deal with these issues."

"Don't summoned monsters disappear after they summoner get killed. And that is the case, then can't we let them rampage in E-rantel until they disappear?... After all they betrayed humanity by accepting that undead as their ruler."

"Yes, they have betrayed humanity. They deserve this by not following the will of Six Great Gods."

"Yes, they do….but what will we do about his minions… and… not all of them are weak. According to a report we receive from Windflower Scripture, He recently took all 5 Maid Demons as his new minions and they are not weak. From what we could understand, they could defeat a Adamantine adventure in one v/s one fight each."

"hmm… DAMN that undead… huh? Why not use summoned Six God divine help to kill them too…?" Dominic suggested.

" Ohh good idea. We can most certainly use summoned Angel to kill his minion too.."

"But… Will the summoned Angel will kill his minion too if we ask them to ?...—"

"Huh? What kind of question is that?! We, Humanity, loved by Six Great Gods and High-tier summoned Angel are a Divine Help of Six Great Gods… so why won't the summoned Angel kill his minion too?..." Dominic's tone showed pure frustration toward the Nagua and it also showed just how hard believer is he of Six Great Gods.

Nagua frowned but remained silent.

" well, well, we can ask them after summoning…. So, do we approve of conducting this Ritual?" Ask Yvon in a majestic voice. And he got several nods to approve the conducting of Ritual. After that they discuss on when to conduct this Ritual and after a bit of back and forth everyone settles downed on after a week.


Ainz receives a [ message ] from Albedo. while he was waiting for Hazons to return in his carriage.

"Albedo, what happened?"

"Ains-sama, I apologise for wasting yout precious time—"

Ainz then quickly intersects from this go-on.

"don't worry about that. So, Albedo what has occurred for you to [ message ] me?." he intersects with caution as he tries to think why would Albedo [ MESSAGE ] him. It was not uncommon for Albedo or any other to [ MESSAGE ] him for many reasons-asking his permission to perform various tasks in the Great Tomb of Nazarick-but Albedo knew he was in his way to return to the Great Tomb of Nazarick. So, to [ MASSAGE ] him now meant there is something urgent.

"Ainz-sama, 'She' has unlocked the 'box' which Ainz-sama permitted to give 'her'. We now can start the next 'phase' of Ainz-sama's grand plan." said with full of admiration and joy to inform him of this information by herself.

Phase?.. what phase?! … Why demiurge and Albedo have to talk in codes! Thought Ainz in frustration. Then, his emotion detection kicked in and calmed him down.

"Hmm… I will be returning to Nazarick immediately"

After the [ MASSAGE ] ended.

He thought that he should return to the Great Tomb of Nazarick now and that ray must have been something which demiurge must have said in reports or in his plans which he either forgot or could not remember now.

He immediately give command to Hazons to retreat. After they retreated a black oval appeared. This black oval can be interrupted as a hole in reality itself with that light absorbing appearance. He with his carriage, Shizu and 8 Hazons pass through that black oval and disappeared into nothingness - At least that's what it would look like to anyone who would have looked at that bizzare scene. But it was not what happened what anyone would think happened. This black oval is actually a teleportation spell from yggdrasil called [ GATE ] which Shelltear casted on that vast land. And they just didn't disappeared into nothingness, they teleported from that vast land to Great Tomb Of Nazarick.


Thank You for reading!

next chapter will be released around 9th Dec.

and if any of you are also on Facfiction.net, and think that this story seems similar. then, yes you are right. its on Fanfiction.net as well. and I am NOT switching to this platform. I am ALSO uploading this facfic. on this platform because I have been challenged by my friend to try to gain more views than him on this platform. In short, I am NOT changing platform and my first priority will be fanfiction and I will also first upload on fanfiction then on webnovel..