
Angel and The Skeleton

Ainz-sama' s old friend summoned to new world after the events of volume 13. This old friend is an Angel. How would this change certain event?, how would he react to Ainz's world conquering quest?, will he be against it?

Jagrath_Ty · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter -1 Help Arrived...? Part- ll

PART- II -- 1\2

The Ray appeared behind those three-Raymond, Josef and Peter. It was white ray with golden spiral stripes starting from bottom of white ray to all the way to the top. It was just a couple meters away from them. However, it didn't last long. It barely lasted a couple of seconds. But it was enough for them to turn their heads and glance at it for half a second.

Their heads turned and their eyes saw a white divine ray. It has 50m of width and height which seems to reach even heavens, if there was one. It has white color with spiral golden stripes which give it a look of something Divine. It was so bright that they couldn't see what's happening inside it's 1cm beyond. Whatever they could see inside that 1cm made it clear that this ray not a mere light shows it's a powerful ray because they could see it burning on whatever it fell upon.

Luckily, this ray didn't fall upon them. Their brain wasn't yet able to comprehend what was happening or what to do and it disappeared. Ray disappeared in less than a second and they were left with mouths gasping.

Just as they were trying to comprehend what just happened behind them and in front of their eyes a couple of seconds have already passed. They were left with their mouths gasping and their going overboard.

They were feeling emotions such as luck, confusion, terror and disbelief.

LUCK- they were feeling lucky as to thinking that this white ray didn't fall upon them and fry them.

CONFUSION-they were confused as to thinking that this should have happened when Divine Being got summoned and when those magic caster disappeared rather this happened now. But why?

TERROR-they were terrified as to thinking alongside the thought that " what if Divine Being took this ray as an attempt to kill him?", "what would he do?"

DISBELIEF-as they decline what happened in front of their eyes as dreams or hallucinations or thinking something else.

And so on.

They would have been there with their mouths full open for some more time as they have lost both sense of time and themselves in their thoughts. If not for a thump noise behind them followed by a voice which will make them more confused.

"Lord Jagrath!"

Luckily for them they didn't hear those words. They were so lost in thoughts that they couldn't hear those words or their mind was so confused that it didn't comprehend what those words meant.

After that thump noise they were at least able to comprehend what was now in front of their eyes. Then, they become something like a child seeing his mother after a long time. Their eyes showed pure amazement and joy. It was completely different from when they first see the Divine Being. Their mind felt relieved and at ease. Their mind quickly recovered from all the confusion.

What they saw was an angel. An angel with two very wide wings. This angel has a face of a human. Which was surprising in itself. However, this Angel has a face of a noble looking male human. This angel's rest of the body was covered with a white shiny robe. This robe was divine looking with how much shinny white colour it has. But surprised them was that this angel was radiating a divine light.

After a beat later. This angel spoke with a voice as beautiful as they never heard before. This angel's voice was pleasant to hear and calm the mind of the hearer.

"Eh? You are speaking?! Your mouth's moving?!"

Even though words might seem a little harsh. It was clear to them that this being in front of them was just surprised at something, which they have no clue of what it was.

The fact that Angel was surprised was now more clear when you see him take a step back.

"Uh.. I apologise for opening my mouth without permission!"

Came a voice from behind them-means in front of them but their heads are turned to see their back- they straighten their heads to see the speaker of that voice.

What they saw in front of them was a sight which they most certainly didn't even imagine they would see because they were visibly shivering right now. They saw a figure kneeling with face down. This figure was also shivering a bit but not like them. This figure was also appealingly apologetic too.

This figure was none other than their savior, their last hope, hope of their Slane Theocracy survival, their salvation to protect themselves from those filthy Evil undead, Azrael, Guardian of Asgard… a.k.a their Divine Being.

"Uhh? ahm … ahh no, no please don't apologize Azael." said Angel after a little later.

Angel's was still refreshing and relieving.

Hearing angel's voice Azrael responded but still in a very apologetic voice.

"Uh umm I don't deserve such kind words!. Jagrath-sama!"

There was a little pause there. Maybe Azrael was collecting his words before answering. It seems that this divine angel behind us is superior to the Divine angel in front of me.thought Ramond. It seems that he has already recovered from confusion.

But the same can't be said for his advisers, Peter Perk Leo and Josef Perk Leo. they still seem to be in a bit of confusion.

"Uhhh ummm" after uttering these unintentional sounds, Angel went in deep thought. And so silence continued.

After a while Angel looked as if to comed to an understanding. Then, another couple of seconds later. Angel spoke to those three figures in front of him. Which was terrifying for these three figures because these three figures shook a little upon being called upon. Oh! Yes, of course, these three figures in question were none other than Raymond Zarg Lauransan, Peter Perk Leo and Josef Peter Leo.

"Who are you all? If i may ask"



I have cut this chapter in two parts as original this chapter has more than 3k words and my friend told me that readers im webnovel app trends\likes to read short chapter rather than long chapters like in fanfiction.net . . .

So, please do tell me if you guys truly do like shorts chapter containing no more than 1.2k words...