
The Core (II)

Snow was shocked to hear such words coming from his mouth. Mostly because there weren't many who knew this as it wasn't the information that she would spread around.

"Or you can ask that girl next to you to take her place, but her success would determine all on her own power. From the looks of it, I'm going to bet twenty percent that she succeeds. If she succeeds, she will become stronger, but if she fails, she will die." Larsen said slowly, knowing that what he said next could decide their mission. "But, remember this, if you enter this chamber now, this ship can lift off from the ground today without any trouble."

Angie quickly went forward, stepping out of Snow's shadows. Her eyes glimmered with purpose, not afraid anymore when she heard that she could be of use. Especially knowing that she might possibly get stronger.

But before Angie could speak, Snow cut her off. "Fine. I'll go in." She pulled Angie back. Snow headed straight towards the large machine. Her armor magically disappeared, allowing her to be back in her usual jeans, t-shirt, and sneakers.

The success rate was too low for Snow's liking, and a dead Player wasn't something that she wanted.

Snow stopped in front of the giant machine. She could feel the weight of magic, swirling inside the very ball. It was almost as if it was like moving water as the green fluid swished around.

"Go on. You'll know what you will need to do when you enter."

"Saintess!" Angie called out, "Please change your mind! I can do it instead!" She ran towards Snow but was abruptly stopped by a forcefield that threw her back. A painful yelped escaped her lips.

"Get in!" Larsen yelled, annoyed that Snow was taking too long.

Was this the only thing that Snow could do? She despised how she was forced in a corner, but she knew that there was more at play here. Even still, knowing that it was a trap, she trusted the others to take her out.

Turning around, Snow glared at Larsen. Her gaze traveled towards Angie. "Find Mike and Dairen." She commanded, taking a step back. She fell into the very pool of magical energy. A cold wave of energy hit her, leaving her body scream in pain from the influx of energy.

The swirling magical energy wrapped around her, she could not move. Her clothes started to dissolve. Slowly, but surely, her gaze glazed over.

Snow's mind became groggy, almost unable to think straight. She didn't know how long she had lasted inside the bubble of energy. Her mind drifted off into her own world, fading in and out of consciousness.

Until finally, she felt a buzzing sound, fluttering around in her mind and ear. Her droopy eyes opened, trying to see where she was, but all she saw was the sea of blue and green. It didn't take long before everything started to connect.

In front of her, dozens of images appeared before her, each one different from the rest. Every single picture was a live feed of the Players inside the airship. Each doing their own task as they moved around busily.

She quickly scanned for her close friends: Mike and Dairen.

In a partially dark lightroom, Dairen was mopping up the floor with a few of his own undead creations that he had summoned. He aggressively cleaned up the red spot on the floor, annoyed that he was given such a labor.

Mike was not too far away from him, lazing around on top of a metal box that was half his size. He swung his leg on the side, swinging it back and forth. In his hand was a piece of jerky that he was chewing.

With an angered throw, Dairen slammed the mop onto the floor. "This is bullshit!" He shouted, pacing back and forth. "We are out here cleaning up scraps of animal blood on the ground. This isn't even paid labor but exploitation."

Mike continued to chew his food, he glanced over towards his friend, not really phased by his outburst. His hand dug into the bag of jerky, taking another one out. Gulping, he finished his first one before he ate the second that he had in his hand. He gave Dairen a look that told Dairen that he was over complaining.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Dairen replied, his anger starting to simmer down. He folded his hand in front of him.

Mike kept staring, not really answering but chewing on his jerky. He ate a few more before Dairen got fed up with waiting.

"Just be patient." Mike chewed a few more times. "It's what you tell me every time. Honestly, I'm surprised you aren't here sitting and lazing around like me. You already gave your task to your minions. It's not like you will need to do it yourself."

"I know."

"Then, why?" Mike scooted back.

Dairen gave off a huge sigh, trying to figure out what to say. "I'm just worried. That's all."

"Worried? We're on an airship. We probably got a few moments of peace while we fly to the castle."

Dairen shook his head, not completely believing him. "That's not how dungeons work." He said.

"If that was the case, we would have cleared out all the other dungeons with ease."

"I personally think that you're just worried about Snow."

Suddenly, Dairen stood up a bit straighter as his stare became a bit more heated than before.

"Am I wrong?" Mike gulped his last piece of jerky. He sat up, placing the bag of jerky on the side. "It's so obvious."

"It's not only that. I just got a bad feeling. That's all."

"Well, you're not the only one." Mike furrowed, he slipped off the side, landing on his feet.

"Even though I said that there should be peace for a while, I think something is going on."

"You don't say."

"Hey, now, your sarcasm isn't appreciated."

Dairen rolled his eyes. He walked back over towards the mop that was on the ground. He reached over, picking it up. With a sigh, he mopped the floor in a slow motion.

"Either way, I got a few things figured out from the others." Mike casually said a big grin erupted on his lips.

"Such as?"

"There are about two hundred workers on this ship. Most of them can't fight."

"It's that many?"

"Well, I don't think it's much, but from their levels, it's in the high two thirties, which is very mediocre in strength. Compared to most of our group hits level forties by now."

"That isn't too bad." Dairen contemplated what Mike had said.

"Better yet, if we do it right, we can take over this ship without much problem," Mike said with gusto. He was quite proud of his findings.

"Wait, did Sasha say that in her report when she told you?"

"Uh," Mike thought over, trying to recall. His hand came up to motion Dairen to wait.

Dairen stopped moping, leaning on it before he spoke, "I'm sure she didn't."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because she's not the type to tell you what to do without an excellent reason. Even when she informs me, she would just give me the news and disappear."

This was true as Sasha was their best assassin and information gatherer. She had a deep network that completely outpaced many guilds. So far, her network connection also moved many guild leaders to take drastic actions against boss monsters inside the dungeons as her information was detailed.

But that wasn't the only thing about her as she was a famous solo Player that had killed a boss monster herself, making the raid much more favorable. It only recently did she join the Gold Phoenix guild, amplifying their powers by two folds.

"How do you know? We can be lovers or something, and she tells me all her secrets." Mike puffed up his chest.

"Right…The amount of girls you sleep with is ridiculous. I wouldn't be surprised at how many you have baby mama's with."

"I do not." Mike laughed at Dairen's sarcasm. "Just because you catch me at the wrong time talking to all those beautiful ladies don't mean for you to get jealous." He smugly smirked, eyes twinkling at his jab.

Dairen gave him the stink eye before he finally spoke out once again. "The number of girls you have around you, I can't count with just my fingers. Even my toes wouldn't suffice. You're going the typical harem route."

"It is a man's secret dream." Mike winked at Dairen.

"Right," Dairen didn't believe him. "Anyways, we are going to need more information on the layout of this ship. So far, we don't have anything like that. "

"True, but that will be gotten in due time. Sasha will be ready with that information. In a couple of days at the latest."

"That soon?" Dairen was surprised at such information.

"Is what she promised. So far, she has never failed."


Suddenly, the airship shook, throwing them off balance. Mike grabbed the edge of the metal container, steadying himself. While Dairen was thrown back, hitting the very wall. With a thundering groan, the ship momentarily shook.

A sharp nagging annoyance dashed across Snow's mind. She cringed, her head throbbing. She could feel her powerful energy being sucked away at a rapid pace.

Out of nowhere, her senses rapidly fluctuate in dissonance, giving her a splitting headache. Until, finally, she was internally connected with the airship itself. Her vision spanned out to the exterior of the ship.