
Angel's princesses

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Secret2OMoonRk · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The misfortune

I felt his lips on mine as he gently kissed me insane. My mind was going blank and I couldn't think of anything but the kiss.

As our lips separated he made his way to my neck and started to kiss it I slowly got my senses back.

'What the hell just happend? Why could I not go against him even now the thought of him stopping makes my heart ache. I think I have finally gone insane! I have to get out of this situation immediately or I won't be able to fight this pleasure!' I thought.

"H- Hey don't yo- you think we have to g-get to know each- each other." that was the first thing I could think of. "Hmm I know everything about you. As soon as I turned five I was watching you my whole life. The only thing I had to do was learn but after that I had my free time and in that time I was watching you." his voice made my legs shiver it was so sexy. 'NO Ruby! You are not like that! His voice is sexy but... yeah well he is super handsome but... also has a perfect figur and a six-pack but... well actually he is just perfect. Hmm what is bad about him?'

Luis was watching the girl who was sitting on him. He wanted to know what she was thinking about to just forget him. He was never interested in Women and when he found out he was supposed to marry someone he didn't even knew he was against it. His father forced him to watch her all day for one day and if he still didn't like her he did not have to marry her. But when Luis saw her he just fell in love immediately and couldn't wait for her to come to him.

The time when he was coming back to his castle he saw her in the illusion he made for her he wanted to take her to the castle immediate but his father wanted to confirm if that was really her so she had to sleep one night in the dungeon. Luis was so angry at his father for that but after he saw the eyes of Ruby who was staring at him he just forgot everything that bothered him and wanted to make her his.

When I felt that Luis was starring at me I said "Maybe you know me but I know nothing about you." Luis chuckled at me and said "Well after the wedding you can get to know me." I was definitely not satisfied with his answer.

In hell or heaven if you make a vow you can never take it back and the consequences for taking it back are worse than anything else.

As if he knew what I was thinking about he said "You can ask me anything you want but for every question you have kiss me." A smirk appeared on his lips. "What?" Luis kissed me and said "It's easy right?" 'Ok well what do I want to ask him?' "Ok I got it. So how old are you?" Luis started to laugh at me. I would get annoyed if anyone did that but I wanted him to continue laughing he looked so handsome when he did that. "Well princesses I'm 24 years old." I learned forward to kiss him he pulled me towards him and started kissing me longer than I actually planned. At the start he was gentle but he got more and more rough. I started to lose my mind again I had no strength in me left so I collapsed in his arms. "Well that was an easy question." Luis chuckled.

The room got dark it was not the same snow-white room now it was black. Luis placed Ruby on the bed and got out on the balcony. From the balcony he could see the whole capital city of hell. His white wings turned into devil's wings. His hair turned black and his eyes red. "My wife is so cute." he murmured. A black shadow appeared before him. "What is that old dog's next move." The man answered Luis and the more he spoke the more Luis smiled but this time it was a dangerous smile that meant harm.


A little bit of backstory:

So Ruby was born in a Family of Royals with pure sole's but because the folks rebelled against the royals a long time ago they have no power now and everyone forgot the family.

In the family the girls are born with a pure sole and magical powers to heal others but while using the healing powers they hurted themselves. The boys were born with a power in which they could make a shield to protect themselves or others but with time the powers turned into myth.

Hell is not only a home for devils but also a home for all other monsters like vampires. The humans could neither make it to heaven or to hell. When humans died their souls left their body and turned into spirits wich represented an animal that fit the human the most but if the humans had much hate in their hearts they turned into dark spirit who had no form until they had no more hate after that they turned into spirits.

Only the family Graydom could make it to heaven and because of the fact that they only came to heaven and not to hell a war broke out and after that the Graydom's could choose where they wanted to go but often the devils made an illusion and that made it look like they were in heaven this illusion only lasted for the time the Graydom's were unmarried after they married a devil the illusion vanished. For devils or angels to marry they had to make a vow in front of the so called 'Glockers'. Not everyone could be a 'Glocker'. They had to be born but right now the 'Glockers' are in hiding and it is hard to find one.


When I woke up my whole body felt terrible. Luis was nowhere to be seen so I got up and with small steps I tried to get to the door and find somebody to get a doctor. 'Why am I feeling like shit? Aren't you supposed to feel amazing in heaven?' When I got to the door and opened it. For a brief moment I saw a dark corridor but in the next moment there was a snow-white corridor. At the end of the corridor was a large door I walked to the door. The longer I walked the longer was the corridor. I stopped and sat down the pain in my feet was unbearable. I remembered the storys my grandmother and mother told me. The storys of my grandmother where always full of happiness and had always a happy end. The storys of my mother were similar to my grandmother's but they were darker. My favourite story was about a dark spirit who found its happiness. In that story a princesses helped the spirit and when the goodness of happiness Jarondias saw that she gifted the princesses a power to heal others but the goodness of misfortune Hertera cursed the power so everytime the princesses used this power she would get hurt and had no way to heal herself. When I was younger and would get hurt my grandmother would sing a song to me and I would fall asleep after I woke up my wounds would disappear after my grandmother did that my mother always looked sad.

I had no strength to stand anymore I was in the middle of a corridor and the door to my room was already out of sight. "Luis... help." I had no hope anymore. My vision got blurry and I saw that a person appeared before me. The person looked like Luis but unlike Luis he had black hair and red eyes.

Luis was furious why was there nobody to assist his Queen. It was a good thing that she said his name or she would have to sit in the corridor until his meeting was over.