
Angel's princesses

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Secret2OMoonRk · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The beginning

Hello I'm Ruby Graydom and I'm 17. I've been suffering from an illness and the doctors have said that I'll die soon.


Today my first day is at the Designer University I'm so excited.

(In class) I sat down on a free space. A boy who sat next to me winked to me.

(At the break at the schoolyard) A few girls came to me I wanted to quickly pack my things because they did not look very nice but they were too fast. A girl slapped me! Another girl pulled on my hair and the other girl said I should keep myself away from her Senpai (Mike the boy who has winked at me in the classroom)! She pushed me and I landed in a puddle! They laughed at me! I did not want to go to the class, because my uniform was dirty and so I ran into my room, in the dorm of the school and changed into new things (I quickly took a bottle of water.) Then I ran to the class. When the girls had seen me, they were surprised that my stuff was not dirty and that made them angry. The teacher asked if everything was okay and why I was almost too late? I answered everything ok and that the cafeteria was busy. After the lesson, I went to my room as soon as possible to get out of the way of the girls that bullied me, because I did not want tgem to beat me even more. But they were faster than me and beat me again that happened every day.

(1 week later) Everything was normal only a new student is supposed to join the class and he should look very pretty. But I did not care, but I changed my opinion quickly when he came into our class he was called Lenno and was 18. All girls have fallen in love immediately in him but he also looked great. We became really good friends he was the only one who did not bully me or was not friends with me. After a long time I started wanting to be more than just best friends. The girls annoyed me only more because the girl had a new Senpai (Lenno) and dud not want us to be friends. This morning, Lenox asked me how he can best tell a girl that he likes her I was jealous of that and said to him that I had no idea if such things.

(In the break) he went to me and looked very glad he told me the girl loved him too. I was very angry that's why I shouted at him "I love you too and you never payed any attention! You just like the beautiful girls!" : I shouted and ran away with tears in my eyes. He ran after me when I had no strength to run anymore, he got to me and said, "I love you too, but Lily (the girl who loves Lenno and bullies me) told me to tell you that, Sorry." (Only later I found out that that was a lie but at the moment I could not do it anymore because I also wanted to be loved whether he did like me or not) he kissed me. From now on we are together no matter what is before or?

Happy End .... or not.

This morning I walked alone ti the class what was not really common because I always went together with my boyfriend. I thought 'Well it doesn't matter' but I was not feeling good. I wanted to puke and everything became black in front of my eyes. When I arrived at the school, I saw my boyfriend and went to ask him why I had to go alone and tell him that I was feeling bad as I came closer he was not alone but with Lilly (my bully) he kissed her. My heart broke when I saw that. I was feeling very bad and it was harder to breath. Everything was suddenly away and became black. That I could die here with this sight, now I know that he did not love me. I heard an ambulance in the distance and a laugh that got louder until I could just hear the laugh.


I woke up and saw only fog a voice spoke to me, "You should be an angel and give people hope!" 'Wait what I'm in heaven! Thank you! ' The fog disappeared and I saw a big city where all houses were made of clouds. I turned around and saw a house and wanted to ask the angels who live there where I can find an apartment but when I got there the sign said "Ruby Graydom". I put my hands in the pockets of a pretty white dress that looked like a wedding dress. In the pocket was a key. I went to the front door and placed the key in. He fit. The door opened and I stepped in. Everything was so nicely decorated. I heard a bark and suddenly a super sweet dog jumped on me. I said, "Fyrke I missed you so much!" (Fyrke is my sweet Haski who died a few years ago).

(1 hour later) When I looked around in the house I went to a walk with my dog. I walked down the street and then I heard a noise, a man spoke into a microphone and said, "Attention! The prince is passing make room for him now!". I quickly ran to the sidewalk. Then a big carriage came. The carriage stopped exactly before me and i wanted to run away three soldiers got out of the carriage took me. Then they moved me into the carriage. My head slammed on the floor and fell in unequivocal. When I woke up, I laid on a hard stone floor. I heard a voice that said someone has to get the princes. 'Why am I here? Help I did not do anything! Or did I and if yes what?' Many questions ean my head. I tried to raise my head but I only fainted again.

When I woke up, I laid on something soft. I opened my eyes and looked around. I saw a nice snow-white room. On a chair next to me sat a handsome boy with big white wings that did not look older than 23. "Uhhhh where .... where are I?" : I asked. The boy looked up. "Ahh you are finally awake!" : He said as he looked up. He touched my cheek and a shiver ran down my spinz. "W- Who are you?": I asked. "I'm Prince Luis." : he said, i grasped a real prince sat next to me. "Why am I here? Did i do anything or?": I asked with a quiet voice. "You will be my queen and you will rule heaven with me, because you have a pure soul. Because of that after you were born it was immediately decided that you will become the queen." : he said while he was petting me. "I ... what ... was-": I said confused. Luis leaned against me and kissed me, but I could not move away. It was like that something pushed us together and did not let go. He fini released me after what felt like a eternity. Something in me wanted to be close to him I didn't know exactly what it was. My eyes were heavier and I fell into a deep sleep. I woke up with sweat and with tears in the eyes. One Hand pushed me back on the bed and embraced me. When I looked up to Luis he looked at me and wiped my tears. He kissed me very sleepy and i did not push him away. So I fell asleep in his arms again this time without a dream.


I woke up and wanted to get up Luis embraced me and I could not get back up. I looked at him and saw that a smirk appeared on his lips. He kissed me and sat down afterwards. He raised me up and put me down on his legs, I tried to get out of his grasp but he did not let me go. He began to kiss me and led his hands down to my waist.