
Chapter Six - The Soul Reaper


Info Clerk: "You're not authorized to view this file,"

Scarlet: "But I was there!"

Info Clerk: "Got a problem? Go ask your team's Handler".

Rosalina: "In order to become authorized you must be a higher swordswoman and to do that you must compete in...… The Battle of The Soul Drinker,".


"What?" questioned Scarlet.

"The Soul Drinkers, you know swords that capture people's souls and grant their powers unto the owner?" answered Rosalina.

Scarlet starred at confused.

Rose sighed, "This tournament is where our members compete against each other with their most powerful swords in order to win the... Soul Drinker.

"Okay then, when is tournament? I want to take part in the next one," said Scarlet.

"Listen Scar Scar the competitors are very well-trained swordsmen and women so if you're doing this I need to think carefully," replied Rose.

Infuriated Scarlet replied," Wow you're just like everyone you always underestimate me, I have thought this over, I'm entering this tournament and I'm gonna show you how great I really am so don't get blown away too much, Rosalina".


Scarlet was in the gym honing and practicing her swordsmanship Katana moves including- Kesi Gir, Overhead Cut, Nukitsuke and many more. Whilst doing this, Jack walked by and stopped and marveled at her skill thinking to himself," Wow she is good but could use some work on her Overhead Cut. Hmm maybe I will go and help her out wait! No, she just kissed me last but whatever that should not make things awkward.... Right?

So, he entered and began, "Hey Scarlett great moves,".

"Thanks," she replied.

Jack continued, "But your Overhead cut could use some work,".

Scarlett replied," Okay then how mister smarty pants?"

"Well, you can start by holding the sword with both hands seeing as you'll need as much strength as possible and maybe straighten your left knee a bit more and widen your legs,".

Scarlett got everything right except her hand alignment and strength. Because of that Jack was required to join her in the ring and align his body with hers to show her how to do it right.

As they stood there Scarlet got a glimpse at his enticing hazel brown eyes whilst she felt his cold breath cause her neck hairs rise and his muscular body rubbing against her body, she thought to herself," What am I doing here? He just rejected me yesterday now he is flirting with me through body language!?"

"No not again," she said as she pushed Jack away and swiftly left the gym.

Lianne and Noelle's eyes quickly followed every movement made in the gym through the two – way viewing mirror, a mirror appearing transparent one side and reflective on the other.


While laying on her bed thinking about everything that had happened Scarlet hears a knock on her door, she opens it and there stand Lianne and Noelle.