
Chapter Five - Authorization


Katie knocked on Scarlett's door extremely excited. Scarlett answered annoyed saying,

"what do you want! ☹".

"Well remember when I told you about my crush on Jack?" replied Katie.

Scarlett thought to herself "what I wouldn't have kissed him if I'd known she had a crush on him dammit I've really messed up,".

So, she replied, "Of course why wouldn't I?"

"Well, I confessed last night, and he felt the same way and we kissed!!!!!!!!" shouted Katie.

Scarlett's face had gone blank, but she had to be happy for her bestie. After Katherine left, Scarlett felt so hurt her heart was aching, but she would not deal with that she needed to focus on the task at hand, capturing Nehliah.


"What is your plan Nehliah you said you were going to take them out one by one why haven't you?" question Nehliah's Chief.

She replied saying," Well my plan is being put in motion VERY SOON sir, their Swordswoman will be going out for water and I gave an anonymous tip to a police officer who has been searching for her and her fellow escapee, Katherine, so that when he spots her, he will begin chasing after her. And when he does, she will run right where I want her to, the capture warehouse. How? you ask because I am inside her head, thanks to the gas emitted during the hijack,".

Chief sighed, "Very well but like I've said before this better work,".

"I assure you it will chief, it will," replied Nehliah while letting out a devious laugh.


Scarlet dressed herself, with a black high boot reaching right below her knee, a black pants some of it going under her boots, a black t-shirt and a black coat all to go along with her slightly tanned skin, purple eyes, cherry lips and black-brown hair which stretched all the way to her mid back.

She was on her way to the info desk. Once there, she requested all the information they had about the hijacking, "Oh you must be Agent Scarlett, you are not authorized to view this file but,"

Scarlett said," What I was the-,".

The clerk interrupted saying," Bup, bup, bup as I was saying, you are not authorized if you would like to be speak to your team's Handler, Rosalina, bye – bye now," he finished with an annoying grin of disgust and hurry.

So that is exactly what she did. Rosalina answered unto her saying," Very well if you must be so persistent, in order to get authorization, you must reach a certain as a swordswoman, you take part in the Battle of The Edges,".

Hey, I know you must be dying of cringe but don't worry better chapters are to come, let me know your thoughts in the comments

Potato_Mellycreators' thoughts