
Angel's Destiny: Prophet from Hell

'Who I am? Doesn't matter... Where I am? Doesn't matter... Why I am? I'm here to bring shatter.' The story follows the four main characters, who died in their previous life but have been given a second chance of existence by the heavens. They are incomplete angels, living to fullfill promises they made in their lifetime and which they know nothing about. As incidents involving a terror group called "Hell's Revolution", demons and even Fallen Angels start to happen frequently all around the globe, the Angels will come to the conclusion that they are not only deciding their own destiny...

Sammijome · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 14: Sabathiel

The girl, her pure blonde, long hair almost reaching the lower layer of clouds she was standing on, sighed. The white underneath her shined a more and more darker red, few parts were tattered with black. Tears were flowing out of her blue eyes as she smelled the smoke coming through. She was in pain, but she just stood there in the nothing, didn't move a muscle. Only her mouth opened a bit so a quiet voice could make it out.

"We need you now...Blood of Samael..."


The sun was filling the room where Kenji sat next to Jessica, who was lying in the hospital bed. The girl looked like she had a calm sleep. Even though the doctors said Jessica is gonna be totally fine Kenji didn't let her hand go due to his worries. He kept thinking about what happened on their way to the hospital the day before. Without a voice, his lips moved to say the words "burn". Kenji was shaking a bit. He didn't want to lose Jessica or to let her suffer. He didn't want this to happen to any of his friends.

"~Is it really going to be this intensive? Are we all gonna suffer? But I need to fulfill my promise...and that promise is to protect everyone. I can't let anything bad happen to them. I won't let anything happen to them.~"

The picture of the girl who talked to him and kissed him got back in Kenji's head.

"~What did you mean? But...I feel like I made the right choice.~"

A sigh made it out of the boys mouth and he slowly shook his head. Everything was so confusing. What was Maldiel's goal? What did the illision the day before mean? Who was the mysterious girl and why did she feel so familiar to him? And what happened to Jessica while fighting the demon. Question after question popped up in Kenji's head, however his thoughts got interrupted by his friend. Jessica was mumbling excuses to her brother, who wasn't there now, over and over again.

"A nightmare?"

Another "sorry" was mumbled by the girl and she seemed sad even though she was asleep. Kenji gently held a hand of her and whispered in her ear.

"It's alright, everything is fine, Jessica."

As she started to say something once more, the boy just repeated his words and Jessica calmed down again. Kenji looked up to the TV, didn't let go Jessica's hand. A bold font informed the viewer of another breaking news. Perhaps it was another terrorist attack, but what the reporter said then, was way worse than that.

"Just one day after heavy clashes with the militant terror group "Hell's rebellion" began, the United Middle Eastern Federation seems to have fallen into complete chaos. Smoke is covering all of the territory belonging to the Federation. Due to the sudden escalation there are no further information about civilian casualties or government employees. No plane, neither passenger or warplane is able to to fly over the federation territory such as we aren't able to see any satellite pictures to find the source of this massive smoke. Several infantry troops by the countries of Libya and Sudan that moved into the border of the Egyptian state didn't build up any contact by now. World leaders are planning an emergency meeting with high security measures since attacks by "Hell's Revolution" terrorists increased greatly in all the world. For now everyone is hoping for the federation government under Abdul Suleiman¹ and their allie, the "Jalb al-Salam² (arabic; Peacebringer) Militia" led by Farid Al-Khaled³, which played a big role in fighting ISIS, al-Qaeda and other big terrorist groups in the region, to take care and end the escalation that probably took dozens of peoples lifes by now."

Kenji was shocked, felt ill. He looked at Jessica. Her condition didn't seem serious but she looked so exhausted. The boy also thought she would have to talk to her big brother about something. He didn't know about what but he wass sure it has something to do with their fight the day before. A sigh made it out of his mouth. A pull on his sleeve woke his attention. Jessica looked at him with tired eyes.

"Jessica, thank god! Are you feeling fine?"

The girl smiled and amused nod her head.

"Such a worryhead. I am absolutely fine, Kenji."

With a more quiet voice she continued and looked at her hand which was still held by Kenji.

"How couldn't I be fine like that.."

The boy didn't understand her words and she just shook her head. Then her expression changed to something more serious.

"Can you get me my brother, please? I have to talk to him."

Kenji nod his head, let go of her hand and stood up to walk out of the room. At the door he looked over his shoulder with a happy smile.

"I am glad you are fine."

With those words he left the room and started to look for Jason. Deep in his thoughts he bumped into someone. As he looked up he recognized the face and smiled. In front of him was the boy with brown hair who helped rescue the civillians at the fight.

"I guess you made your decision?"

With a satisfied and thankful expression, the boy answered Kenji.

"Yes, I did. And I think it's a good choice."

Kenji amusedly nodded his head. While going on again.

"Oh yes, it is, I'm sure."

The boy went into the cantina, looked out for Jason when his view fell on the unmistakable blonde, smooth hair of Hikari. Next to her he saw the boy he was looking for. Jessica's brother stood up immediately.

"She's awake!?"

Kenji nodded his head as an answer, when Jason opened his mouth again.

"Oh and about the news-"

He got interrupted by his friend who shook his head.

"We can talk about this later. Your sister wants to talk to you now."

Nodding his head, Jason accepted his words and left to go go and see his sister. With a sigh Kenji sat down next to Hikari now.

"Things could get a bit complicated now. I guess that's what we owe our old life, heh?"

A worried smile was to see on the girl's face, which stared into her empty cup of tea, as she answered.

"I'm a bit worried to be honest, Kenji. Is everyone of us going to be alright?"

Kenji shook his head, denying that anything would happen and stood up.

"Come on. Let's get some tea and talk about this with the others."

Hikari nodded her head and the two of them stood up to get a tablet with 4 cups of tea. On their way, Kenji recognized the worried face of his friend next to him.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine."

Hikaris expression was to read easily.

"How do you know about that?"

The boy himself didn't know either. But he was sure that he was right. He answered with a little smile.

"Just got a feeling it will."

The incomplete Angel wanted to protect his friends for any price without knowing if he would really be able to do so. It was his promise so he had to keep it. But was it really possible to keep such a great promise? Having thought enough he just shook his head and continued. He would find out later, headache won't do any help.

As the two of them reached the room and opened the door, they'd hear Jessica talking to her brother.

"Jason, I killed our parents."

Everyone now looked at her with a confused face. There had to be a misunderstanding. No way Jessica did that. And when would she even have done that? She was with the others all the time. All of these thoughts, yet only a simple word made it out of everyones mouth.


Jason sighed.

"She is just misunderstanding things herself, I guess. C'mon, sit down so she can explain it to you as well."

As Kenji and Hikari did so, Jessica told her story. How she was angry at her parents when the tornado arrived, how she ran outside and how her parents could barely save their children and died themselves.

"It's kinda my fault."

The girl had few tears in her eyes. Kenji shook his head.

"I'm sure nobody ever thought that way. "

He caringly put his hand on her head.

"So don't take on that burden. I am sure even if your parents thought it was a bit of your fault, they'd forgiven you the second they thought so."

Jason added his words to Kenji's.

"He's absolutely right. I know it wasn't your fault. It was that tornado that appeared and ruined my little sister's birthday. If what you did was really evil, you wouldn't be here with us now."

The girl nodded and answered with a quiet voice.

"I know."

The girl's brother and the others were satisfied enough with that answer of hers.

"So. Now that we talked about this."

Kenji stood up and put on a more serious face.

"I guess it's time for our next topic."

Suddenly an unknown voice was to hear from the door.

"Indeed it is."

Standing there, was a man with short brown hair and blue eyes. Calmly he stepped into the room, everybody looking at his burned long coat, as he started to talk again.

"Greetings, angels. I'm here in the name of Archangel Gabriel."

Skeptical, Kenji looked at him and wanted to ask for proof but the visitor already showed them a scrool, signed with Gabriel's fingerprint. The boy looked at the ground being a bit ashamed.

"Please excuse my impoliteness. We didn't have quite the nice experience with higher beings lately."

Gabriel's acquaintice shook his head slowly.

"Don't worry, I am well aknowledged about this. And I guess a look at my outfit and you know why I am here."

The friends nodded their heads and the man continued talking.

"The federation. Lord Gabriel and his team, including me, decided to investigate the terror group together with Jalb al-Salam. The conquest even surprised us but the reason for their sudden uprising is now clear. Maldiel, fallen Angel of Flames. Whatever his mission is, he is there and he is feeding Hell's Revolution with his darkness. Large numbers of his demons attacked our hideout and now I am sure they've captured the Archangel, only leaving me behind to get you."

Kenji was confused. How was Maldiel able to capture one of the greatest warriors of the heavens. Was the evil being this powerful?

His opponent seemed to have recognized the boy's confusion and started to explain.

"The complete battle lasted for 3 days. The Lord has shared his power with our comrades from heavens and earth all this time. He couldn't fight against the Prophets from Hell."

Hikari hastily replied.

"There are more of them!? How are we supposed to fight them!?"

Sighing, the tired man answered.

"I'm not sure either. There are no of our Angels left there. The demons massacred them all. We only have the Militia with us. They are the only ones who trust us. The federation's army is either dead, scared or possessed. They won't be able to trust us. But Gabriel never does things without thinking over them. He's a wise and old Archangel, so I am sure he got a reason to relie on you. Besides..."

The angel put on a little smile and looked into the group.

"I am sure you wanted to go anyways."

That was right. Everyone knew their intention was to help anyways. Everythings that's new was information - even more reason to go there. Jessica jumped up in the bed.

"Yes, we will do i-"

She started to cough. Worried her friends looked at her and Jason put her down again when the visitor approached the girl and casted a bright light on her.

"Huh? I feel so normal again."

Jessica moved her arms and legs one after another.

"It doesn't hurt and it's not even exhausting."

Her "doctor" went to the center of the room and threw the scroll on the ground.

"Thank me later, we have something to do now."

Hikari turned her face in his direction.

"And how are we gonna go there? We can't take a flight. Shall we go through the border?"

The older angel shook his head, denying the suggestion.

"Do you know what my ability is? It's to recognize people who trust and who are trustworthy. No person is gonna let us go through the border. Nobody is gonna believe us we are angels or any kind of higher beings even when they see it. I'll say it again. Our only allie will be Farid Al-Khaled and his militia. But these guys are worth a thousand men, a thousand big hearts and a thousand pure souls.

As to answer your question..."

He looked at the ground and snapped his fingers. A bright purple light released out of the scroll and brightened the room.

"Before we go..."

Kenji spoke up again.

"May I ask what's our new comrade's name?"

"Sabathiel, servant of the heavenly lightning regiment, led by Lord Archangel Gabriel. Pleased to make your acquaintance, young comrades."

He answered with a smile.

"Well then, Sabathiel."

The five Angels stepped into the light to change fate once again.

"Let's do this."

~The bridge of trust…no border can interrupt it…no fire can burn it down…no soul is worth more than a soul you trust and that trusts you…~

To be continued…

¹Abdul Suleiman (arabic: Servant of the Peaceful Man)

²Jalb al-Salam (arabic: peacebringer)

³Farid al-Khaled (arabic: the Unique Eternal)

It was quite some thinking to get to those names, but they are gonna be pretty important in the next few chapters.

Sammijomecreators' thoughts